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Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

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    Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

    I don't know if anybody else has noticed this, but sometimes I'll wake up with withdrawals like sweats, cold chills, rapid heart beat, red eyes, etc. If I lay there for another 2 hours, it seems to continue. BUT, if I just get up and get the blood flowing, most of those symptoms seem to subside. Another example is that I could have glassy eyes, but if I go out into the sunlight for a half-hour, I look better.

    So, just wondering if anybody else has realized these things. And, I think my biggest fear of quitting is that I envision the withdrawals as everything they would be on those mornings, so I will get more liquor first thing, in case I might get those feelings during the day--problem is I end up drinking all day, even if only a little every couple hours.

    For me, the ugly stuff ALL happens the day after. The days after that are relatively easy.

    Question: Might it better to go through the withdrawals DURING the day while active? Or, is the thinking that sleeping through the thick of it smart?

    I don't know why I keep getting into this loop of fear. I've quit a couple times and it was surprisingly easy, but I was determined no matter what. I've been trying to shake the fear of the withdrawals for a couple weeks now, yet what am I afraid of? It's like the discomfort makes me feel so shameful and fatigued, yet it isn't so bad as being totally hungover every morning. I don't get what's going on in my head. I'm smart enough to do this.
    "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono

    Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

    rejuvenator;658754 wrote: : Might it better to go through the withdrawals DURING the day while active? Or, is the thinking that sleeping through the thick of it smart?
    Hi Rejuv, I think the withdrawal symptoms occur in different ways and times for everyone, but drinking more liquor to help them subside doesn't sound like it's working for you. I've heard of other people using beer to taper. Maybe someone can share their experience with that? As for whether it's better to go thru withdrawal at night or during the day, my experience was that the symptoms were round-the-clock for a few days at first so it really didn't matter when I started. But it's SO worth it to set your resolve, drink lots of water, stay busy, and get through it! It's only a few days, and then you start to feel amazingly better! Good luck!!
    "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


      Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

      I used beer to taper off a quart-a-day, morning to night (hard liquor) habit. I went through withdrawals at all hours ... But the more active I was (ie., power-walks around the block, mad house cleaning, etc.), the better I felt (or the better I dealt with it). Maybe the "during the day" thing coincides with "being more active" ... as opposed to just lying there and focussing on the hell of the withdrawals.

      Interesting subject!
      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


        Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

        Interesting avatar!
        "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


          Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

          Mine? ... I tried to turn the spider into Robin, but it doesn't have the same impact as a small avatar as it did on my full screen ..

          (Hmmm, you think I have too much time on my hands? LOL.)
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

            :H:H:H Too much time on your legs, is more like it. Sorry, Rejuv, we're getting off track, but just LOOK at Cat's avatar! Maybe you can replace your fear of withdrawal with the fear of cross-dressing spiders?

            Seriously, I wonder if the beer seems to work because there's a lot of water in it, it usually has a lower AL content, and it doesn't dehydrate you as badly as liquor does. Plus, if you don't particularly like the taste (bonus) you're not as inclined to snarf down a large amount. Either way, the "keep moving" advice is solid!
            "If you fell down yesterday, get up today." -- H.G. Wells


              Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

              Beer would be great, but the prob with that is that it is so obvious! The smell, the shear volumes of cans and bottles. That's kind of why I turned to the potent nasty stuff, because it's not clear to others exactly how bad I've gotten. My wife hates my drinking and if I got a 12 pack now-she'd probably leave today.

              The problem with that is that the liquor gave me an avenue to be worse than ever. If I was strictly a beer drinker, I don't think I'd even be having any worries or withdrawals. It takes me a HUGE amount of beer to feel THAT bad afterward. The vodka is the monster.

              I really want to be sober, and there have been times where I stayed busy and I certainly felt better. On top of that, if i'm running around doing stuff, nobody has the chance to really check me out if i'm feeling fidgety and sweaty/hot. It's a lot different when you look all retarded, sitting on the couch doing nothing.

              I think this really is a good topic because i think it is true. When you've got that adrenaline going, the endorphines replacing the alcohol molecules on your receptors, the sweat expelling the toxins, the water intake that follows exertion, I think it shortens the yucky stage after drinking to much.

              I just need to get off my lazy butt. I'm not much of an exerciser so it is certainly a tall request. It always feels good though once I've started.
              "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

                Also, I just learned that the glassy eye situation may-in part-be due to people blinking less when they are tossed. So blink blink blink when you are drunk. Maybe that sun makes me blink more?

                Also, there is the situation of alcohol-induced hypoglycemia. Low blood sugar can makes your eyes like that. Fruit fruit fruit.
                "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                  Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?


                  Just be careful - I am not sure how much you drink but quitting a hard liquor habit without tapering off or medical intervention can be extrememly dangerous.

                  Take care of you.
                  Every day is a day to start over and remember that I am powerless over my addiction. I will no longer give the BEAST any power over me - he can go straight to hell.


                    Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

                    I found that going through withdrawal while sleeping was the worst for me. The off and on sleep, the sweats, the anxiety - honestly felt like I was on the brink of death while trying to sleep after a bender. I had severe anxiety attacks in the middle of the night.... I don't miss it at all.

                    During the day I would pound the water, eat good food (or try to), and shake off the incoming anxiety attacks. However, I can't drive for about 2 days. I would have anxiety attacks while driving and would feel like I was about to pass out. Also, I would have that shame and 'doom and gloom' feeling.

                    Actually, come to think about it, I don't know what was worse for me. Both day and night withdrawal were horrible.

                    I pray to the Heavens above I will NEVER experience any of that ever again.

                    Good luck and be careful!!


                      Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

                      If you are as bad an alkie as I am, cold-turkey withdrawal was hell, and I usually spent at least a full day or two in bed (getting up to pee was a major ordeal). I used sleeping pills and benzos, so it wasn't so easy to stay awake. I also had all that anxiety as Accountable mentions, making me all the more miserable. I never thought about the idea of just staying awake and "running off" the withdrawal symptoms. Sounds like a good idea, although I hope I never have to try it out.

                      As for the beer idea, I think it makes great sense. The best way to get off alcohol is to do it gradually. Problem is, if you are a truly bad case, like myself, it is impossible to stop once you take a drink. So drinking beer instead of the hard stuff would still give you some of the feeling of the satisfaction that you want/need, but you would get full from it before you could drink so much in volume. The tapering off route is so much safer (if only achievable).
                      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                        Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

                        when I hear about other people's experiences, it frightens me. I have so much compassion for people that go through such difficulties. There was one point in my life where I was in major drunken trouble and it seemed more like what a lot of people talk about. Maybe it's the Irish in me?

                        Why am I so afraid? Just this morning I found a note with my wife telling me to leave. I don't think she's super serious, but I'm screwing up big time. I bought a litre yesterday with the intent of only fending of withdrawals. I ended up drinking most of it. I did all right until late at night and I started pounding it. I hate my self for becoming so much like this. All it would take is to do something else. I feel like a compulsive maniac.

                        Good news, I haven't had a cigarette in almost a day. Now THAT was a worse habit.
                        "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                          Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

                          So, beatle, how did you wean yourself off of it? i feel like I need to make a schedule or something, otherwise it just doesnt work. Part of it is that I don't have a job right now, so the thought pops into my mind more often.
                          "With forward movement, you are bound to encounter turbulence." - I dono


                            Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

                            For those of you who have successfully endured a painful WD, were muscle cramps/pain a problem? Curious as the anxiety, shakes and muscle pain are my main issues (heading soon into day 3 AF for first time in over 10 years). Nothing extreme or dangerous, just a pain...literally.
                            AF since July 8, 2009...


                              Withdrawals worse asleep or awake?

                              Rejuve, can you get some detox meds from your doctor on an outpatient basis? it's worth a shot and will make detox not only more comfortable, but safer.

                              National, yes, muscle cramps and all kinds of weird pains and aches. it's a par for the course I'm afraid. Muscle cramps during detox can be relieved somewhat by taking magnesium supplements (about 200mg 2X per day) and keeping hydrated.
                              nosce te ipsum
                              (Know Thyself)

