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Happy Anniversary Starting Over
Happy Anniversary Starting Over
What a fantastic achievement Starts.
With all the other pressures that life's put on you, you've managed to turn things around and helped a lot of other people along the way. I know that when I was down, you always had something positive and wise, and sometimes just plain funny to help me out.
Congratulations and thank you,
Thanks for being you.
Happy Anniversary Starting Over
One Whole Year A/F, Wow many congratulations to you girl, you have come so far
You have always been here for me and your support and advise has helped me big time on the start of my journey, you always manage to put a smile on my face everytime I get a bit low, and your sense of humour is outstanding... just like you.
You are one hell of a women Starts and I would just like to say a very big THANKYOU to you
Keep up the good work are truly a great friend.
Love ronnie xx:dancin:enguin:
starting over
Happy Anniversary Starting Over
Squirrellybutt, Look at all you put behind you and still had time for everyone else. Then you turned the job position elimination into "I think I have an idea" and brought it to reality. You are an amazing person and have my undying admiration. I never imagined I'd have a squirrel for a friend, but I'm so glad I do. :h
I expect you'll be wearing the red cape and special pants tomorrow?sigpic
Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT