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Happy Anniversary Starting Over

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    Happy Anniversary Starting Over

    One Year. Truly something to cherish and hold on to.

    Be proud, not many make it that far.

    The first year is a BITCH! as they say, never made it. 'almost' !
    An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


      Happy Anniversary Starting Over

      What a wonderful start to my day!!!
      This has made me very emotional. but in such a good way.
      Thank you all so very much.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Happy Anniversary Starting Over

        Yay - I'm not the only one who started a thread instead of sticking to the Army Thread - now I can say congrats AGAIN!!!!

        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Happy Anniversary Starting Over

          wow a whole year starty :applaud: to you :yougo: girl well done!
          Formerly known as Teardrop:l
          sober dry since 11th Jan '2010' relapse/slip on 23/7/13 working in progress ! Sober date 25/7/13 ( True learning has often followed an eclipse, a time of darkness, but with each cycle of my recovery, the light grows stronger and my vision is clearer. (AA)
          my desire to avoid hitting bottom again was more powerful then my desire to drink !


            Happy Anniversary Starting Over

            :applaud::applaud::applaud:You did it !!!
            I always knew you could a determined/stubborn/feisty squirrel like you fail ??? Failure ??? Never could happen never will happen !!!
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Happy Anniversary Starting Over

              You are a LEGEND, Starter's!.............G,xxx

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                Hiya Starty, when I arrived here sick to my bones and in a very dark place, your hand was one of the first that was held out to me and you have been the constantly by my side when ever I needed you ever since.
                How can I begin to thank you for helping me get my life back, I cant.
                Now whenever I go to try to offer support to another invariably I see you are on the same post offering to help.
                So enjoy your day today because you are a shinning light and MWO would be a lot duller place without you. I am proud to call you friend squirrel features.
                Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                  Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                  Flipping brilliant Starting. A year of sobriety inspires us all x

                  Current attitude towards addiction: Why ask why? Just accept that it is, and go from there ...


                    Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                    roud: well done starts.. Thats fantastic and very inspirational huge hugz xxx
                    ~I hope I didn't brain my damage~:crazymonkey:


                      Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                      Many many congratulations Starts.
                      Your sobriety, determination, willingness to help others and honesty are a huge part of the reason I sit here today sober and happy. I am so pleased for you. You deserve all the happiness in the world, and you are someone I will never forget when thinking and talking about my journey to sobriety.
                      You are a true credit to the MWO programme and forum, and have shown that with a true desire to stop drinking, it can be done. Life throws alot at us, but through it all, you have shown such strengh in keeping sober. May there be many many more years of happiness for you and your family. x
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                        This is from a VERY special friend to my ....Startsy !!!

                        " My dear Starts this is a special occasion for you!!!! When i was here you cared about me more than I cared about myself!!!!! You never stopped...... you are such a wonderful soul sometimes I think jesus came back as a nut lovin squirrle and started his return on a site for lost souls that have a drinking problem for me you are my second comming Starts I will love you forever for the hand of kindness you extended to me
                        love you starty take care Captnjack
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                          ah , that was lovely of Capt....Capt, my man, I love ya!


                            Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                            Capt. LOVES AL of you guys to tooooooooooo !!!!!
                            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                              Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                              I am totally choked...seriously....
                              What a very special day this is....
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                                Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                                Well done Starty!

                                Thanks for taking an interest in and caring about so many of us in MWO World. xxx

                                Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


