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Happy Anniversary Starting Over

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    Happy Anniversary Starting Over

    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


      Happy Anniversary Starting Over

      Congratulations! You have made many wonderful contributions here and become a role model. And still full of compassion for others who struggle.


        Happy Anniversary Starting Over

        Congratulations Starts!!! What a wonderful achievement. You were one of the first to offer a welcome to me, and you always have such kind words and encouragement. I am so proud of you. :l


          Happy Anniversary Starting Over

          Congratulatons Starty. You are a rock star!!!!!!!
          Sometimes what you're most afraid of doing is the very thing that will set you free.


            Happy Anniversary Starting Over

            startingover;659580 wrote: I am totally choked...seriously....
            What a very special day this is....
            why , did you swallow a big nut??

            har de har de har!:H


              Happy Anniversary Starting Over

              Hi Starting-
              You are such a supportive, insightful, positive presence here- I believe you have helped many. Congratulations on your special day and what a huge achievement!
              Good Job!!!


                Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                Startingover I've often said you are the rock this place is built on. Thank you for always being such a good and non-judgemental support person to everyone who walks through the MWO portal. Congratulations on your hard won achievement. xo Beth
                vegan zombies want your grains


                  Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                  A year - well done! You are an amazing friend to all at MWO - always calm, kind and helpful. How do you do it? Are you Mother Theresa in disguise? And you are just as nice in person as you are in cyberspace - you just need to work on the snoring and the talking in your sleep!
                  Thank you so much for all the support and friendship you have given me in the last year. I am so glad to have had you as my friend and to have shared the journey with you. Its been a blast!


                    Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                    To startingover

                    You are an inspiration to me and an awful lot of others, plus you are a wonderful person.
                    Kiss for your hand X

                    It's nice to be important, however it's more important to be nice


                      Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                      This has been such a special day for me.
                      Made even more special by all your support and enthusiasm in celebrating with me.
                      I have said this many times before, but this place is magical and I am so glad that I stumbled across it and all of you a year ago today.
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                        Starty, what can I say - Congrats and wishing you many more years of addiction free living. You are a swell lady who has been a great role model for me and so supportive to everyone always ready to listen and help, you rock!:goodjob:


                          Happy Anniversary Starting Over

                          a big squirely hug for you starty
                          well done:wd:
                          life is simple its just not easy

