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Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

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    Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

    Oink ...Oink ...!!!
    Well it's really nothing to JOKE about, at least NOT when you have it !!!
    I wondered what ALL the fuss was about ??? NOW I KNOW !!!
    This is a PIG flu and humans have no immune Resistance toward it !!!
    When you come in contact with this virus it is free to wreck havoc thru out your body and is easy to pass on to another.
    I thought it was mostly in children and old people ?....well maybe that's where we got it ?
    We had gone to a Dentist office that was filled with kids and 3 days later started to get cold/flu symptoms. We left on holiday and when we returned the first thing we saw was headline news about (2 swine flu) deaths and that they had closed the schools in the town were we had gone to the Dentist.
    We tested positive and are still under quarantine. We will be retested but not until after all symptoms are gone.
    This has been a had thing to deal with !!! Not only are we physically as sick as we have ever been but the emotional aspects of it are awful as well !!!
    Thank GOD we were careful about coming TOO close to others as we traveled on holiday.
    Even so the possibility exists we could have passed it on and we had to call people and let them know.
    The fact that we have had to close our businesses (who can afford that?) for weeks is another major blow.
    Then add to this the weeks of isolation from any contact with the outside world and the continued delay of my dental surgery (pain pain pain) .... this is a "Flu" to be reckoned with !!! :upset::upset::upset:
    Better to be aware of this and not take it so lightly I did !!!
    Sooo..I thought that it would be of interest to some of you ???
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

    No retesting for today Opal ........we are still sick.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

      Evie, I am soo sorry you are still feeling rotten, it does seem so much worse than ordinary flu.
      Prayers are with you right now.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

        Hey, Evie - thinking of you!
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

          That post is typical of you Evie, thinking of others when you guys are in such a bad place.
          Oh Evie honey I hope this thing passes soon and you can get on with your lives. Your lack of finally being able to get the much needed dental surgery must be driving you up the walls. All I can say is we are here for you to offer whatever we can in the way of support and assistance.
          Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


            Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

            My daughters mums partner may have it too. He was tested earlier in the week, and finds out today. If he has it then there is a good chance my daughter has it too. Hopefully it won't be too bad if she does.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

              My heart goes out to them CY !!!
              It's a nasty say the least and the doctors have said it may take up to 3 months to get our strength back ???
              My prayers are with them !!!
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

                And also with you evie. X
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

                  Oh thats a terrible worry Cymru, I really hope the test results come back negative.
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

                    Evie, poor you so much crap going on for you. Wish there was something we ccould do or say to make things better for you both. Hope symptoms dissapear real soon. :l


                      Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

                      It's not your fault that you you mingled with people on holiday Evie. You caught it from someone, and someone may have caught it from you. It's the way of these things. I hear that there may be a worse outbreak in the autumn where it will re-emerge causing greater problems. Having had it before, you'll be immune, or that's my understanding.


                        Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

                        Pooe Us indeed !!!......even the doctor treats us like lepers ???
                        She just said she will see us over her lunch hour (I guess I understand).
                        Not exactly a pleasant place to HANG out .....and if you WANT to get sick.......I can hardly think of a better place to go ???
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!


                          That sucks! I wish you and yours a speedy recovery.


                            Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

                            Ohhhh Evie.. I had no idea... I'm just trying to catch up on the ongoings here everywhere!

                            I'm so sorry... how are you feeling now, hun? Any improvement? Can we send you some chicken soup? (What the heck is that all about, anyways?)
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013


                              Swine FLU Boo Hoo ...Oink Oink !!!

                              Dear Evie
                              Any kind of flu sucks, and swine one real...sucker! Hope you all feel better sooner rather than later, and don't feel guilty about passing it on, it is just what happens when we live in a world that has other people!
                              Positive thoughts to you and yours

