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Best e-books for AF life

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    Best e-books for AF life

    Please, dear members, tell me the name of e-books that you have found particularly helpful in your journey of getting free from alcohol addiction. Today is day 2 for me after 20 yrs of alcohol abuse and I decided for the first time in my life to stop drinking. Thank you.

    Best e-books for AF life

    Thank you for the list; I know some of them, but not all - just put some of your recommendations on hold at the library.
    Keyners, if you are a reader, which you probably are, this has been the best way for me to learn about my condition as well. I've read and read, and then just quit.
    This forum offeres a great deal of practical, every day advice and it is God sent to me.
    Good luck
    "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
    Ralph Waldo Emerson


      Best e-books for AF life

      Even if you are not interested in Baclofen (a medication many on this site are using), the book "The End of My Addiction" is a very relevant book. This book is discussed on many other threads, so I won't go into it. In fact, I have only read about half the book so far, but for me, the descriptions of what it is like to be an alcoholic rang so true ("that's me!") and reading about his struggle, while depressing, is also uplifting in a way, because it shows that others, even renowned cardiologists, can get this disease. And it also shows how pathetic the current treatments are. It's also a good read... much like a novel.
      Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

      Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


        Best e-books for AF life

        Thank you all so much for your advices, I will get them now. Regards.


          Best e-books for AF life

          Lucky Man by Michael J. Fox is also good. Most of the book is about his Parkinson's disease, but he does address his alcohol problem. There is a thread about it here, also under the What We're Reading forum.

