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MWO members in job seeking mode

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    MWO members in job seeking mode

    Given the shape of global economy and content of some posts, I am aware that some of us are not only dealing with AL, but also with unelmployment issues.
    Let's start a motivating thread to keep each other in check and help with the emotions surrunding both demons.
    I spent the whole last week on MWO and did not send out a single resume! It sure kept me away from the wine, but also away from landing a job.
    Anybody care to join?
    "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

    MWO members in job seeking mode

    Good idea.
    I found myself getting lost here when I should have been doing other things.
    I was nipping onto jobsearch websites in between posts though. It took me seven months to find something. In that time, I was averaging 3/4 applications a week and I got back two replies, both negative, but they were kind enough to let me know.
    It's very hard these days and there is so much competition for every job, and despite what some people may think, we're not all trying to milk the system. I applied for my current job on the Wednesday afternoon and was working Thursday morning, so the situation can change very quickly.
    Good luck to all of us who need it.


      MWO members in job seeking mode

      I lost my job this year too, I havent worked since January. I have taken this time too get myself straight, and give myself a chance to discover what path I really would like to take.
      At the moment I am waiting on a start date to work as a volunteer at an addiction agency. I am hoping I can retrain and carve myself a career in this field.
      I am thinking that my job loss is a blessing in disguise, at least I hope so.
      Great going Sheri and Pops and my fingers are crossed for you to find your dream job soon NM
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        MWO members in job seeking mode

        Thanks Sheri
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          MWO members in job seeking mode

          Start, congratulations on finding your direction, I am sure there are plenty of people who can use your help.
          Sheri, I am sort of in the same place! I used to say, I will quit drinking when my situation stabilizes, then I realized, it will NEVER stabilize if I keep drinking! So, sorting yourself out first is a good idea.
          I did go to a few interviews and had enough sense not to drink the night before, but I was still anxious and not on my best. In this job market, it kills your chances.
          Thanks both of you for replying to my post
          "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
          Ralph Waldo Emerson


            MWO members in job seeking mode

            I stopped working as a massage therapist due to a herniated disk. I was seeing a doctor for a year and a half. All the shots and test (painful) did not help. I am on the sofa in pain because my back is in spasms now. Another thing is that I didn't want to go back to massage because it''s so hard on my body. I am getting older and don't know what to do. I think about going back to school, but for what I'm not sure. I too was hoping that the time off would help me recover, but it leaves to much free time to get into trouble!


              MWO members in job seeking mode

              New Me....this is an EXCELLENT idea. I will visit here again. I am out of work right now as an IT contractor. I have also had a resume business. I will check in again & see if I can help out.

              Also who knows the networking in a particular state may work.


                MWO members in job seeking mode

                Hi NM.
                I was fortunate to get myself work 18 mths. ago, with the express purpose of helping to fill in the days, to get sober. After a couple of months, i went for it, and just had to get through the evenings, and string the days together. The plan worked, eventually. This job was a 'bottom of the ladder' one, really. However, NOW, is a different scenario. I'm still working old job, but on weekends, i now work as a community mental health worker, and am also half way through a Graduate certificate in social, (i'm a muso) i have 3 bands on the go. This all came about because i am sober, and i got the mental health job, i reckon, cause i had that af spring in my step, boundless enthusiasm, and a positive persona and outlook. People can see this, and employers notice it. If i was still drinking, i wouldn't have looked confident, or felt it, to achieve this stuff. So, yep....For me, we really need to be off the grog, and looking, and feeling confident and enthusiastic because of it. Then, the world opens up for us. I know this to be true.
                Very best wishes to everyone, and we really must stop drinking, to see change for ourselves............G.

                'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                  MWO members in job seeking mode


                  Thanks for your comments and you are right on the money. I have gone to networking events and conferences hangover and coud not even keep an eye contact with people. It is like you have a dark cloud over your head, and yes, people do notice the difference.
                  I am on day seven, feeling like a million dollars! Mind you, I have done a lot of work on myself for the last few months and it is paying off handsomely. I do not believe in moderation for me - I just simply do not want to drink and wake up with a hang over. And - I definetley want all my wits with me!
                  I hope I am not too cocky...
                  Many congratulations on you success, I am sure this is just a beginning for you. Funny how things start happening when you are present.
                  Drop in, if you have any more suggestion for us. And thanks again for stopping by. My sinature means exactly what you said!
                  "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                  Ralph Waldo Emerson


                    MWO members in job seeking mode

                    chrysa;662792 wrote: New Me....this is an EXCELLENT idea. I will visit here again. I am out of work right now as an IT contractor. I have also had a resume business. I will check in again & see if I can help out.

                    Also who knows the networking in a particular state may work.
                    Excellent! Let me see if I have any contacts in Milky Way. Hmmm. I know some people who reside there mentally!
                    Let's do PM, OK? So far it is just you and me.
                    Thanks for your reply.
                    "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                    Ralph Waldo Emerson


                      MWO members in job seeking mode

                      Guitarista;662881 wrote: Hi NM.
                      I was fortunate to get myself work 18 mths. ago, with the express purpose of helping to fill in the days, to get sober. After a couple of months, i went for it, and just had to get through the evenings, and string the days together. The plan worked, eventually. This job was a 'bottom of the ladder' one, really. However, NOW, is a different scenario. I'm still working old job, but on weekends, i now work as a community mental health worker, and am also half way through a Graduate certificate in social, (i'm a muso) i have 3 bands on the go. This all came about because i am sober, and i got the mental health job, i reckon, cause i had that af spring in my step, boundless enthusiasm, and a positive persona and outlook. People can see this, and employers notice it. If i was still drinking, i wouldn't have looked confident, or felt it, to achieve this stuff. So, yep....For me, we really need to be off the grog, and looking, and feeling confident and enthusiastic because of it. Then, the world opens up for us. I know this to be true.
                      Very best wishes to everyone, and we really must stop drinking, to see change for ourselves............G.
                      This is truly amazing...the benefits of AF and a great attitude. Well done Mr G!!!
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        MWO members in job seeking mode

                        My turn!

                        I'm working, plus applying for another part-time job! Not the best money, yet i am staying active, around people and sweating my butt off. Ain't much out there to choose from. Feel so much more confident employed.

                        An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                          MWO members in job seeking mode

                          I lost my job in january along with everything else,I now live a completely different life,We often hear the phrase when one door shuts another opens,it means everything has a beginning & an end,When our travels on one path are completed,another path lies ahead,its not easy to feel a door close,relationships,friendships,careers and lives end,Although we may not understand why a door closes,by the same token we may not understand why certain doors open,revealing opportunities we may have longed for,the doors that opened & closed today helped prepare us for our experiences tonight,the doors that open & close tonight will help us grow toward tomorrow,we are not mice in a maze,randomly pursuing paths for a reward of cheesewe ourselves along with the help of other people like us, will guide us towards our chosen goal through many doors that we open & close along the way

                          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                            MWO members in job seeking mode

                            I had been looking for a fulltime job over the past 7 months! I never, ever, ever, had a hard time getting a job, ever in the past!

                            It is tough out there right now, and I completely understand the stress associated with a job search. Although, I was still working but my hours were cut right down that it wouldn't even pay the mortgage. The company I was working for is still working well under capacity, so I am thankful I started my search months ago!

                            Keep on trying you guys. Get up in the morning and fire off those resumes! I treated it like a job and conducted each day as if I were going to work. I took Friday-Sunday's off because you need to just wash your hands of it a couple days a week to keep your sanity.

                            I am blessed I landed an awesome job last week. I think the wait was well worth it!!

                            Good luck everyone!


                              MWO members in job seeking mode

                              I think AFM has good advice - treat the job search as a job. Put at least a few hours in 5 days a week.

                              The BEST job search book in the world is -- What Color is Your Parachute, by Richard Bolles. A new edition comes out every year or so to keep up latest stuff. It is work if youtake it serious & go through the exercises, but it is invauable for ones future, both short term & long term.

                              I hope this thread can remain focused on the job situation, infor & support, rather than "drinking while not working". We have a million Al support threads.

                              I suppose I will get grief for that. lol. If I do, well, toodles.

