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Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

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    Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress



      Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

      anyways, wip, what I was thinking about, maybe not articulating well, is that we have maybe a point of decision - like we can make a very profound decision, and that can bring about huge change.
      I read a book about a woman who had been in a mental institution all her life, and decided she wanted to be sane, and all on her own, started moving toward sanity. The observer in her saw herself, and made that decision.
      my kids are calling for me - that's what I mean, we do have lots of power, I think.
      I am making some rather big decisions in my life, and that means I have to think of myself in a new way - that I AM capable of doing what I want to do, despite messages that have been given to me since birth.
      okay, gotta run!!!


        Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

        Lila, I think I know what you mean. Most of the time we spend our lives drifting along on auto-pilot, but there are times when we wake up a bit and realize that we can change everything if we stand up and take the wheel, and perhaps go in an entirely different direction. Those "wake up a bit and realize" moments are so important, and elusive, and they can be easily set aside. The key, I think, is to cultivate and nurture them, and to very actively move in the direction that will give our lives the most meaning... I have to remind myself sometimes to ask myself the question: "Hey, who's in charge, here?" In other words, who sets the course that determines the direction of my life? I think that I have to assume, and act as if, I am the one who is "in charge." Otherwise I am just sitting back and waiting for things to "happen to" me.


          Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress


          Hi WIP, i have loved reading your posts since i "arrived" here. you give me inspiration that Will Power is so powerful...i hope so...


            Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

            lostagain, it's great to hear that you feel inspired. When you say "i hope so..." it does sound a bit tentative, though, doesn't it? My own hope, for you, would be that you become strongly determined to set up a realistic plan to get the alcohol out of your life, to change everything in your life that tends to bring you back to drinking, and to build a new life that does not include alcohol. That takes strength, and, yes, "will power," and for most people it requires a lot of support from others who are on similar paths. And, did I mention, a good plan? OK, yes, it's something I have always talked a lot about!

            You CAN do this if you want to, and if you stay vigilant (especially about your thinking!). As many here have pointed out, "will power" alone (as in, for example, sitting at home with alcohol in the cabinet, gritting one's teeth, and engaging in a mental debate about "will I or won't I") is not going to be enough ... that kind of scenario will always end unhappily! I've been there many, many times and I have always lost that "mental debate."

            Do you participate in the AF Daily thread? That's a great place to get excellent support, companionship, and ideas.

            Best wishes to you.


              Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

              OK, everyone, good-bye and my best wishes to you. MWO has some fantastic people, and has been tremendously helpful to many. I found it helpful in my own sobriety work, for quite a while. And I found some lovely people here, and made many online friendships. I'm grateful for all that.

              For the reasons I stated in my message, opening this thread, I just wanted to pop in and say hello. I think this thread, and this visit, have just about run their course, and so I'll be off. It was great to hear back from so many of you!


                Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

                A Work in Progress, thanks so much for your return and for this thread! You are truly an inspiration and I love what you said about personal responsibility and treating this problem as if it's like a career, marriage, etc - IOW, hard work. This makes me think. To stop drinking and stay stopped is a very hard thing. We all know that a career and marriage is hard work, yet sometimes I think we don't think we need to make a plan, chart out the course, and just stick to it.

                I hope you check in more often, as I'm a newbie here and enjoyed what you said.
                ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                  Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

                  anyone need a neck brace?

                  so who got wip lashed this time???? :H:H:H


                    Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

                    Some things never change.


                      Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

                      limers;664776 wrote: so who got wip lashed this time???? :H:H:H
                      Limers, I love you ! You totally crack me up!
                      :l Mar


                        Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

                        Checking in to say hello to WIP and thanks to all for thought provoking reading.
                        didn't see anything negative at all here Limers (besides yours)- just a lot of intelligent, respectful people having a discussion.


                          Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

                          WIP Thanks tons for the update. I'm also doing much better. Got my control after all. And I've come to agree with you on the effectiveness of supplements. Thanks for your help getting me started last August.


                            Progress Report (and Hello) from A Work In Progress

                            I'm sorry I missed you, WIP. Maybe you'll take a peek sometime. I'm happy to hear that everything is going so well for you and that you are coming up on one year. That is a wonderful achievement, and I just know you will have many more anniversaries! :l
                            AF as of August 5th, 2012

