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Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

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    Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

    Ok. I will do as you tell me, ie find new hobbies until they become habituals things I do. Reading, walking, studying and playing music. Hopefully I won't become one of those boring sober person that I made fun off all my life! Thanks dear board.


      Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

      Keyners just take it one day at a time, it's too big a change to be looking so far ahead. None of us know what the future holds. When I get up in a morning I say to myself I'm not drinking today, at the end of the day I feel so happy that I haven't had a drink.I'm not thinking about tomorrow, as it never comes.
      Take care.


        Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

        boredom is normal. you'll be using time fighting off urges soon enough.
        that my friend is a full-time chore in itself.
        the excitement begins when you see others smashed calling on you for a ride.
        bombed people, will begin to look sad to you.
        you will find it. Trust me.

        An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


          Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.


          What's the rush?
          Learn to enjoy and be thankful each new sober day as it comes!
          Becoming sober is a process - not an event.
          There is a lot to learn along the way, relax and stay focused.
          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

            Maybe if you can find things that interest you? Things you like to do? Are there little classes you can take in your community that interest you? Do politics get your goat? Here are some things I am doing with the time:
            I am reading lots of books and remembering them! Yeah!
            I am posting a lot here, benefitting from it myself and hopefully making a small contribution to helping others.
            I am practicing the piano more, and making progress.
            I am playing more games with the kids.
            Keep searching and you will find joy again!
            Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
            AF since May 6, 2010


              Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

              i posted almost the same thing about a month into being sober..everything just seemed so boring...i was just so bored... i needed to numb myself and loosen is so hard to go through this process and i know there is a lite at the end of the tunnel somewhere. needless to say i made it for 3 months and the boredom won. but i am completely mad at myself for giving in because i am still just as bored today as i was then, just now have more disappoinment, shame and the "starting over blues" on my plate...
              I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
              sober since 2/4/12


                Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

                I keep reminding myself, that this is what NORMAL people do. They get bored too. They do chores, watch TV, do laundry. Our excitable nature made us expect fireworks every day. I think boredoom is a part of the process. On the other hand, what is so exciting about a hangover?
                "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                Ralph Waldo Emerson


                  Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

                  I have seen most of my life, people around me, who have used alcohol, end up depending on it sooner or later. Of course a new way of life is boring when it comes to giving up a 'habit'.
                  its easy to get hooked, no different than smoking, eating, shopping, scalp picking, etc.
                  we all have bad habits, thus, we miss the fun when we have to STOP.

                  choices.. and then there is help.

                  do i take the pills and talk to someone?

                  we have choices today.

                  An Improved Ripple. :monalisa:


                    Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

          ;664129 wrote: Ok. I will do as you tell me, ie find new hobbies until they become habituals things I do. Reading, walking, studying and playing music. Hopefully I won't become one of those boring sober person that I made fun off all my life! Thanks dear board.
                    You don't know how many times I wished to be that 'boring sober person', and now I am and I'm loving it.


                      Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

                      Nothing boring about having snap

                      Hi there,
                      Well I think there is more than one way to look at it. They used to call hobbies passtimes, because people had nothing other to do than knit to pass the time. I'm not suggesting you take up basket weaving to fill your day - unless you suddenly decide to study reeds and grasses and their composition and features in weaving baskets.

                      What I found was that I was becoming stupid with drinking. I wasn't reading, keeping up on what's going on in the world, forgetting things, not taking care of things. I was missing out on things I loved to do. Now that I'm not drinking, I have time and space for these things.

                      There's nothing boring about being informed. There's nothing boring about being smart. There's nothing boring about thinking about things and having ideas.

                      What's boring is sitting in a chair in a stupor without a coherent thought in one's head, boring other people by saying idiotic things. Personally I would rather have my wit.
                      Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                      AF since May 6, 2010


                        Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

                        Tulipe;664581 wrote: Hi there,
                        Well I think there is more than one way to look at it. They used to call hobbies passtimes, because people had nothing other to do than knit to pass the time. I'm not suggesting you take up basket weaving to fill your day - unless you suddenly decide to study reeds and grasses and their composition and features in weaving baskets.

                        What I found was that I was becoming stupid with drinking. I wasn't reading, keeping up on what's going on in the world, forgetting things, not taking care of things. I was missing out on things I loved to do. Now that I'm not drinking, I have time and space for these things.

                        There's nothing boring about being informed. There's nothing boring about being smart. There's nothing boring about thinking about things and having ideas.

                        What's boring is sitting in a chair in a stupor without a coherent thought in one's head, boring other people by saying idiotic things. Personally I would rather have my wit.
                        Very well put, Tulipe.
                        I have been told that I repeat myself all the time when I drink. How interesting is that?

                        I have another thought - if the Universe works as some gurus say - you get what you put out - what are we putting out when we drink?

                        Doubt, uncertainty, loss of control, guilt, shame.

                        Then we get more of that.

                        If we want love, compassion, carrying, understanding, we have to put it out first. And doing this takes a sober mind and a sober person.
                        "If I lost confidence in myself, I have the Universe against me"
                        Ralph Waldo Emerson


                          Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

                          There are game sites that you can go to play games. I play games mainly on Club pogo. Http:// Joining pogo is free, but if your a club pogo member like I am, you get more games, more mini items, 2x jackpot spins, and badges.
                          I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.

                          Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.

                          Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.


                            Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

                            Hello keyners,

                            Well by reading your responses above, it wouldn't seem that a lack of exercise is an issue!

                            Since going AF myself, I have found that my work throughput has increased exponentially, the spin-off from that is the pressure seems to decrease as deadlines are met and customers are happy with the product.

                            Studying something after hours is a great idea and one that I will certainly put to use....write down what you are interested in and plough away at those items in whatever way you can.

                            Above all read and learn, you will find in no time at all that your mind will have come ALIVE and you will thrive on that feeling. Once the "grey mist" lifts, the sky is the limit.

                            Keep fighting the good fight...


                            'Tis with our judgements as our watches, none go just alike, yet each believes his own - Alexander Pope


                              Bored not drinking, no excitement found yet.

                              Wow, you guys are a bunch of smart fellas! Thanks so much for the words of wisdom that I copy and paste in my journal, read and reread and put to use.

