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I made it through the 1st day with MWO

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    I made it through the 1st day with MWO

    Thanks so much everyone. One day may not seem like a big deal, but it is to me. I keep a bottle of wine on hand in case I wake up and can't breathe, have an anxiety attack, can't stand the thoughts. Well, since all of your kind and nonjudgmental support, I haven't felt the need to crack it. I really do credit this to all of you. I think I might just be able to get through day 2 also.
    ^ My Baby Ruby ^

    I made it through the 1st day with MWO

    So glad you are with us, Change !!!
    One day is a BIG deal and don't make little of it.....OK ???
    Day two is now OFF and running >>>>>>>>> take hands with us and we'll run along together.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      I made it through the 1st day with MWO

      Well done Changed, that could be the first day of the rest of your life. Keep up the good work, you can do this.
      Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


        I made it through the 1st day with MWO

        Thanks! I think it can be done if I am careful and don't take on too much. I am volunteering this a.m. and really don't want to go. Even this feels like too much. I'll just take some deep breaths and take things five minutes at a time today. Whenever I stop drinking, I expect myself to be very productive. For example, I was up at 4:30, washed a load of dishes, washed a load of clothes and it's 6:40. I have to be careful to take things s l o w l y and not put too many demands on myself.
        ^ My Baby Ruby ^


          I made it through the 1st day with MWO


          One day IS a big deal .. It's the biggest deal - because without Day 1 there wouldn't be a Day 2, 3, 30, etc.

          You're doing it!
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            I made it through the 1st day with MWO

            Hi Changed.

            That is a great effort. :goodjob:

            Take care.

            Alcohol Free Since July 1 2009.

            My Sobriety Blog
            (From Then Till Now).


              I made it through the 1st day with MWO

              Thanks all! This day two is really hard! I want to be able to come back here tomorrow morning and say on day three! Reality always seems to set in rather quickly when I stop drinking as I wonder how to build a life, ruminate over failure, etc. Perhaps I should just give myself a break and do nothing but focus on sobriety and health for a month before I think I'm supposed to be back to work, thin (impossible in 3 months), know what I want to do, where to live, have all these friends (or even one where I live - I just stay home).

              I so appreciate you're all here. :thanks:
              ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                I made it through the 1st day with MWO


                Perhaps I should just give myself a break and do nothing but focus on sobriety and health...
                Yes. You should. Don't think too much, don't dwell on things. Just put one foot in front of the other and stay sober for a while.

                Then, when the footsteps get a bit lighter and things seem easier, you will be able to start working on the other things you will need to in order to stay sober.

                Remember, in the long run, we don't just want to be sober, we want to be happy and sober.

                You are doing great!! Hang in there.

                AF April 9, 2016


                  I made it through the 1st day with MWO

                  Cinders;664378 wrote:
                  Remember, in the long run, we don't just want to be sober, we want to be happy and sober.

                  You know, you're right. I just white knuckle it and it's not enjoyable. I am only on day two, so maybe this is normal. I don't know. I've been in this thing for so long that I am so used to trying, failing, trying, failing. I even think my shrink is going to dump me at our next appt. He doesn't understand why I don't just stop drinking. I have a prescription for Campral. I think after a couple of days of not drinking I should be ok to start it.
                  ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                    I made it through the 1st day with MWO

                    Hi Changed,
                    Just want to let you know Im rooting for you let us know how day 2 goes!!

                    your new mwo friend


                      I made it through the 1st day with MWO

                      Thanks Sparrow and all! I am officially on day 3! I went to bed at 9:30 and slept 4 hours and am now waiting for the melatonin to kick in. I can't sleep for more than 4 hours at a time, so here I type.

                      Anyhoo, it's only 2 a.m., but I made it through those first 48 hours so I can say on I am day 3! One more thing...I used to love to get up at this time and drink. I still have that emergency bottle on hand, but I don't even want to drink it.
                      ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                        I made it through the 1st day with MWO

                        Changed, you are doing so very well! I can hear the change in your words!
                        Sleep will improve over time as will everything.
                        Well done!!!
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          I made it through the 1st day with MWO

                          Changed, congratulations on making it for 48 hours. I know in those early days one can be almost counting the minutes.
                          I'm on Campral. My advice is to start taking it NOW. It helped me a lot with the cravings - with no side effects for me - and some people have said it also helps the brain to help from addiction, but I don't really have any scientific info on that.
                          Hang in there.
                          Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                          AF since May 6, 2010


                            I made it through the 1st day with MWO

                            Tulipe;664571 wrote: Changed, congratulations on making it for 48 hours. I know in those early days one can be almost counting the minutes.
                            I'm on Campral. My advice is to start taking it NOW. It helped me a lot with the cravings - with no side effects for me - and some people have said it also helps the brain to help from addiction, but I don't really have any scientific info on that.
                            Hang in there.
                            Thanks for reminding me about the Campral. I probably would have forgotten. I've had it for quite some time, but I'd take it a day, drink, drink, drink.

                            It really hasn't been that hard with the help of all of you! Plus, I look in the mirror and realize that 50 lbs I put on was a result of the drinking and I want it off! When I drink I eat more (which is probably good from a health perspective) but it sure put on the lbs. (which is not good from a health perspective).

                            Thanks everyone. :l
                            ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                              I made it through the 1st day with MWO

                              Hey y'all! I am on day four now. This is my little progress thread and each day I shall come back and add another day (at least for a while). Should keep me on track as it keeps me accountable. First four days are the worst for me. If I make it to six, that will be the most time without a drink since Feb. Thanks for all your support!
                              ^ My Baby Ruby ^

