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    I posted this message on the topa bb but didn't get any response, is this a hush-hush subject or am I invisible?

    Ok, so I've read the book, ordered the supplements and the CD's and am contemplating the topamax. Tried to order it thru a Canadian online pharmacy, they called me to warn me that it can cause a serious side effect called metobolic acidosis or something like that and the a doctor needed to monitor me for that, and they really don't recommend my buying it without a prescription (I think they would've done it, if I would have pushed it, but didn't want to lie any more than I already do) So, before I go and try to buy it under the table, I'm wondering what I should do.
    Well OK, I mean, I KNOW I should go to the doctor, but I like the whole discreetness of this and was hoping I woudn't have to. I also take Welbutrin, Lexapro and Xanax on an as needed basis for anxiety, any experience with Topa and these other meds?

    Any words of wisdom out there?


    Sorry no one answered you. No its not hush hush.
    Yes, I take welbutrin, prozac and topa and no problems. All low dose tho. And I seem to tolerate most meds except for pain meds. Prozac 20 mg and wellbutrin 150 not the long acting. Lexapro is a cleaner SSRI then prozac so maybe thats even better yet. I have been Alcohol free for 85 days now. Hardly any side effects now but I did in the beginning. None that I couldnt deal with. A good side effect is I have lost 25 lbs now but I have consiously tried to diet and excersize, not to mention the loss of calorie intake with not drinking beer. I tirated up slowly to 150 mg. Maybe you may not need the Xanax as I have noticed more calming since I started the topa. I have been very successful with these meds but this wouldnt be everyones story. For me....I wouldnt have stopped drinkin beer without the topa and feel it has been the key for me. Hope I answered everything for you. gabby
    Gabby :flower:



      See the research forum

      BK, if you go to the research forum, I've posted an overview of all of the anti-craving meds, with science and specifics. Perhaps that will help you.



        I can't comment on the meds, as I take other stuff. But I wanted you to know I am here. It can feel like no one is listening sometimes out here, but you will fine it is just that we are all on different time zones and work schedules. It can take a bit to get back sometimes.

        Also, I know about wanting to be discreet, but can you work with the doc you are working with for your anxiety, it will cost you a lot less from your insurance if you can get a script for the topa.

        Humor is just another defense against the universe!



          Yeeaaaa, thanks for responding! I feel much better now that I know someone is at least listening.



            Oh, and thank you all for your words of wisdom and suggestions. You've really helped me out.



              Hi bkrook
              I am in week 5 and on 100mg topa and have taken Effexor for 10 years. Yes I am a very "normal" person! The topa is helping greatly and I feel much better. Dont feel like drinking much and have moderated greatly. Probably a bottle per week? From 4-5 bottles per week and thinking about it all the time. Feeling much calmer and happier.

              It can help, the first side effects are a bit out there though

              Love and Hugs Jools xxxxx
              "The lazy man always works the hardest"
              "Pride always comes before a fall"

