Like they say on the airplane, put the oxygen mask on your own face first so you will be able to help others!
No announcement yet.
Nora's journey
Nora's journey
I am delighted that you made a start on YOU Nora. Great you made a connection with the counsellor - it should help, and a little bit of shopping and ME time sounds just what the doctor ordered! I love the way Prancy puts it there bout the oxygen mask - it is so true. Just another thought Nora - I know you love the kiddies madly, but I think minding someone elses children is absolutely exhausting - sounds dreadful but you sort of have to be 20 times more diligent than with your own kids, I used to mind a little boy and when he was out playing with my lad it was him I was watching most of the time in case he'd fall and go home with a broken leg or a cut face or something. I think a bit of your anxiety may lift when you have more time for yourself.
Thinking of you Nora - and just unburden yourself when you feel the need to - that is the big benefit of this site you can:upset: or:argh: or just chat - whatever!!
MollyContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Nora's journey
Joined Techie's 30 Day Clean & Sober Challenge. Scary.....but I really, really want to do this. I will have a lot of support. This came at a good time."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
I'm glad that I joined Techie's challenge. I had quite a few moments today when I wish that I hadn't made that commitment.But, the truth is that I am happy that I did. I am going to have to be sticking close to here for the next 30 days I realize. I am going to need the support.
The kiddos are really getting antsy. Bickering with each other but loving & cuddling with us. They are so anxious to see Mommy & Daddy. They will spend a couple of days in London before they head home to Italy.
Had some bad news about my friend today. She talked to her regular doctor today and got some more information about the aneurysm. She finally got the bottom line about it. She has had it for over a year at least and it was missed. It showed up on the records and the doctors missed it. It is in such a bad location and the surgery required is going to be so intricate that most cardiac surgeons would not do it. They will just watch it and wait. Her chances are not good. They can't give her a time frame but the aneurysm will continue to grow and without surgery will eventually dissect. It seems like it might be better to just go on with life without the surgery. She is seeing another specialist next week. The best. And she will see what they have to say at that hospital.
I am in shock. I haven't even cried today. Just in shock. I was sure that the doctors were going to make her better. This is my Soul Sister.......we planned on growing old together. Sitting in our rocking chairs on the front porch with our laptops. I just can't believe it.
My heart is breaking..........."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
Oh Nora, I am so sorry. Life can be bloody cruel sometimes. There is nothing I can say - just sending hugs your way and be strong, you probably feel you need support now, just be very sure that alcohol is not that support it will just drag you down and make you feel even lower, thinking of you Nora:l:l
MollyContentedly sober since 27/12/2011
contentedly NF since 8/04/14
Nora's journey
Still keeping up with Techie's challenge. Had a busy evening packing and getting the kids ready. They leave tomorrow. Going to really miss them but it's time for them to go home.
Worried about my friend. Worried about my Mom. Got a lot of things on my mind.....guess that's what happens when you don't numb it with alcohol."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
Hi Nora
good on you... I am like you at the moment, got a lot on my mind with family ill health, changing country, job etc and sometimes within the last 48hrs I have wanted that numb feeling... at the time it is numbing but we both know the next day the problems are the same with the added problem of a hangover!!!
Take Care
Nora's journey
Well.....I am no longer a part of Techie's 30 day challenge. I'm sorry about that. I will continue to read the thread though. It is a very positive thread and I will get a lot out of it.
There is really no excuse. I had my plan in place for yesterday. I knew it was going to be a rough day. But, I need to learn to fight harder and I need to keep the plan with me at all times. I do find that once I mess up, I have a harder time getting back to it. So, I need to really work on this.
We took the kids to the airport yesterday. They were wound up & excited. My nephew was so anxious to get there & get on the plane. My niece started getting nervous. They did let me take them to the gate. I didn't think they would let me since they didn't let me back to the gate to meet them. But, they did. My niece started to get more & more nervous. It finally got to the point where she started crying. She sat in my lap and cried for about half an hour. Wanting me to go with her. Not wanting to go alone. Wanting to stay. It was awful. :upset:I just kept being positive. My nephew was anxious to get on the plane this whole time. Finally they came over & got us. They boarded them first. They wouldn't let me walk them onto the plane. So, I walked them up to the gate. She was sobbing & hugging me. I just kept hugging her & telling her that it was going to be fine. Not to worry that everything was fine. She hugged me & kissed me. She was crying & crying. As soon as they took them in, I turned around and completely lost it. Of course there was a crowd of people that had witnessed the whole thing. They were all staring at me. I was sobbing. I stood and waited for about 10 minutes until they started boarding other people and then I left. :upset:
Anyway, they made it to London just fine. No problems. Sure is quiet at home.
Now it is time for me to really work hard on my plan. I thought I had it well in place yesterday but I didn't."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
I desperately want you back on the techie challenge. There are twenty-five days left. Yes, I did set a collective goal for 30 days. However, I want EVERYONE to walk in there own shoes. There are NO rules here, only a desired motivation to do our very best. This is a very tough and challenging disease we all face. In a perfect world there would be no Techie Challenge, or MWO, or fricking alcohol abuse. It is NOT a perfect world, and like it, we are not perfect.
We are NOT just avatars, site names, senior members, junior members, or jack assess. Ok, I?ll cede you this; I often fall into the latter category. We are just a community of broken souls working our hardest to restore love, dignity, and happiness into our lives. That said we try our best to meet the goals we set for ourselves. Often the path is more bumpy than smooth, but we keep fighting. So you can?t claim the thirty days, but you sure can put twenty five in the Nora accomplishment file.
Now get yourself back on the challenge. I need you. We ALL need you Nora!
Love Techie xxx
P.S. I expect a positive response. Techie leaves no one behind (see what I mean about jackass!?)Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
Nora's journey
NoraC;938609 wrote: Well.....I am no longer a part of Techie's 30 day challenge. I'm sorry about that. I will continue to read the thread though. It is a very positive thread and I will get a lot out of it.
There is really no excuse. I had my plan in place for yesterday. I knew it was going to be a rough day. But, I need to learn to fight harder and I need to keep the plan with me at all times. I do find that once I mess up, I have a harder time getting back to it. So, I need to really work on this.
We took the kids to the airport yesterday. They were wound up & excited. My nephew was so anxious to get there & get on the plane. My niece started getting nervous. They did let me take them to the gate. I didn't think they would let me since they didn't let me back to the gate to meet them. But, they did. My niece started to get more & more nervous. It finally got to the point where she started crying. She sat in my lap and cried for about half an hour. Wanting me to go with her. Not wanting to go alone. Wanting to stay. It was awful. :upset:I just kept being positive. My nephew was anxious to get on the plane this whole time. Finally they came over & got us. They boarded them first. They wouldn't let me walk them onto the plane. So, I walked them up to the gate. She was sobbing & hugging me. I just kept hugging her & telling her that it was going to be fine. Not to worry that everything was fine. She hugged me & kissed me. She was crying & crying. As soon as they took them in, I turned around and completely lost it. Of course there was a crowd of people that had witnessed the whole thing. They were all staring at me. I was sobbing. I stood and waited for about 10 minutes until they started boarding other people and then I left. :upset:
Anyway, they made it to London just fine. No problems. Sure is quiet at home.
Now it is time for me to really work hard on my plan. I thought I had it well in place yesterday but I didn't.
That must have been very hard. Is your niece afraid of flying, or was she realizing that she was now going to be "homesick" for you a bit? I'm glad they got there just fine.
Nora's journey
Hey Nora. Just back reading your thread. Very good thread it is, too.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Nora's journey
Hi Nora,
Rightio. Time to get a wee bit of a plan together for the weekend.
Honestly I used to write every thing down in the early days from the 1st cup of coffee 7 am (tick) . Then hour by hour. Keep it simple. At the end of the day you'll have masses of ticks and very few crosses. Don't look at the crosses though you can just put them down on the following day.
J x
:lIt could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009