Day 5
I'm doing ok today. I have been exhausted. But, I think a lot of that has been the depression and stress I have been under. Finally letting go & taking care of me has put all sorts of changes on my body.
We are getting my 9 year old niece and my 6 year old nephew today for a two week or so visit. We are excited. We are VERY CLOSE to them. My niece's (more like my daughter) husband is in the military and they are being sent to another country very shortly. It has been a very emotional time. Waiting to find out where they were being sent, etc. The good news is that the kids will stay with us while my niece goes back East to her husbands graduation and attends her own week long class. So, we are going to have a wonderful couple of weeks. I was always able to hold it together while the kids were here - at least while they were awake.

To be honest, I have been worried about after they move and that is one of the main motivators of me going AF. I must get a grip. I saw myself going off the deep end. But, I finally can see myself being ok.
So....enough of the rambling. I am so happy that I found this group. Everyone here is wonderful. I finally feel like I can do this.