Happy Birthday to Me!! Man, what a birthday. :upset:
I am just so numb right now.....I don't know where I am going with this. Being on the antabuse for 2 months was the best thing for me. I am going to start taking it again. I am going to slip/slide/jump/run/fall back into all my old ways & habits if I don't start taking it again. I thought I was ready but I am not.
I think that I am going to lay this out here in straight black & white! My son didn't come home for 2 days. My niece and her kids came here on Sunday. Casey was supposed to come to the airport. He called me at the time their flight arrived that he was on his way. I told him that I managed to fit all their luggage in my car and that I would see him at home. He didn't come home that night. He is 23 years old. But, he lives in our home. Common courtesy is to tell us where he is and when he will be home. He never called me the next day but he did call Scott. He was at his friends....so sorry about not calling....he would be home after class. Well, last night, he wasn't home. I started calling his friends (after looking up numbers that had called/been called from his cell phone). Nobody knew where he was. I called the police station, I called the hospitals. Nothing! I finally slept for a couple of hours, I think. I checked the internet again and there it was. He had been arrested and was in jail. It broke my heart but I was so grateful to know that he was alive. My niece called and bail was $250.00 or something about he would be processed & released on Thursday. Well, I couldn't stand it. I threw on my clothes and went down there. I sat there all day long. Scared sick about his mental status. Just couldn't even think about what was going on. Scott tried to comfort me but I had gone into numb/survival mode. After I don't know how many hours.....seven??......I was able to pay bail and then had to sit there for another hour & a half until he was released. He is ok. Public drunkenness. He was walking to his friends house at about 1:00 in the morning and the cops stopped him. Obviously drunk and took him to jail. This is not ok. His behavior is not ok. What have I taught him? Did he learn this from me? As he hugged me and told me how sorry he was....that he was sorry he had ruined my birthday......I just couldn't stop thinking about how this had happened. Why is he on this self destructive course? I am sure that this has just ruined his DUI case. They are going to throw the book at him. What was he thinking?? He wasn't thinking. I am just sick. I talked to him about rehab. He said that he didn't need that, that he realized that he just couldn't drink at all. That he thought he could handle it and realizes that he can't. Well, I don't think that is enough. But, I can't force him into rehab. I need to take a step back. I probably should have left him in jail. Now, I need to deal with things. This is not ok. He is going to have to do things according to house rules or he can't stay here. That sounds so good & forceful typed out. Not so easy in real life.

Enough blabber for right now. I am just at a loss and need to sit & regroup. Thank you everyone for being here for me. It got me thru the day. :l:h