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Nora's journey

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    Nora's journey

    let it go babe.....(i know that is easier said than done)
    but the bs here just isn't worth being depressed about
    be thankful you aren't going through the shit I am soing through!!
    that's depressing!!!
    call me if you want to talk...I am always here for you
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Nora's journey

      Nora and Mama......I know I feel like I'm going in circles. Ha! And soon I will catch my tail....Ha! Let's pick ourselves up ! I Be live in my old saying that I have by Dr. Suess......Just read my avatar ! Ha!
      ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
      those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
      Dr. Seuss


        Nora's journey

        Nora really proud of you for staying strong even if you are struggling with some depression. Honey don't take any of the shit on your shoulders. It simply isn't yours to bear.

        Mama chin up and back on track with you girl.:h
        Psalms 119:45

        ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

        St. Francis of Assisi

        I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



          Nora's journey

          Tony - I love your Dr. Seuss saying. You are so right!

          ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
          those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
          Dr. Seuss

          RC - thank you friend.:l
          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
          AF - 7-27-15


            Nora's journey

            thanks guys!!
            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
            Live in the Solution....not the problem


              Nora's journey


              Had strong urges today. I don't know that I can really call them cravings. I wasn't craving alcohol as much as craving the feeling. Wanting to get out of my head. To forget about the depression. Forget about worry & unhappiness. Just go into that place of buzzed.
              I held that antabuse pill in my hand this morning and started to put it back in the pill case. Actually reached for the case but then swallowed the pill instead. I know that I need to rely more on my tools and fighting the urge instead of just taking the antabuse. But, I do feel that I have made progress. 6 months ago I would have stopped the antabuse when all this stress started and counted the days until I could drink. Now, I am realizing what I am doing and fighting it.
              I am concerned because I'll be stopping the antabuse and the naltrexone mid week because of the endoscopy/colonoscopy. I'm scared to be on either of those meds during the procedures. Just need to stay aware of what I'm doing.
              Oh well......One Day At a Time.
              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
              AF - 7-27-15


                Nora's journey

                Nora C Thinking of you. Can only advise you to get back on AB as soon as the procedure is completed. I have to make up my mind soon whether to continue with AB or go it alone. Not sure whether I am ready yet. over 40 days af! good luck!


                  Nora's journey

         you think the AB will have an adverse effect? Can you ask your doc if you can stay on it?
                  When do you see the counselor again???
                  Do you slip in and out of depression??? If so, maybe you need stronger meds.....and of course no booze
                  I am so proud of you for popping that pill babe....
                  I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                  Live in the Solution....not the problem


                    Nora's journey

                    EXCELLENT JOB BOOZER!!
                    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                    Live in the Solution....not the problem


                      Nora's journey

                      Boozer - that is great!

                      Mama - they did just adjust my AD. So, that should help a lot. She said that we need to get that stabilized and then working on the alcohol will fall into place. Not in those simple terms, of course.:H I definitely need to stop the Nal from what I've seen when I've googled it. The AB may be ok but to be honest, I'm scared to have it in my system. I'm going to be asleep. Who knows what they could give me when I'm out. I just think it would be better to not have it in my system. So, if I time it well, I'll have no chance to drink anyway. I'll be too busy prepping for the procedure. :H
                      "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                      AF - 7-27-15


                        Nora's journey

                        Hopefully they won't pour any champagne down your gullet:H
                        I have honestly tried to quit googling my meds.....the internet will scare the crap out of you
                        I thrust you to know you own body and do the right thing...
                        just remember I have really big feet:H

                        I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                        Live in the Solution....not the problem


                          Nora's journey

                          I know - it can scare you to death when you Google your meds. I guess they won't be pouring champagne down my gullet (darn it!). :H:H
                          "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                          AF - 7-27-15


                            Nora's journey

                            I know...right!!
                            I thought that make you laugh.
                            Just think though....if they did, you would poop it out for a few days!!:wow:
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              Nora's journey

                              mama bear;1307237 wrote: I know...right!!
                              I thought that make you laugh.
                              Just think though....if they did, you would poop it out for a few days!!:wow:
                              "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                              AF - 7-27-15


                                Nora's journey


                                Really had drinking thoughts again today. Dang it. Think that I'm getting better and then here come those dang thoughts again. Oh well, important thing is that I didn't drink.

                                Took a full Naltrexone today. Will see how I do. Don't feel much right now. A little spacey but that could be because it's late. Hopefully, I won't be all drugged out tomorrow. If, I feel all stoned again tomorrow, then I don't know I'll ever be able to increase my dose. Time will tell.

                                Still sad about everything that has gone on here on the forum. I'm hoping that everything will calm down and hurts will ease. Another friend has announced he was leaving today. I will miss him. Techie - thank you friend. Have a wonderful life.
                                "Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
                                AF - 7-27-15

