Hello my dear friend, RC. Thank you for your support as always. :l
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Nora's journey
Nora's journey
Wonderful 'altered' serenity prayer by DoggyGirl.
Grant me the serenity
to accept the people I cannot change,
the courage to change the one I can,
and the wisdom to know it's me.
I really want to remember this one when I'm stressing out. Casey is moving home. Tension has already started with Scott. Mainly because of Scott his health issues/medications. He doesn't remember things....doesn't feel well.....and gets very impatient. I have a feeling that I will be reciting this prayer quite often."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
Want to put this link here.....
Eve11 has made a wonderful thread 30 Days AF Monthly Moderation. It is filled with such wonderful tips/support/information. I want to keep this handy so I can read it over & over.
I'm doing well right now. I want to keep this information close at hand for when I need it."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
I'm a huge fan. So happy to see your progress. Not green smileys, but I've been putting gold stars on my calendar for my AF days.
Thank you so much for sharing the above quote. Wow, oh wow! Nailed it for me. Dead on as to my experience. Is there more after that regarding drinking? Did she become an alcoholic or was she able to recognize what she said and stop?
I recognize and fully admit to experiencing what she says. When I drink now I don't get the happiness it once brought. And often I go chasing after it, only to end up just tired and needing a nap.
Would love to know the authors experience after she recognizes this. I love a good book and would read it myself, but feel as though the poor babies dying would be too much for me to take on right now. So, if you wouldn't mind...just briefly....
Finally, want to give you big props for the dance class! Who cares how good or bad you are. It's all about getting out and engaging in life. I just signed up for an improv class which is way out of my comfort zone. I keep reminding myself, I'm going to have fun. That being said...I am still nervous.
Keep fighting the good fight!
Nora's journey
Hi Nora,
I'm glad to watch as you keep taking those steps. Eve really is putting some great thoughts on that thread. I'm doing well, looking forward to an AF Thanksgiving.My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.
Nora's journey
Wow, Nora, I didn't know you had a thread of your journey!!! I'm so glad to find it and look forward to reading it! Thanks for sharing!Alcoholic (or Ally)
"Only a fool knows everything.
A wise man knows how little he knows."
Please feel free to block/ignore my posts through your control panel.
Nora's journey
Friends - thank you so much for stopping by. It means so much to me that you all are here with me on this journey. :l
Next - nice to meet you.It was a powerful book. Heartbreaking story. She did move past the alcohol.
I have to admit that I'm not doing the dance class now. My friend has fibromyalgia and it was too much for her. We ended up only doing the first month. I'm thinking about starting up again though and going by myself. It was fun no matter how klutzy I am.
I'm so glad that you are using the old calendar method. Isn't it great to see all those AF days on it? I'm planning on an all green (well, actually November is orange happy faces) for November. I'm tapering off of the antabuse. I've been having some heart palpitations. Had an EKG and everything is fine. I'm not sure if it is linked to the antabuse but I'm starting there. Going to take it a couple times a week for a couple weeks and see if I feel better. I just need to be aware of what I'm doing. I'm going to have a lot of stress in the next month so I need to be proactive. I'm really trying to stay in touch with MWO. That helps.
Off for home tomorrow. I sure hate to leave my parents. I love them so much. Wish I could manage it so I could be everywhere I need to be to take care of everyone. Just going to have to take it One Step at a Time."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
Thanks for the support John & Jan......:l:l
I know I'm ok since they did the EKG and everything. But, it's really being a pain in the butt (and the chest :H) having these palpitations. I thought it was just stress. But, I've been having them this week while I've been on vacation. They seemed much worse on the day that I took the antabuse. But, who knows, I'm having them right now and didn't have antabuse today.
Well - I'm heading for bed. Have to get up early to leave for the airport. I sure wish that I didn't have to go. :upset: I am truly blessed to have such wonderful parents."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
Happy Thanksgiving.......
It's been a rough couple of days. Scott had his hernia surgery. He's really in a lot of pain. I was up with him almost all night. I would get him settled and then go lay on the couch. I gave him his cell phone to call me when he needed me. So, it was a very long night. I finally got some sleep today. I just hate seeing him in so much pain.
So, I was sitting here feeling overwhelmed today. Just overly tired & stressed. But, I decided I need to think of all the things that I'm thankful for. There are so many that I can't list them all. But, I have some top ones that I want to put down here to remind myself how very lucky I am.
1. I am so thankful for my family and friends that are family. I have such a loving husband and loving son. I am surrounded by love everywhere.....parents, brother, in-laws, nieces & nephews, friends. I know that they love me and I love them. I am thankful that I was able to spend time with my parents recently.
2. I am thankful that the surgery went well.
3. I am thankful that Casey decided to stay home today. He didn't want to go over where they were all drinking and going to pressure him to drink. He said that he wishes that people wouldn't just focus on the drinking or getting high. Really good to hear that one.
4. I am thankful that I have a job even though I complain about it. I am thankful that we have a home to live in & food on the table even though we're having major money problems.
5. I am thankful for my health. Thankful that I am not constantly drinking or thinking about drinking. I am happy with the majority of time being AF. Such a big change.
6. And, I am thankful for the many people here on MWO. The support and encouragement here is absolutely amazing.
There are so many more things that I am grateful for. I have a wonderful life."Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
Been thinking about drinking. Even went so far as to look at what day I took the antabuse. Can't drink so safe there.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed and not enough sleep I guess. Scott is getting enough better that he gets grumpy.I was expecting this but sometimes it's hard to be patient.
My niece & family are on their way to pick up my piano. I've had this since I was a little girl. I just don't have room for it. I don't play it. But, wow, I'm sad about giving it up. I just went in & started trying to play a song I used to play all the time. Think I just need to have a cry tonight. At least it's staying in the family.
RC posted something about the full moon and the effect on our bodies. Very interesting.
I just have the blahs. And, that is allowed sometimes. :H"Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.".....Carol Burnett
AF - 7-27-15
Nora's journey
NoraC;1416568 wrote: Been thinking about drinking. Even went so far as to look at what day I took the antabuse. Can't drink so safe there.
Feeling a bit overwhelmed and not enough sleep I guess. Scott is getting enough better that he gets grumpy.I was expecting this but sometimes it's hard to be patient.
My niece & family are on their way to pick up my piano. I've had this since I was a little girl. I just don't have room for it. I don't play it. But, wow, I'm sad about giving it up. I just went in & started trying to play a song I used to play all the time. Think I just need to have a cry tonight. At least it's staying in the family.
RC posted something about the full moon and the effect on our bodies. Very interesting.
I just have the blahs. And, that is allowed sometimes. :H
Blahs without booze is manageable. Blahs with booze leads to short term depression. You know the routine. Hang in there it always improves. :lOutside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read