TheSunFlower - thank you so much for writing! I like your quote about being an ex-drinker.
I'm still taking the antabuse. I'm certainly having thoughts about stopping it. But, so far, sanity has prevailed.

I need to try to pin down why I want to drink. It's not really a craving.....I think it's like I said before......it stops me from thinking. Stops me from trying to take care of everybody, from worrying, from dealing with everything. I know that it's much more than that. But, that is one part of it. So, if I keep this soul searching maybe I'll pull out all of the dark thoughts/secrets.
But, I am certainly taking steps to help me work on Me. Getting away to the gym is really helping (you would think I would have lost weight :H). I am being a little more selfish. Telling hubby - "No, I am not going to take you to the grocery store today. It will have to wait until tomorrow." Just that kind of thing.
Hopefully, we will get the results from his CT scan in a couple days. Really am hoping that everything is ok. But, something is definitely wrong. Just hope it's a very simple solution. There are just so many things hurting and going on with him right now. He just had another migraine aura. It hits in one eye and he can't see anything but very bright, shimmering design in that eye. Goes away in about 30-60 minutes. We are calling it a migraine aura but not really sure what it is.

The Dr never called me about my elevated liver enzymes so I'm assuming it is over such a small amount that it's nothing to worry about. They are good about calling, if something is wrong. It was just a few points over the range.
Well - I think hubby is ready for bed. Thanks for all the well wishes.