I really didn't feel well yesterday morning. Heavy chest. Hard to explain. But, I ate some breakfast and had a long nap. Woke up feeling well. Had no interest in drinking (even the thought of sort of made me gag). But, I felt it was important to get the pill in my system so I could get over the side effects. I took another half pill. Still no interest in drinking but a few hours later I did have half a glass of champagne. There is beer in my fridge and an unopen bottle of champagne. Never wanted it. Ok - to me that is amazing. Even if I have a hangover, I want more. So, I am really being optimistic about this. I have to emphasize that I KNOW this is not a magic pill. But, to not have the 'cravings' going on is absolutely amazing. This is probably a 'honeymoon' period but I am going to take it and keep working my plan. Like I said, the antabuse was great to get me some AF months but in the back of my mind, I knew I could stop the pill and drink.
Well - back to work but I wanted to make an update. Brought a pill with me today that I will take before I leave work if I think I might drink. At this point in time, still no interest. Wouldn't that be nice if I stop thinking about it. :h
It is indescribeable when you go from having alcohol as your constant thought during every waking moment to NEVER thinking about it! You sound you are doing really well - congrats!