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Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

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    Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

    Yes thanks I guess that's what you can say.


      Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

      Misery, you can take something positive away from this: It has definitely been a learning experience. A step backward is usually a learning step if you use it as one -- A lot of us have learned from our steps backward.

      You are now armed with the knowledge of what will likely happen next time IF you make the same choice in the same situation (ie., you keep the bottle and you will likely drink from it) .... And, on the same note, you are also armed with a good plan of what to do next time (ie., you dump the bottle or give it away right away, and you won't drink it).

      And if you have gotten away with only one or two drinks and stopped there, you can be proud of the fact that you didn't use it as an excuse to binge out, and from that you will have gained strength knowing that you can stop at one or two. (Not sure if that is, in fact, your situation .. just thought I'd toss it into the pile.)

      Here's to an AF tomorrow!
      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


        Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

        Thank you 42CAT you are full of wisdom - a cat person always is -:-) My liitle "minnie" is aways with me" .

        I did get away with a couple but not because I want to (unfortunately) just because there is NOTHING in this house that can tempt me except mouthwash and i've never gone that far thank god. I know myself and there is never AL is the house BUT I have a car I can go this way and that...I don't drive after I have AL but it is a battle that I do every day. I think that i can continue without "care" for a while but how long??
        I just feel so frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know I can kick this Why is it so hard??


          Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

          It is hard .. that's for sure. I haven't been sober for very long, but one thing I'm finding (little by little) is that I'm gaining strength... Each time I thwart a thought, or find a way to deal with a craving, or have a step backward and learn from it (last Wednesday), or learn something new in general, or do something positive.. I feel stronger. I can only hope that that will make AL's side of things weaker as time goes on, and it won't feel as difficult as it sometimes does in these early days.

          Keep on fighting. Maybe head outdoors for a walk around the neighborhood. That's what I'm about to do, actually. I usually do around this time. (It's 7:00 p.m. here in NS, Canada.) ... And then I'm going to make a small pot of chamomile tea with a few squirts of lemon. It's very relaxing and my new "addiction".

          Have a wonderful evening and be sure to check in tomorrow!
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

            Thanks Cat - you know what I mean. And good luck to all!!


              Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

              mlc -- we are human -- at least that is what you told me! Actually this thread was similar to a sitcom episode... I had to laugh!!!!! Hang in there & tomorrow is a new day!!!!!! :H


                Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

                Here's a violent idea - smash it against the back of your garage wall. Watch the liquid trickle down. Clean up the glass tomorrow. It will make a big noise. What a fantasy.
                Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                AF since May 6, 2010


                  Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

                  Hey Tiny - not trying to funny but what "sitcom". I've lived in France for 20yrs so I'm not the page?

                  Personnaly - I'm very "not perfect" ...

                  Take care and hope you're good


                    Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

                    Hey Misery ... how are you doing today?
                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                      Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

                      Hey 42cat Thanks for checking in ! I'm OK today. I am really sad to say that I'm back to day 1 - AGAIN!! But I only had very little as I had emptied most of the bottle yesterday.

                      What I knew was that today (god willing to let see it) I would be back in the saddle. I am very determined but I know now that's not enough. I will keep at it.

                      How are you today? Hope all is well in your end of the world.


                        Dilemma - How to deal with this - help

                        Good job on being determined to start Day 1 again. It's so important to keep trying! Nice job. Hope you have a happy evening and a great weekend!
                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.

