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My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

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    My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

    I haven't logging in the last few weeks but started again yesterday and have been reading away. I just thought I would share why I have been away and what became of my sister. My sister's vodka addiction left her separated, going through an ugly divorce and living alone without her two children. She took her vodka straight and drank approximate 15-20 minitures a day. She is approximate 105 pounds. Needless to say living alone did not last for very long. Within one month after moving into her own place she suffered multiple falls. She even arrived at the wrong apartment complex fell out of her car and had no idea why she was even there or where the car she just fell out of was. She managed to walk into a leasing office covered in bruises and police were able to obtain from her her husband's name and number. Days later and many falls later she was unresponsive to her 16 year old son's telephone calls. This wasn't all that unusual so many hours past before he and her husband allowed themselves into her apartment to find her completely unresponsive. She was taken by ambulance to a nuero-surgery unit at Mayo. She was given a 20% chance at survival even after an operation to remove a huge blood clot from her brain. Much to the doctor's surprise she did after all survive. She since has had a second operation to replace the portion of her skull that they left out to allow for the brain swelling. She is now in week three of rehabilitation following two weeks in ICU. She is still paralyzed on the entire right side of her body including her mouth. She is relearning how to eat, how to speak, how to walk, how to go to the bathroom and how to keep drool from running down the right side of her face. She has approximately 50 staples still circling her entire head. She is 44 will never live alone again and has to have constant supervision. Where she will live out her days still remains an unknown.

    I still have my 5-6 beers a night with my husband. You would think now would be a perfect time to quit, however, with all things considered and the stress we are under its hard to thinking of doing anything different. Crazy isn't it?

    I just wanted to share what waiting for "rock bottom" before making a change can and will eventually do when consumption remains at high levels for extended periods of time. My sister has been a ragging alcoholic for over 5 years. I never want to walk in her shoes EVER. Nor will I.

    My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

    There but for the grace of god go many of us . I will say a prayer for you and your sister.


      My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

      Nearly Sisterless, I am so sorry to hear this. How horrible for her. The good news is she pulled through, right? I can't quite find the right words, except thank you for sharing and it's a lesson for anyone who pushes their luck.
      ^ My Baby Ruby ^


        My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

        Nearly Sis, it was so hard to read your post. there were many times that my non drinking family was in your situation. somehow i managed to get through my trials and tribulations without killing myself or even worst someone else. All the times i put myself at risk for being raped and/or murdered. ask why you still do it. i have a very close friend who's 17 year old son is in a coma from a drinking and driving accident where he is now at the very least brain damaged and blind. we had lunch yesterday and she is in recovery as well. she talked about how many troubles he had been in prior to that and how she kept warning him not to drink and drive. i had to tell her that at 42 years old at the time last year..i got a DUI. we reminised (sp) about our drinking escapades when we were in high school. how did we manage not getting killed or killing someone else. anyway...its crazy because i still drink and she wants to drink. everyone in her family does drink. we do what we do because we are sick. dont beat yourself up about it. it sucks. im sorry to hear about your sis. i have 3 of them and love them to death.


          My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

          I have no words .... I'm so sorry for what you've all gone through ... Strength to you all... ((hug)).
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

            A really harrowing story.....
            Thank you for posting. It really compounds my own determination to never go back to were I was.


              My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

              Nearly Sis, I am so sorry about your sister. Thanks for sharing that story because you are so right about how we continue to put ourselves in that situation even knowing what it waiting for us. I am on Day 12 AF and just praying that if I keep logging on here and keep reminding myself of what has happened to me, and keep reminding myself about what I am doing to my husband and daughter, and keep taking the L-Glut and the Kudzu and and and, that I will be able to stay AF. YOu are your sister are in my prayers. Stay strong for yourself and for her.


                My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

                I'm really glad to hear that Popeye. I had hope of all hopes that her story would make an impact on others not just my immediate family.

                And cacky is right about the impact our actions could have on others. Ironically, when Cindy's blood clot occured I felt a since of relief. Sort of crazy but I had carried around a daily feeling of terror of OMG what about the innocent people driving on the same roads with her. People innocently going about their own business driving on the road assuming they were safe. Don't we all.

                In the end she damaged herself and its the impact of her survival that affects our entire family's lives until her eventual passing many, many years down the road. Never occured to us she would survive, traumatic head wound never came into mind until days before the event happened. I said to my mother "Oh God it just occured to me, what if Cindy survives what is inevitably going to happen." Mom's response was "I don't want to think about that".

                But in the end I consider us fortunate. She is still with us and our love for her of course has not changed, and we didn't have to morn her passing. Not this time. She is actually more loving, appreciative of family and sweeter than she has been in years!

                She told the family at a recent support group meeting for the brain injured. "I guess I'm finally done". Mom said what do you mean drinking? She just nodded and began to cry.


                  My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

                  I convinced myself for years that my drinking was 'my business', because I was only hurting myself. It's just NOT true though, is it ?
                  I see you are a double victim here, you have an emerging problem yourself, and also the heartbreak of a family member with a problem.
                  Why don't you do what you can for your sister and family, and then come back here and let us help YOU, to help YOURSELF.
                  At the end of the day, that's the only thing you can REALLY influence.
                  Thinking of you.
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

                    I'm so sorry for your sister's and your whole family's tragedy. It is hard to find the words to tell you how deeply your story impacted me. I wish you and your family the strength to find your way through this to a better tomorrow. God bless.
                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

                      Dear NearlySisterless,

                      "I never want to walk in her shoes EVER. Nor will I."

                      And you won't!!!! You have the awareness. Just stay vigilant.

                      I am very, very sorry for your pain & the pain of all members of your family. It was/is her destiny. It was no one's fault & no one else's destiny. I do not know if that makes any sense to you.

                      Take good care of yourself & those children. Good luck.


                        My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

                        My prayers go out to you and your family...

                        :wings:Love, Peace, and Happiness!


                          My sister found rock bottom. If you have a weak stomach you may not want to read.

                          Nearly Sisterless;665881 wrote: I haven't logging in the last few weeks but started again yesterday and have been reading away. I just thought I would share why I have been away and what became of my sister. My sister's vodka addiction left her separated, going through an ugly divorce and living alone without her two children. She took her vodka straight and drank approximate 15-20 minitures a day. She is approximate 105 pounds. Needless to say living alone did not last for very long. Within one month after moving into her own place she suffered multiple falls. She even arrived at the wrong apartment complex fell out of her car and had no idea why she was even there or where the car she just fell out of was. She managed to walk into a leasing office covered in bruises and police were able to obtain from her her husband's name and number. Days later and many falls later she was unresponsive to her 16 year old son's telephone calls. This wasn't all that unusual so many hours past before he and her husband allowed themselves into her apartment to find her completely unresponsive. She was taken by ambulance to a nuero-surgery unit at Mayo. She was given a 20% chance at survival even after an operation to remove a huge blood clot from her brain. Much to the doctor's surprise she did after all survive. She since has had a second operation to replace the portion of her skull that they left out to allow for the brain swelling. She is now in week three of rehabilitation following two weeks in ICU. She is still paralyzed on the entire right side of her body including her mouth. She is relearning how to eat, how to speak, how to walk, how to go to the bathroom and how to keep drool from running down the right side of her face. She has approximately 50 staples still circling her entire head. She is 44 will never live alone again and has to have constant supervision. Where she will live out her days still remains an unknown.

                          I still have my 5-6 beers a night with my husband. You would think now would be a perfect time to quit, however, with all things considered and the stress we are under its hard to thinking of doing anything different. Crazy isn't it?

                          I just wanted to share what waiting for "rock bottom" before making a change can and will eventually do when consumption remains at high levels for extended periods of time. My sister has been a ragging alcoholic for over 5 years. I never want to walk in her shoes EVER. Nor will I.
                          Thanks for this post .... I for one thank my lucky stars I managed to get to 44 relatively unscathed ... as a raging alcoholic for over 26 years or so .... I will keep this post to remind me why I should NOT go back to drinking alcohol in large quantities .... better add a postscript - or in ANY quantity .....
                          ?We are one another's angels?
                          Sober since 29/04/2007

