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What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

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    What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

    I have been sober for the first time for 6 days after 20 years of heavy drinking. I had a really bad day and used to drink to feel better. What are alternative ways that you found make you feel better?I work out most every day so that won't do it. Thank you.

    What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

    Wow that's a great question. i would say go out and walk if you can. Try to get your mind off of things


      What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

      Wow, One. That's some list. I was just going to say, "do something different" ... Your list blew my response right out of the water!

      I'm going to copy that and e-mail it to myself. Thank you for posting it.
      AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


        What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

        Wow - that list is great!! i'm going to copy it same as 42Cat :H many thanks one!!


          What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

          one2many;665971 wrote:
          75. Repot your houseplants
          Hey, I did that one. It felt great, and they look great and make me feel good!
          AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


            What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

            One2Many - Thank GOD for peaople like you !! Thanks (from"not knowing where to start")


              What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

              I always had lots of ideas about what to do but found the thought of actually getting up off my backside and doing them depressing in a way, until I started making myself move. Now there are not enough hours in the day.
              BTW, I have done 72 things on your list O2M. The rest I shall get to, but I refuse to dye my hair.


                What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

                Heehee .. you don't want plant tips from me. Plants only survive in my dining room, for some strange reason. I'm obviously doing something wrong in every other room! But what? I just I stick 'em in a pot and water 'em - isn't that what you're supposed to do? .. Every other room in the house, they die ... But my dining room is a thriving jungle
                AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                  What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

                  Well here you go. Thanks! Tell me where to send te check, I owe you one!


                    What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

                    Come on to this forum and have a
                    BIG FAT BITCH ABOUT IT....
                    THIS is my personal favourite...but what a great list Oney
                    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                    Rejoined life 20/5/19


                      What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

                      As strange as it may sound, I am drinking a little bit of pickle juice. I think the "twang" that it has provides a little bit of an alternative to alcohol.
                      I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


                        What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

                        keyners, if you follow Oney's list, you'll be busy for months to come. Good job, Oney, and good luck, keyners!
                        AF as of August 5th, 2012


                          What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

                          Awesome list! My problem is after I do some of the things on the list I want a drink. If I worked on the garden I like to admire it w/a glass of wine, if I surf the net I like to w/wine etc....


                            What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

                            Hey Oney
                            I bet you have'nt done
                            number 82: plan menu's for a diet........
                            And you missed the most inportant one off....
                            Go to the Chippy.......
                            :dancin: enguin:
                            starting over


                              What are the alternative then alcohol for bad days?s?

                              Thanks One. I had forgotten how inspiring this place can be.
                              Enough is enough

