My twisted story is .. I went to the doc some months ago re. my anxiety and she wanted to put me on Paxil .. In fact, was quite adamant about it. So I caved and said yes .. but after googling and googling some more, I decided I didn't want to. I didn't think she made the correct diagnosis --- because I'd been drinking for quite some time and knew, deep down, that drinking was the root of my problem. (I was right - since I've quit, I've had no anxiety.)
Anyway, I didn't want to argue with her, so I'm just "going with it" ... (My drug plan gets me prescriptions pretty cheaply... I don't even know why I got the prescriptions filled - lol .. just in case she found me out?)
So, anyway, I have two bottles of 20 mg Paxil / Paroxetine (60 pills in each, I think)...... What should I do?