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Gastro issues: three tips

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    Gastro issues: three tips

    Hi, gang. Here's some info for those experiencing gastrointestinal problems as they start the program. If you purchased your supplements from us, we include a sheet in our kits, but it probably bears mentioning here.

    We've found the most effective way to overcome gastro problems is to reduce or eliminate the magnesium supplement. High magnesium levels can cause a loosening of stools--and in fact is used for that very purpose. Many people have been able to resolve the problem by simply removing it from the program, reducing the amount, or taking it at bedtime (that way, if they do suffer loose stools early on, it'll happen in the morning). In our new recommendations, we suggest only one 200 mg. capsule for those under 150 pounds, since All One contains 50% of the RDA for magnesium. You may also need to follow this advice if you are over 150 pounds and having problems.

    All One, which unfortunately seems to be a bit maligned when these issues arise, is ironically one of the few multivitamin and mineral products that is well absorbed by those with a sensitive digestive system. They often report it is the only product they can tolerate. (It replaces 15-20 pills and has an all-natural base, to correct an earlier statement. However those who are lactose intolerant may experience problems, but this is fairly uncommon.) Most people tell us they feel a surge of energy and find themselves in a better frame of mind when taking All One, and continue to use it regularly after the initial 12-week program.

    Other issues come into play, as well. Heavy drinking tends to result in an unhealthy digestive system and it takes a little "cleaning out" when coming off excessive alcohol consumption. But clearly, we don't want anyone experiencing the discomfort reported recently. It's important to note, however, a toxic load is being released when you get started so your body is adjusting. Again, magnesium is usually the culprit. B-50 may be another, or even Super Primrose oil, but the latter two are unlikely.

    Kudzu is often used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to help settle the stomach, so unless you have a specific allergy, that shouldn't be a source of the problem, nor should the Calms Forte, which is a gentle, homeopathic product.

    Many people who take Topamax *without* any supplements have told us they suffer gastro problems and it is a well reported side effect. It usually passes. Campral is also known to cause digestive system discomfort (and did, in fact, for up to 29% of subjects in a controlled study.) But we have to wonder: is this a result of the meds or the elimination/reduction of alcohol? Either way, best to take the medication with lots of fluids.

    Dr. Garcia recommends adding a good probiotic, and this is so important, because many of us have an unhealthy gut. (Look for a product that provides two to ten billion lactobacillus acidophilus over the course of day). It's the "good bacteria" and forms in colonies to absorb nutrients and keep us healthy. Frankly, I think everyone, whether they're in recovery or not, would be well advised to take a probiotic supplement. We don't get enough in our diet, although it's found naturally in yogurt (not most commercial brands), kefir and a few fermented foods. When levels drop, our digestive system suffers. Most everyone has a low probiotic population in their gut because it's reduced by highly processed foods, medication, alcohol, aspirin and other pain killers, birth control pills, antibiotics, smoking, and a host of other things. summary, here are three tip that may help:

    1) Eliminate or reduce magnesium from your program and/or take it at bedtime.

    2) Take a good probiotic! There are many out there (and we've actually got a private label product on the way because we feel so strongly about it.) It will be available as a stand alone supplement and included in our "Sensitive Tummy" Starter Pack.

    3) Look over the info sheet.
    If you ordered products from our store and are having issues, be sure to review to the "orange slip", as there are some good tips with more detailed information.

    We've seen this issue come up before, but it seemed important to re-post. Just hate to have anyone pull back from the supps when they can be so helpful--also don't want to see you camped out in the loo!

    Hope you find this helpful.

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    Gastro issues: three tips

    Thanks RJ!

    Perhaps this should be your permanant post in your FAQ...

    Glad that you're developing more "private labe" MWO.

    Perhaps we should create a MWO symbol which can be used as a charm, pendant, tie clip...Only the members of the "secret society" would recognize the symbol...:l


      Gastro issues: three tips

      Magnesium Taurate

      Hi all,

      I found this information on a website about depression. I've been taking this form of magnesium (500 to 700 mg. per day) with no "gastro" issues.

      Back to my history and how I learned to cure my depression. When I purchased my first bottle of magnesium glycinate, it was not from intelligence that I chose that particular compound of magnesium. It was just what was available on the shelf at the store I visited. After considerable research, I found that the store provided the second best form of magnesium that I could have chosen to treat depression. Only magnesium taurate (a form of magnesium that decreases chances of diarrhea) is superior to all other forms of magnesium. Both glycine and taurine have been used to effectively treat depression. Also taurine (the ligand in magnesium taurate) has been shown to be low or absent in 100 percent of people with depression and chronic pain according to Shealy.

      The URL for the site is


        Gastro issues: three tips


        Thanks, Mare (and CV, too--yes, we're working on that FAQ!)

        We understand many nutritionists recommend magnesium taurate in the higher doses. We try to balance efficacy, product availability, and also take into consideration how the combined supplements respond to one another when used in this particular program. Cost is another factor; magnesium taurate is bit more expensive, but certainly worth the price if you're experiencing serious digestive problems. (It can also act as a mild sedative in some people and we know that many who start our program--particularly those who take Topamax--complain about fatigue and lethargy as they begin.)

        If cutting back doesn't help, it sounds like magnesium taurate can be a good alternative, and it's great to know it worked for you. We selected magnesium citrate because citrate is one of the best absorbed minerals and makes the magnesium more easily able to get into the bloodstream to metabolize. It's usually pretty well tolerated, too. We no longer recommend products that use magnesium oxide (e.g. "Naturally Preferred", which I first used myself, and it's one of the reasons we finally developed our own label, so we had more control over the nutritional aspect of the program.)

        I was unable to find an a really good magnesium research link I thought I'd bookmarked, but I did come across this from an MD about the "Miracle of Magnesium" and it includes similar information. He's an enlightened doc and believes in treating disease naturally as much as possible. He personally has found a combination of magnesium citrate AND magnesium taurate to be useful.

        Again, thanks for sharing. Many of you know we made modifications to our recommendations this past March based on new research and patient feedback, so we always like to keep up on what works best!

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          Gastro issues: three tips

          I will persevere

          What I want to be able to do it to take some combination of topamax, kudzu, and whatever else it takes and be able to occasionally have the option of drinking. I don't have recommendations to anyone else, and, as I said, I'm making another attempt at introducing first one supplement (I guess kudzu) and then another, gradually, and see if I can find a formula that works. The program is magnificent. When I first started, I felt exactly the way RJ described her experience in the book. I couldn't believe it. I especially liked what she said about the "rules" she had for drinking, even when she was drinking excessively. It made me laugh at myself. That was me, even though I was always mentally checking whether there would be enough wine. That's why, when I first started and could drink one or two glasses at the most or not at all, I was elated. I could actually go back and be normal. I want everyone to be able to experience that feeling on these medications, even if it eludes me, but that doesn't mean I'm not still working on a formula that will work. I'm hoping that when I've given my gut a chance to rest, and I've taken a week of pro-biotics, I'll be able to begin again, but more gradually this time and more carefully. I'm also taking a month of abs, since I haven't done that before. But I must tell you. Finding this web site was like having the heavens open. I read the book in one day, and it was a whisper from a spiritual sister. I don't mean to sound like a downer on the boards. I'm very gung-ho, but I'm having to adjust my expectations a little and work with my body a little. Every aspect of the program, finding it, practicing it, using the hypnosis (by the way, I've expanded to listening to Tibetan Tantric chanting as well) and exercise (since I have osteoporosis--gasp! just found out--I ordered a video from the Osteoporosis Foundation, and I do that every other day, alternating with working out on the elliptical exerciser at school.) Anyway, there is not a breathing moment of my day that I am not grateful for all of it, even the times I'm discouraged. I'm going to get there with the meds. I really want to. If not, I'll still be doing the rest of the program.


            Gastro issues: three tips

            Sophia, sorry to hear that you are still having the problems. Mine finally went away. I stayed off of everything for a week, and have been able to re-introduce AllOne and Kudzu back into my life with no problems at all. Maybe it was just the magnesium taking it's sweet time to get out of my system (and take everything in my intestines with it. I keep forgetting to take the Kudzu and don't really notice a difference in cravings. I have been taking a lot of I Glut, which has been helping both problems I believe.

            Have been abs for 30 days today and plan to keep going. I don't know if this has had anything to do with my problem going away. Between the not drinking and following Weight Watchers for the last 30 days, I have lost ten pounds. Woo hoo!



              Gastro issues: three tips

              Whoa! Congrats to you. Tell me about how much l-glut you are taking and when. I am doing basically what you are doing, I guess. I'm in the middle of my 30 days, and I've been putting l-glut under my tongue at about 5:00 p.m. to get through the blahs until I am ready to re-introduce the rest. I'm also drinking an Activ-8 yogurt smoothie in the morning with blueberries and taking acidopholis in the afternoon. I'm also going to introduce some fiber before I begin re-introducing meds. Are you taking topamax? And how is Phoenix by the way? We actually had some rain day before yesterday. It was grand. The ground is so parched that I've been afraid the house would crack in two.


                Gastro issues: three tips

                sophia and barb!
                It's us again... the gastro sistas!
                Well, thru much thinking and too much drinking and a month off the topa... I'm trying it again. Yup, posting it aloud and publically. I thought the topa was what was causing my problems (you know), and I'm pretty sure it was. When I stopped the topa, the problems pretty much stopped.

                Then I started drinking again. Too much. Again. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrr

                So I'm starting again at 25mg for the 2nd time. I've taken 1 month off. We shall see. I value your input here, and have been eating cottage cheese every day! ha! Sophia, we were supposed to make those disgusting sounding shakes together! Did you ever do it???

                OK, I'll be a fixture here. Hope you don't mind.


                  Gastro issues: three tips

                  hello again, Becca

                  I missed your great victory, Becca, because I was in Japan and Hong Kong. Congratulations to you and thanks for doing so much for the leukemia society. Lately I have been wondering whether I have an allergy since not long after I started the program I had an asthma attack in the middle of the night. This could be part of my problem, and I think it might be kudzu that I'm allergic to. Anyway, I'm taking gaba and l-glutamine this next few days to test their effect. Once I've tried that, I'll move ahead. I was gone for the weekend, so I missed your post. I'm glad to see that Barb is getting better. That gives me encouragement. Today will be three weeks of abs for me, and that might change a few things. Like you, I really want to be able to take the topa since it did such a beautiful job of killing the cravings, and it cut my wine consumption down two-thirds. I just hate to think of never being able to drink again. I'd like to make a toast at Thanksgiving.


                    Gastro issues: three tips

                    Just wanted to make a little note here for Sophiah and anyone keeping track of a re-introduction of topa after a break.
                    I started back on the topa 9 days ago. I'm on day 3 of 50 mg and definitely feeling the topa benefit (NO problem not drinking yesterday, kept it under control Sunday, even though I was massively celebrating my completion of the race!, and tonight, I've been nursing a half a glass of wine for about 45 minutes and can feel that buzzy thing that is really slowing me down... the topa people know what I mean). My tummy is FINE so far. YEAH! Hope I'm not jinxing myself . I am following a pretty healthy diet now, though. High fiber, low fat. Taking LGlut, GABA, and Kudzu, and alternating days of Allone and a multivitamin.
                    So that's that. So far, so good. Going heavy into the training for the BIG race in Oct, and I'll be super upset if my titration up on the topa messes with my tummy again. We shall see. For now, not being hungover is the best thing for me!


                      Gastro issues: three tips

                      Hi everyone, I guess I'm one of the lucky ones no gastro problems. (well maybe a little toot once in a while):H I just wanted to ask RJ or if someone else knows, how much is recomended to take of the pro-biotic?
                      Patti :happyheart:


                        Gastro issues: three tips

                        Hello MWO girls and guys. I had nausea from Kudzu at first but now I can take it with food.

                        Question about the L-glut: I've been downing it like a pill not putting it under the tongue. Does that make a difference?

                        I'm wondering about the combined effect of Kudzu, Sam-e, et all, everything that has some sedative effect. I mean, can I be driving down the road one day and simply space out?????????

                        A bit scared.

                        Thanks, Ivy


                          Gastro issues: three tips


                          OH, and I wondered what you think of that new Activa probiotic yogurt? I've been having it with flaxseeds, wihc actually taste good. Best, Ivy


                            Gastro issues: three tips

                            Thanks, Becca. You give me encouragement. Yesterday, I didn't take kudzu, and I felt better. I really think I'm allergic to it. I'm working with l-gluta and gaba only right now, testing for allergic reactions, and I didn't have a problem except for gas at the end of the day (sorry), so I'll try that for a couplel of days and then go to topa again. Should I increase the gaba and l-gluta since I'm off kudzu, do you think? Good luck on the training.


                              Gastro issues: three tips

                              Hey Sophiah!
                              How much LGlut and Gaba are you currently taking? And what about the topa? Cuz if you are at a higher dose of the topa, it needs to be titrated up and down slowly...just making sure you know because lordy knows you don't need to be more sick!
                              Still OK today...made it through the 3rd day of 50mg topa. I'm wondering if it is helping that I am alternating days of Allone and a regular pill multivitamin, too. Hey, it's only taken me 7 months to figure this out, huh?:eeks: Oh well, certainly worth it if we can get ourselves together and be happy and healthy. Thanks for the good wishes!

                              PS: that's a good question above from (was it Ivy?) about the probiotic yogurt. Anyone know?

