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A couple of things I do to deal with lack of motivation

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    A couple of things I do to deal with lack of motivation

    Gosh, it's only day 5 and I'm actually accomplishing something. Anyway, I am a person whose house never gets cleaned. I've had maybe 2 or 3 hours of energy in the morning and that is it. I went to my MD and he did all these tests and there is no physical reason for this. It is very frustrating to run out of steam after only two or three hours though. I deal with severe depression that worsens when I stop drinking.

    As such, I've devised a couple of ways I deal with it and wanted to share. For the past few days I've been making a list of accomplishments (not a list of things to do, as I become overwhelmed). At the end of the day I look at my list and it motivates me further. An example of a day is: took shower, brushed teeth, paid a bill, went to the store, loaded dishwasher. This may be everyday stuff for some people, but these are big accomplishments for me. Another thing I do is to set an egg timer in increments of 20 minutes or however many minutes. I make myself do whatever for 20 minutes and then I take a 10 minute break - like to come on here and read or post, read something, lay down on the sofa. Then back to the egg timer, rinse and repeat.

    For anyone out there like me who deals with depression or a lack of motivation, just thought I'd share.
    ^ My Baby Ruby ^

    A couple of things I do to deal with lack of motivation

    Hey changed :-)

    Your plan sounds great, it's really important to force yourself to do things, so you can realize that they are worth doing and are even enjoyable.. It's a necassary step to getting out of depression, I believe..

    More power to you..

    Wavey x
    What you perceive is what you believe, so make sure you look at things the right way....


      A couple of things I do to deal with lack of motivation

      i too deal with this lack of motivation. it comes in spurts. i am a stay at home home and just tend to get bored. i try to get out at least once a day with my kids but if i was allowed i would probably lay in the bed all day long and feel sorry for myself.....i think your plan sounds like a good one
      I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
      sober since 2/4/12


        A couple of things I do to deal with lack of motivation

        Yo GO Girl! Keep up the good work : )
        Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
        - George Jackson

