The Friary in (near) Penasacola FL is good, and small.
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Rehab recommendations
Rehab recommendations
The Friary in (near) Penasacola FL is good, and small.sigpic
Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.
Rehab recommendations
I really want to make sure we dont discourage anyone who needs to seek seek help. there are worst things then losing one's insurance like AL related deaths etc. you have to take care of yourself. Hope if you want to go to a rehab..find a good one. if you can self pay..then by all means self pay..if not then use your insurance. ive not heard anything negative from anyone involved
i just spoke to my dad who is a long time insurance agent...he has never heard of anyone declining because of treated alcohol abuse. and he agrees with me. better to get it treated then risk not getting it treated.
Rehab recommendations
cacky;667976 wrote: I really want to make sure we dont discourage anyone who needs to seek seek help. there are worst things then losing one's insurance like AL related deaths etc. you have to take care of yourself. Hope if you want to go to a rehab..find a good one. if you can self pay..then by all means self pay..if not then use your insurance. ive not heard anything negative from anyone involved
i just spoke to my dad who is a long time insurance agent...he has never heard of anyone declining because of treated alcohol abuse. and he agrees with me. better to get it treated then risk not getting it treated.^ My Baby Ruby ^
Rehab recommendations
hi hope i was in in a rehab in Ontario Canada,Guelph,Homewood,it is suppose to be 2nd to none,matter a fact some of there doctors work with the Bettyford Inst. a friend of mine just got in touch and asked me what i tht for him,at the time i said it is a big decision,for me it worked,gave me a better out look,you can find it on the Internet,the facility has been there for i beleive 125 years,as far as success rate,many will say rehabs are low,not true,they teach you a better out look,the rest is up to you,im proof,the waiting list is long , as is the time,to get in , 4 months , when i was there,if its work related ,they usually try to accommodate faster,lot of professional people,guess it depends on how you present yourself,also dont get a private room try to bunk with someone else,good luck gyco
Rehab recommendations
Hope, I forgot about this place in Maryland called Father Martin Ashley. I know alot of people who went there who really loved. i have gone there for something called SETS (Sobriety Enhancement Training). it is an amazing campus. Simply beautiful. Right on the water. Anyway. i would recommend it fi you can go there as well. Im drawn to the water.
Rehab recommendations
Thanks for the replies every one. Thanks especially to Eve. In response to your question, I don't love the 12 step approach really for me the most important thing will be getting away from temptation for a while. I've done counseling, meds, read books,etc but I am never able to follow through with my good intentions. I've put off rehab because I can't stand the thought of not seeing my children for a month, but I feel this is what I need to do for all of us. Eve, I will look into the Sinclair method - never heard of it so thanks for mentioning!
If anyone has any specific East coast recommendations (e.g. you or a close friend has been there), I'd love to hear about it!
Rehab recommendations
Good point there Gek. Rehab won't necessarily get you sober, but it will ruin your drinking.
On insurance matters, the US system is very strict. No disclosure , no payout. In Australia and the UK however it's illegal for any company to discriminate on the basis of "A recognised chronic condition of inopportune outcome" ie Diabetes, You will pay a higher premium thou. If the condition is "deemed in remission or abeyance" no extra premium may be charged after five years.Long Road
Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
Eleanor Roosevelt