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Big Favor

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    Big Favor

    Someone posted a very kind and flattering message today asking "How do we pay YOU back?" I decided I'm going to take up the offer. I'm working pretty hard to make this site sustainable (and subscription/ad free) but to be honest, it can be a bit of a challenge. Sales at the e-store support the effort, but licensing agreements, wholesale costs, shipping fees, and other factors don't always leave much to work with. I try to be as objective as possible here on the board about pushing our own products, because I've always felt strongly about choice.

    I was actually offered a book deal by Time Warner last month and turned it down (call me crazy) but it would have meant pulling the PDF and possibly the book itself, from the market for an extended time. Gut said no, so I said no.

    Often people ask why this program isn't better known, because it works well and the support forum is unparalleled. Our goal is ultimately to get MWO into the hands of ALL health care providers, not just the rare forward thinking ones. We'd like more national publicity (I do radio when I can attract an interview, but don't care to go on TV.) We want more people to find us when using search engines. We're working on all of this but it takes a looooong time.

    Someone asked in a post if I could please be more involved with newbie questions and I think that would be great, I'd love to. But there are simply not enough hours in the day. We are a small operation and I am pulled many directions.

    So...for those of you who are interesting in supporting the effort, I decided to heck with pride, I'll just lay it out. Here are some very specific ways you can help:

    * If you know someone in the media (a newspaper writer, TV reporter, blogger) let them know about this program. Send them to our main website at and to this forum.

    * Visit the blog and *please* post a response to any of the messages there. As we prepare to market it, we want potential advertisers to know it's being read!

    * When you order supplements, consider doing so from our e-store, linked above. There, I've said it. I wouldn't if I didn't think they weren't the absolute best. They're top quality and packaged in quantities to match the program schedule. It's difficult for us to compete in price with the "big guys" but we do try to offer them at the most reasonable price possible. (I swore I'd never sell them, truly it was customers driven.)

    * If you've already read the book, an anonymous review on Amazon would be FABULOUS. Just an honest take on your opinion.

    * Please don't make copies of the CDs or sell them on Ebay. This just kills us.

    Thanks a ton for your support. It really means a lot.

    Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!

    Big Favor

    Thanks for Asking, RJ!!!

    Thanks for asking, RJ! You have always been scrupulous about supporting freedom of choice for all of us, so thanks for offering suggestions for ways that we can help. Forgive me for being a technophobe, but other than responding to your post about your blog, I'm not sure how to respond to your blog itself. Directions would be most appreciated! (I'm sure it is very easy, and I'll look like a dope, but so be it!!! :H )

    Thanks for all that you do! Again and again, and again!!

    Love and hugs!

    Kathy:l :h
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Big Favor

      In Stock Vs Out of Stock

      RJ - MWO store is always my first choice for order/reorder of supps but sometimes when I go there it's out of stock - like for instance I went there last week for Kudzu - a product I'm afraid to wait a long time for since I think it really helps. Happy Herbalist had it in stock so I ordered ...sorry. If you could somehow let us know how soon products would be back in stock that would help.

      Trish In Omaha

      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
      Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
      Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
      : Humility.

      "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


        Big Favor

        RJ, Tho I do wish to remain anonymous, I do know people in the media. Let me see what I can do. And amazon would be easy. I will also look into that as well. : ) gabby
        Gabby :flower:


          Big Favor

          Hiya RJ,
          We got a journalist and a photographer coming round today to do an article on my daughter. Will mention MWO to them......Mackeral
          I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
          One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


            Big Favor

            I work in media too, once I get back there I'll try to figure out a way to spread the word without spreading "my words".
            Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


              Big Favor

              I will do what I can.......I don't know any media people personally , but there are some open friendly minds at some of our tv and radio stations! Have you ever heard of Rick & Bubba? They are on twice a day (radio) and have guest on with stories like yours and all of ours.

              The supps thing is hard for me as since I've been on the program, I've gone to Magma Plus with carrot juice . Do you think you will ever have a product like this? I will order the ones I use from you when I run out.

              Thank you for this program...growing pains are a good thing......I hope.

              "Be still and know that I am God"

              Psalm 46:10


                Big Favor

                An opportunity to "pay it forward" so to speak - I'm all over that - you have helped me SO MUCH!
                First off - I usually do order my supps from the website. Also, I will post an review of your book at Amazon.
                As for marketing and growth, I believe you are correct in your approach. I have lived most of my adult life among successful independent businessmen/women (myself currently one of them) and one lesson I have learned is that growing too big too fast is usually not best. In today's market once you are on the success radar there is usually someone who is more than happy to either copy you, sue you, rob you or destroy you. Growing lean and strong is usually best I think. That said, have you considered a second book? My thinking is along the lines of a book that included anonymous success stories and tips from members, etc. Maybe a second book that might be pre marketed with copies of the first book to members of the medical/pharmaceutical community? I am not involved in book copywriting so I have no idea if this is even a possibility, just brainstorming here. I would be happy to share my story (anonymously).
                Your program has made a real difference in my life, MJ, and I want to "pay it forward" in any way I can.


                  Big Favor

                  To Gabby and others

                  Hi All,

                  I have recommended MWO to some of my clients who have family members with alcohol problems and also to other therapists. The way I remain confidential is by telling them that I have a CLIENT who is on the site. I tell them that she asked me to check it out to see what I thought, and I have, and it looks like a pretty interesting place.

                  I think if you give it some thought and can tell a few white lies, there are ways you can get the word out on the street. Of course, my therapist friends who are closer know all about my involvement with MWO, and they all have the web address to give to their clients, because they see how much better I am doing! A few of them have since confesssed to their own concerns about drinking as well!

                  Also great ideas, everyone--love yours WellSeasoned!! I'd contribute to a book of success stories and tips!!

                  Hope this helps!

                  :l Kathy:l
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Big Favor

                    ohhhh.....second book sounds really good. I second the second book idea. course i bet you already thought of that RJ so really its a third. so I third the third book idea. gabbs
                    Gabby :flower:


                      Big Favor

                      I third the third book idea too!
                      Tee hee!


                        Big Favor

                        RJ, just be careful you dont turn into J.k.Rowling.
                        I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
                        One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                          Big Favor

                          You crack me up!


                            Big Favor

                            Okay, everyone that wants to join an essay contest for the third book to give to RJ, say aye!:H


                              Big Favor

                              Big AYE!
                              And Whos J.K. Rowling?
                              (I feel so outa the loop)
                              Gabby :flower:

