Chrysa, there was talk of contacting Oprah but many times, they would want RJ to go on the show and she, like many others, wants to remain anonymous...Ophrah and her producers have been getting much more strict since the book incident filled with fiction but stated as a true story initially.
No announcement yet.
Big Favor
Big Favor
Chrysa, there was talk of contacting Oprah but many times, they would want RJ to go on the show and she, like many others, wants to remain anonymous...Ophrah and her producers have been getting much more strict since the book incident filled with fiction but stated as a true story initially.
Big Favor
brainstorming 2
ok here's a lot of ideas that will hopefully help some will be duds and some will need expertise beyond my scope but my dad died of alcoholism and ruined my family so if even one of these saves one person i'll be happy:
1.canvassing liquor stores-----we would be competing with the salvation army but then again they may help out hey if soccer teams can do it so can dedicated victims of alcoholism.
2.alcoholism is rampant in alot of countries----bookstores are in alot of countries lots of people need help how about a free pamphlet describing how MY WAY OUT works might just increase sales.
3.think of MARY KAY or TUPPERWARE why not a get ogether of concerned people yes i know that lots of people want to keep it hidden but there is a definite angle there
4.raising awareness of what excess drinking can lead to,by concerned doctors booklets right along side teeth whitening guides.
5.there are many abuse programs in lots of communities across north america and the world are they aware of this program?
6.topamax does have side effects can it be tweaked so that it has less of an adverse effect lets face it if it could have less side effects then sales would go thru the roof and the drug companies want all the money they can get.
7.becca is participating in an extremely worthwhile project,my cousin just died of leukiemia, thank you for your efforts becca------but the angle on this is many dear ones die from alcoholism can we have similar fund raising events for them?
8.nelson mandela was awesome lets try and kill the social stigma attached to alcoholism
9.i am just starting with these ideas cuz i have a million more, ------------is this as deadly a disease as any other oh yeah and does it need to be stopped oh yeah.
thanks for reading and i hope it stimulates others to affirmative action
Big Favor
You have some great ideas ...........The problem is that this sort of effort requires a huge amount of group coordinated effort. I chair a committe for some very basic fund raisers locally, and you can not imagine the amount of work that goes into the most basic fund raisers. They are great ideas, however to execute them would require so much work and to coordinate that on a voluntary basis may be difficult.
much respect
syd:h Syd
Big Favor
thanks for replying syd yes i know the logistics are very tough to actually put into action but im really on a fishing trip here maybe just maybe someone will start a ball rolling and then it may become a huge ball and help at least a few people
cheers and have a great day
Big Favor
I would be more than happy to buy all my vitamins etc. from MYO but it is difficult to buy them indivudually. Right now I am out of EPO & Milk Thisle unable to order at the MYO store so I will go over to the local health food store. Once you get it going & I can order the items I'm out of I'll order from you. I owe you that much. Pea
Big Favor
I've just read some of your very well thought out ideas, Surfer2. Thank you for the acknowledgement, BTW. I agree that we do have to do awareness for alcoholism as well. I have been tentative in posting my REAL story on the Nike website as to WHY I'm doing this race in the first place: to battle my drinking issues. I really need to do that and you have just lit a spark in me to do so. Awareness is key. I actually just fessed up a bit to my running coach last night, as we had a one on one session and she mentioned I was looking thinner... I said "well, it's not just the running..." and went on to tell her in a nutshell what I've been changing in the last several months, not least of which has been decreasing the wine consumption. This has not been a secret, and it keeps me more honest. People know. It's embarassing, but being dead would be worse. Harsh, yeah. My grandfather died of cirrhosis in his 60's. I was really young and barely remember him. I'm scared for my dad.
Back to the original purpose of this thread, I am nearly out of Kudzu. I will order it from here, as I have admittedly never ordered the supps from here. I have an awesome health food store near me with a very knowledgeable herbalist who owns it. But I want to support RJ. Now, I agree that there are some things that are not yet available on this site individually that I will still go get from my lady for now, but if I can get it here, I will. I promise!
And I'll go write my little blurb on the Nike website now. Or maybe in a minute. ... yikes... deep breath! I have not seen ONE other story out of all of those other ones of people who began running because they were a giant boozer. OMG.
Big Favor
Oh Becca! When have you ever been shy? I'll bet there's a lot of people (more than just us!...) that'll be very proud to hear your story! Bet ya might open up a whole new "channel" or two as far as honesty & why you're determined... Love ya!:l ... JudieThe only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink:
Big Favor
grrrrrrrrrrrr. working on posting my story (with the alcohol thing, was even goin to post this website link, if I could), but it looks like they might have closed out the place where you can write your story on the Nike website. I did logon and create my profile. Now I might have to enter a forum such as this one and start a thread where people are talking about the marathon course and their running shoes, and go "HI! My name is Becca and I'm an alcoholic!" A ha ha hahaha!! Sorry, funny/not funny. I haven't forgotten, just spent a bunch of time over there and got frustrated.
Big Favor
So...for those of you who are interesting in supporting the effort, I decided to heck with pride, I'll just lay it out. Here are some very specific ways you can help:
* If you know someone in the media (a newspaper writer, TV reporter, blogger) let them know about this program. Send them to our main website at and to this forum.
* Visit the blog and *please* post a response to any of the messages there. As we prepare to market it, we want potential advertisers to know it's being read!
* When you order supplements, consider doing so from our e-store, linked above. There, I've said it. I wouldn't if I didn't think they weren't the absolute best. They're top quality and packaged in quantities to match the program schedule. It's difficult for us to compete in price with the "big guys" but we do try to offer them at the most reasonable price possible. (I swore I'd never sell them, truly it was customers driven.)
* If you've already read the book, an anonymous review on Amazon would be FABULOUS. Just an honest take on your opinion.
* Please don't make copies of the CDs or sell them on Ebay. This just kills us.
Thanks a ton for your support. It really means a lot.
RJ has laid out some specific ways you can help support this site.
I just want to help keep it fresh in the minds of all the old timers and make sure all the newbies have a chance to learn how
I don't think my last post of just a smilie face was enough to get the point across.:h :h :h :h
Big Favor
Thanks and update
Thanks again, imagine: I really appreciate this!
Your post gave me a chance to re-read, as well, and I thought I'd provide some info about what we're up to since getting this fabulous feedback:
* We will soon begin offering all of the supplements individually at our e-store. Frankly, we've had a lot of mail about this, but we weren't sure we could handle the requisite inventory management. It's easier and less expensive to place one large wholesale order than several small ones. But we're going to give it a try! We're also introducing four new wonderful products...very excited about this. More info soon.
* We're adding a new 4-CD hypnotherapy set to our collection. Actually re-introducing. You old old OLD timers will remember when we first launched the e-store, we accidentally made bulk copies of my original hypnotherapy CDs--the ones Brenda and I first used, which were geared to moderate drinking and included cues about "being a better mother". They are still our favorites and we both continue to listen to them. But when I broadened out the program, I modified the language so the recordings were more appropriate for men and those seeking complete abstinence. (I was horrified to learn we'd shipped the wrong ones, and we replaced them all at great expense. As always, our customers were fantastic--one fella telling me not to worry; he'd been called a lot worse things than a mother.) Moms who have tested the CDs seem love the original ones, too, and have encouraged us to make them publicly available. So we'll reintroduce the four-set series using the same licensing agreement with our hypnotherapist partner. Should be available in the next few weeks. Be sure to PM me if you want to get on the early bird notification list.
* One of our marketing savvy members has agreed to help us attract advertisers for our blog. I'm anxious to move forward on this and really believe corporate advertising will allow us to take MWO to a whole new level.
* We're working with our partners to try and provide a means for getting MWO products in the hands of those who need help, but face financial hardship. We've tried to do what we can in this regard since our company's inception, but we'll be in a better position to do so once we get the support of our vendors.
Whew! Intended to keep this short, and there's more cooking, too, but those are the short term goals. Thanks as always for the excellent input. We are motivated to share MWO with as many people as we can!
(Becca, I noticed the Nike site was acting up, too. I guess we're not the only ones who suffer with those gremlins...)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!
Big Favor
Sorry about this RJ - but...I have ordered supps from MWO - but cost $19 per bottle of tabs. So it would have worked out at $80 postage !!!!!. -
Is there any way that delivery to UK could be cheaper? I know that a HUGE box containing 2 pairs of boots and a pair of jodhpurs costs ?32 2.3 KG in weight. from UK to USA - so surely a couple of bottles of tabs, shouldn't be so much.
I want to purchase from MWO because I know what I am getting, and I want to contribute ( tryin to send donation from paypal - just re-registered with them - so should be a couple of days ).
perhaps a discount on combined order postage?
xxxxx~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Bambs aka Hydrogen
:h XXX :h