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Posted to a friend, thought I'd share...

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    Posted to a friend, thought I'd share...


    I looked it up, since I am trying to learn all these new things I read:

    defineom - Google Search

    Quite a few definitions for POM, one of which is:

    pommy: a disparaging term for a British person
    HTH, :H:H

    Says the Yank.
    AF April 9, 2016


      Posted to a friend, thought I'd share...

      Not disparaging. affectionate
      Long Road
      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission--
      Eleanor Roosevelt


        Posted to a friend, thought I'd share...

        Long Road;669449 wrote: Not disparaging. affectionate
        I sensed you meant it in an affectionate manner, LG.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Posted to a friend, thought I'd share...

          vlad;668613 wrote:
          I remember during another service crying begging for God to just take the problem away and I heard Him say to me, 'I cannot just take this away, this is a decision you need to make - but I will walk with you every step of the way.'

          At the time my relationship with God had dwindled because of my drinking but His relationship with me has always remained constant.
          I've prayed, too, for God to just SNAP his Almighty fingers and make all my problems (or just this one??) go away...

          Seems it doesn't work that way. I have to make it known what my REAL intentions are.. or something.

          This was my "message from God" today:
          "I am your Healer, your Joy. With noiseless footsteps I draw near to you. I need no agonized pleading. Your need is My Call."

          ... no "agonized pleading" necessary!? (I seem to do that... often.)

          I guess it's about being true. Not "half-way", as I seem to be...
          Sometimes you have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down... Anais Nin


            Posted to a friend, thought I'd share...

            savon19;669536 wrote:
            This was my "message from God" today:
            "I am your Healer, your Joy. With noiseless footsteps I draw near to you. I need no agonized pleading. Your need is My Call."
            So true, reminds me once of when I began a prayer with 'agonising pleading' - I realised part way through that I'd just launched into all my wants & worries and not said thank you God once for the good things he'd blessed me with that day, I then began an 'agnonising apology' and I just heard the still, small voice of God say, 'Stop, don't you know I would answer your prayers no matter.'

            There is no set structure on how we need to pray. No eloquent words or phrases. We just need to talk to Him as ourselves.
            Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message

