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Living life in a haze of alcohol

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    Living life in a haze of alcohol

    You know how when you are in the thick of it that it's so hard to see that it's the alcohol that is preventing one's life from really moving forward? When people tell you that your life will be so much better if you don't drink, but all you know is that alcohol will take the pain away even for a bit? When there are a million other reasons for being stuck and when AL is nothing more than a way to cope? (or so it's easy to think this).

    I think I've had a revelation that is becoming more clear to me. I've had this sense that my life will never change as long as I continue to drink, but now I know I will never get out of my current situation if I continue to drink. A bit about where I was and where I am now.

    Six years ago I lived in a world class city and was making it. I had a great job, owned property in a place where most don't and there were so many things to do for fun that there was no way to fit everything in. It was a vibrant city and a beautiful place. Most importantly, I had friends! I left that place when my mental health was on the decline - when a coworker used my drinking against me in an effort to ruin me and he succeeded. I haven't had a job like that since.

    Fast forward six years later. I sit in a house day after day doing the same thing over and over - listening to political talk radio, cleaning a house that never gets clean, gaining weight, no job, no friends, nothing to do here for fun. I am really bored here. Oh, and did I mention drinking? Yup, drinking is the only way I cope with being here (or is it that the drinking has kept me doing the same thing over and over?) Now I can see that, just like a former relationship that ended recently (I'd been involved with someone on and off over the past three years who was verbally and emotionally abusive), the wine kept me in that and the delusion that somehow things could be different. I am finally free of the chains that kept me in that. What happened recently, the two week bender, finding all of you here in this supportive and non-judgmental community, even getting in a few days AL free - I can finally see him for who he is and, more importantly, who he never was

    If I continue to drink, I will just grow old here sitting in a house, with no life, no friends. Just me and the bottle of wine.

    I share all of this to get it out, to further strengthen what insight I do have, and resolve to being AL free. Indeed, as long as I continue to drink I'll be trapped in this forever. I may not know where I'm going, but somehow I sense that if I just give up the AL, there awaits some place - some vibrant place with shimmery shiny beauty in which I can finally feel centered and like I belong.

    Thanks for providing me a place to share this and thanks for reading. Oh, and sorry for the length! It's just that I wake up at times and feel like I've gone through "something" and if I don't grab onto it right then and there, it'll just recede into whatever my brain does at night and I'll never make any progress.
    ^ My Baby Ruby ^

    Living life in a haze of alcohol

    Alcohol is keeping me on a tread mill too. I can earn well enough if I wish but not if I drink. I was always an athlete, with aspirations to compete again, but can not longer train I haven't progressed in the last 3 years in any shape or form.

    If I stop I know it will all take off yet I put barriers in place - what if I get my notice from the landlord, I'll have to move and won't be able to work, what if the car breaks down I can't afford to have it fixed, then I can't go to meetings any more.

    All sorts of things!

    But if I stop I should be more financially secure then fixing or moving things won't be a problem.


      Living life in a haze of alcohol

      Ukblonde, it's so easy to live in the what-ifs. I do it too. What if I stop drinking and discover this is really as good as it gets? What if it's too late? What if nothing improves?

      I know AL is the most guaranteed way to ensure that things never move forward, but I trick myself into believing one more bottle won't hurt. One more day...what's one more day? Then the days become weeks, the weeks become months and before you know it the months become years.

      Well, I am off to my volunteer orientation. I'd really rather stay at home (what if I don't even want to do this and I end up driving all that way?), but off I am.
      ^ My Baby Ruby ^

