These techniques build on each other. Originally I spent a week concentrating on each one. I?m working to make them a library I can turn to during my day.
Technique 1: Breathing - Learn these. Do five breaths at least twice a day. Also at night if I wake up.
Breathing: Three Exercises - Dr. Weil
Technique 2: Progressive Muscle Relaxation. While learning this takes 5-10 minutes. But after a couple weeks, you can speed the process up a bit, and get a good PMR in less than a minute.
Technique 3: Relaxation Awareness. I have a ?Chime? application on my BlackBerry (a watch chime works too). Every hour it chimes, and that reminds me to slow my breathing, square my posture and become aware of my surroundings. I do this even if I?m mid conversation or driving, in fact it?s better if I?m busy, because it allows me the chance to become busy and relaxed.
Technique 4: Five Minute guided meditation. There are tons on YouTube. I try to do this twice a day. In my office, I shut my door so people leave me alone for five minutes.[/video]]YouTube - Guided Meditation[/video]]YouTube - B inspired[/video]]YouTube - RELAX meditation video with ocean waves
Technique 5: Focus on the present. Breath deeply 5 times. Imagine three windows. Look through the left window at the past, embrace it, and then close the window. Look through the right window at the future, embrace it, and then close the window. Focusing on the center window, expand it, and focus on the present. Focus on the smell, and sounds and sensations of right now. Smile. Apply your smile to the sensations. Breath deep 5-10 times. Then slowly return to tasks at hand.
For meetings, do the above with your eyes open so you look alert and engaged while the meeting speaker drones on and on. Enjoy the details of the present, including the texture of the speaker?s clothing, their hair, their features. Smile. Relax. Nod slightly. If you do this, you?ll become relaxed and the speaker will think you are a terrific person for listening to every word they said.