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    I am praying for peace, hope and strength for you and your family.

    We're all here for you
    :h :h :h :h



      Allie, I am so sorry to hear about your dear mother. I have you, your mother, and your family in my prayers and in my heart. With love, Boo Boo



        Allie, hon I am SO sorry to hear this news. I am thinking of you and praying for you and your family. A great big hug your way. Love you tons
        Over 4 months AF :h



          Oh Allie

          Hi Allie,

          Many many prayers and wishes for you and Mom. I hope we all can comfort you and that you'll find strength in God. He is able when we are not.




            hi allie,

            you have been in my thoughts. i hope that you finally got some sleep last night. hang in there!

            :l eustacia



              Gosh Allie-

              I just read this and I can't believe you just received such awful news! I am so sorry!!

              I know we somehow feel like kindred spirits in a way and maybe there is something to it. My mom had cancer 3 times as well. Twice, when I was in my teens, and again (ovarian) just about 3 years ago. I too was devistated and thought no one could be lucky three times. I am not sure long term, but she is healthy for now, and your mom may be ok. Listen, you have to remember this. Your mom is not in her 40's now. With treatments as they are, she may not be "cured" per se, but let's say she can have like...20 healthy productive years.....that is probably her lifetime. I don't know if that eases you pain to hear that right now, but once i was able to see my mom's cancer this way, I realized that It was really ok.

              Anything I can do to help you, please. I mean, even if I can be an ear for you. I have been, and I am there.

              formerly known as bak310



                Thoughts and Prayers


                I was so sorry to hear the news of your mothers cancer this morning from Patty. I know that you are devistated. I remember how unbelievably shattered I was when I lost my mother in 1989 when she was
                only 55. I will pray for a miracle for her and for your family. My prayer will include for you the stregnth you need right now and comfort.

                My caring support,

                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008




                  We've connected only a few times but distance and time take on a whole new cast when something as capricious as illness falls upon us, settling its most unwelcoming presence yet again on someone so dear to you. I can tell you that I have been there with a parent and that is true but from that experience I know only that it is a singular journey and one that will be profound and traveled with love, love that you already have for your mother and that will expand by the truckload as you walk with her in whatever direction this takes you and your family.

                  My heart goes with you.




                    I hear ya Best, In 1989 also was when my mom traded in to an angel. She was only 51. Also the same year my oldest son was born. I was her only daughter. Amazing how it seems like last week huh? And here my son whos almost 18 just keeps on tryin me and tryin me....just like mom said my kids would do, just like I did her! :H And now she is up in heaven smilin and laughin and tickeled that she was right! And since she is also their Gaurdian Angel, she is content with knowing that everything is gonna be okay and she is so proud of us all.

                    I hope that anyone that just read that is smilin as much as I am especially Allie! Love ya lotts, gabby
                    Gabby :flower:



                      Dearest Allie,

                      I am so very sorry that has happened. You and your family are in my prayers. You are very brave.

                      Love you,



                        How sad - I like the others want to wish you and yours well. Is there any comfort in the fact that at least she is nearer to you and that should make it easier to help?



                          So sorry to hear this. Try to take care of yourself.
                          I will keep you and your mom in my prayers.




                            You're still in my thoughts & prayers sweetie:h :l , Judie
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:



                              I've been thinking and praying about you and your mom since we chatted last night. I hope you were able to get some sleep. I can't even imagine what you are going through right now. Please let us know your needs and vent all you want. Love you, Gina:l



                                Thank you

                                It was so comforting to come here this afternoon and find so much encouragement and support from all of you! Thank you so much.

                                I took Mom to the Oncologist this morning and they cannot schedule the biopsy until early next week due to Labor Day weekend. This is going to be looooong weekend. But based on her bone study, they are almost certain it is renal cell which has metastasized into her aorta and blood stream. The prognosis is pretty grim at this point, but nothing is for certain until the biopsy results. My brother, who is an internist, spoke with the Oncologist today. The mass is very aggressive and pressing on her spinal cord. If it is renal cell, it could be a matter of weeks. The only other type it could be is lymphoma, which they feel is unlikely, but still a possiblity, which could be treatable depending on the type and level it is at. I held it together like a professional at the doctor's office, then came home and fell on the sofa and bawled like a baby. I havent been able to even tell the kids. They are so close to her. Thanks for letting me vent... I'm fresh out of tears at the moment.

                                She is in very good spirits though.... her optimism and positive outlook always inspire and continue to amaze me. I hope I can be just like her someday when I grow up.

                                Love, Allie
                                What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....

