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Have you ever done this due to drinking?
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
I'm 47, single mother of 3, been told I'm attractive smart and fun-so after nursing a broken heart from a cheating husband and a cheating boyfriend, 8 months later I go out with what I thought could be a fabulous guy...exciting, thrilling, smart, well-off, handsome-He talked about himself 99% of the time, told me how much he made and asked me maybe one question (where my family lives) in a one-hour lunch. He said he'd call ina week and he'd come over for his favorite date-to play guitar, since I play too. He never called. In fact on our date he mentioned he met a 30-yr. old (he's 40) who was captain of her princeton squash team and the "hit it off"- so he was playing squash with her right after our date. I'm all for dating around, but to tell one girl about the next??? So after not hearing from him, I vowed to not call and let it go-he's a jerk and not worthy of me...but, what did I do??? Had a couple of glasses of wine, called him, told him I was calling because I planned on never seeing him again, that he talked about himself the whole time, that he's probably with squash girl, that calling back when you say you're going to shows integrity and that that is a hell of a lot sexier that telling someone you just meet how much money you make! Can you believe I did this? Part of me-my pride - is glad, part of me is embarrassed at possibly being juvenile-and if I didn't drink I might have handled it differently. I don't know...what do you guys think?Tags: None
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
Right, as a bloke who's feelin' a bit chirpy today, I'll give you a Kanga's point of view... by the way, that bloke didn't have a long tail, big ears and a dodgy mojo did he? Whew! wasn't me then!
Right, back to business. Us blokes like nothing better than an audience to lap up what the said bloke has to say, mostly about himself. Now, to get past that, you have to let them talk. Listen, smile, nod. Ye get the picture? Then, if it's meant to be, then, just one day you will find that he will stop talkin' about himself and you may even find clues to the fact that he has actually HEARD something that you have said. This only happens in diverse cases tho.
So, the bloody bottom line is ..... if it's meant to bloody be, then it will be and if it's just a flash in the bloody pan, just take it as that. Never force the situation. Mind you, that bloke will more than likely still be reelin' from your phone call and it might just have given him the kick up the a@#* that he needed to not to try that little beauty on again.
Right, this Kanga is off to skip through the daffys ....................:k TheKanga
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
A Good Point!
I think that the Kanga's got a good point, there. I haven't dated for a while, so I don't know what I would do at this point. I guess the point is, did it give you any satisfaction?? If it did, why worry? I think it's kind of funny! I don't think it is necessarily immature to tell off someone who treated you badly, unless you threw a tantrum or made a scene or something.
Maybe you're a little embarrassed because even though you know this guy is a jerk, your ego got bruised and he pissed you off...but that's normal. Even if you don't want to see him again, you can still feel disappointed that he disrespected you and blew you off. So enjoy the fact that maybe you rattled his cage a little!
Kathy:lAF as of August 5th, 2012
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
First of all, good for you for telling him off! Who cares what he thinks--he's a CREEP!
That said--Why did you even WANT him to call you???So that you could spend ANOTHER hour listening to him carry on about himself??! Who needs it?? Certainly not you...
I don't mean to make light of what has clearly been a painful experience but this reminds me of the old borsht-belt joke:
"The food was terrible and there wasn't enough of it!"
Come on, you're better than that! Keep hanging out here and you'll see how much more you really deserve...
:l :l
susan"I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
I guess in a way ... count your blessings he was such an obvious A-hole !
But if it made ya feel a bit better by letting him know how you felt, by all means!( I think I'd have done the same...probably not as politly...)
Like they say... "Size don't matter... unless your gonna F**k em!" I think I might have mentioned those tiny little shoes he had on!!:H Musta been cold out too! Don't get me startd !!The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower:zwink:
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
I'm feeling kinda bad for squash girl now....... now she's getting to hear how important he is.
Maybe he told you about her because he doesn't usually get a second date and wanted you to know he'd be ok..
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
Chalk it up to experience, it was ment for you to know about that type for something down the line. So keep it close to your brain and move along. And I'll add in my memory bank as well. And if ya get any more lessons send it my way too. I'm keepin track right now so I dont screw up again too. Gabby
PS....damm those men and good luck. (sorry guys here that I love)
PSS....oh and wonderful kanga....dont be a icky like that....we love you to much!Gabby :flower:
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
Well, I'll probably get slammed for saying this, but I have been that guy before....many many times actually. Probably not the part about talking about him self 99% of the time. I was brought up by my mother that it was rude to not ask about others. Anyway, I say this with empathy in my heart, but your phone call probably won't phase him at all. Besides, how many decision after the drink are actually good ones. Best thing to do is blow this idiot off. Guys like this, especially if his success is self made, not inherited, are on their own agenda and tend to be very selfish. Better to find out from the get go though.
Some things are just caught not taught. I mean to say that he may never develop as a human being any further than he is right now. Throw his number away and get back out there. There are still some really good guys out there...I promise !!
Chin up !!
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
:good: :good: This place is fantastic - I've been laughing and crying reading some of the posts since finding it. But the one thing that remains constant in all of the messages is the absolute truth is being told every time. I think you did the very best thing - told it like it is! GOOD FOR YOU.
I think too much of my time has been spent being second best or putting other peoples feelings first that my emotional tank has run on empty. I think honesty with yourself and others is the only way to get some clearer perspective.
Anyway he probably loved it - you were actually giving him some input on his favurite subject - him - Mr Sad Loser:thumbs: :good:
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
Lush, you hit the nail on the head. I can't tell you how many times I have made calls or sent email when drinking that I wished I hadn't... Or never remembered!
And Arcadia, you are right, too. Even bad attention is welcome by these losers.
kjajabes, you didn't happen to find this guy on the Internet, did you? I did my share of Internet dating, and met enough of those Must Love Dogs guys to make my OWN movie! I know the REAL meaning of the title! :H
Have you ever done this due to drinking?
not to make light of your angst but your post cracked me up. while i was reading it, i had the fantasy of this man telling the 30-year-old the next day that he had met a really hot woman in her
40s--gorgeous, sexy and worldly; thereby bringing about the same response in her that he did in you. your don juan is not ready for a relationship and on some level, maybe not quite conscious, he knows it. I would guess that his history of long term relationships is sparse.
chalk this guy up to experience, and move on. there are far better pickin's out there for you, my dear!