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Holiday Weekend

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    Holiday Weekend

    Labor Day weekend is upon us, typically I would be planning out my party weekend by now. But now I'm looking for ways to not want to drink. I want to be able to attend social functions and not get sloshed, touble is when I start I don't stop. And I drink waaaayyyy too much. The Kudzu helps with the cravings, but not with the self control.

    Question for you people who've been on the program a while. When you first started, did you abstain for a period of time before trying the moderation thing or did you just start with learning moderation from the get go? I'm sure there is a mix out there I'm just curious of how others have approached this.

    Thanks for your support!

    Holiday Weekend

    Hi and welcome!!! I tried the moderating first only because I did not want to feel deprived as if I was on a restrictive diet. I found it easier to cut back than go cold turkey. I still have my moments but this last week I was able to go without a drink for 3-3/4 days (gave in on the fourth night not because I HAD to but because a nice glass of red wine just sounded tasty). Good luck to you.....
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      Holiday Weekend

      I abstained for 30 days to start off. I thought I would have a tough time too because I started about 2 weeks before 4th of July. I just kept it in my head that out of all the 4th's I've had I could do this one without drinking. I even went out with a friend who had a few. Once I decided to have none that night
      knew what I had do say when the subject came up.
      I had a great 4th...and an even better morning of the 5th.

      Good luck however you decide to handle it.


        Holiday Weekend

        shedot wrote: Labor Day weekend is upon us, typically I would be planning out my party weekend ...

        Question for you people who've been on the program a while. When you first started, did you abstain for a period of time before trying the moderation thing or did you just start with learning moderation from the get go? I'm sure there is a mix out there I'm just curious of how others have approached this.

        Thanks for your support!
        Well, I'm a newbie too, waiting for my supplements to arrive. I too thought about the weekend, would normally be a party weekend and grilling steaks, ribs, or burgers, or one of those each day, but this one will be different. No party for me.

        The Kudzu has definitely helped me, for the first time, when I came home from work, I didn't have the terrible urge to drink, it was more like "habit". I'm only on Kudzu now, but other supplements are on there way, and I see the doc on Wed. to hopefully get the Topamax.

        As for the abstaining, I think that is a personal choice - can you do it? I myself, have set a goal of moderation, but if I do quit entirely, then hey, that's an added benefit. Mind you, I have been drinking on a nearly daily basis for over 20 years, so it's different for each of us, but the one thing we have in common, is we all know we have a problem, and we all want to fix that problem to make us better people.

        I wish you the best, and have a good weekend, but keep stiving toward your goal.



          Holiday Weekend

          I went abs for 2 weeks just because I wanted to clean out and see how that felt. I have mods as my goal but can not say I did exactly like I planned until August. It takes time and some effort to chase away that witching hour people talk about. I think the CDs helped me break the habit the best.

          wishing you the best!

