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Liver Disease???

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    Liver Disease???

    Hey all,
    I'm at my wits end at the minute...
    Last night i never slept a wink due to having an itch all over my body...
    I've just googled it and read that it is a sign of liver disease...
    Now anyway i'm bricking it and wonder if anyone here had the same symptoms and could they rectify it themselves...?
    Don't want to visit my doc as im close to all the girls that work there and i know they have access to my records(and i know they read them,i used to work in a&e as a secretary and it's your job to read the notes)
    Any advice would be much appreciated...

    Thanks a million in advance!

    "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
    Bring it on!

    Liver Disease???

    More likely from the withdrawal Annie. Don't freak out; don't freak out at all. I seriously, SERIOUSLY doubt it is nothing more than you not drinking for three days. The same thing happened to me 15 years ago the first time I quit and it is a common, very common symptom of withdrawal. In fact, everyone in the support group that I was in 15 years ago had the same (very same) symptoms.

    Not to worry friend. You're fine; just going through the pains of withdrawing from the devil... You see, if you were to start drinking right now, the itching would go away... But don't do that - the itching will be over soon.
    I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


      Liver Disease???

      Hi Annie.
      First of all, please stop panicking. Itching can be a sign of many many things.
      Also the liver has the ability to recover if you look after it, i.e. stop drinking.
      I thought I had damaged my liver when I quit too. I was nauseous and uncomfortable for a few weeks. It gradually subsided.
      Use this as a very good reason to quit.
      Big hugs Annie!
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Liver Disease???

        You could start on the Milk Thistle annie, it's a great supplement for healing the liver. You can feel the difference within a few days too.
        vegan zombies want your grains


          Liver Disease???


          You two are absolute gems.
          You put my mind at ease rightaway.
          Thankyou for your quick responses.

          A very definate reason for me to go lie down and watch some tv with an af beer and know that my liver is on the mend.

          That itching last night was worse than childbirth.
          I will definatley be in no hurry to let myself get into a drunken state again.
          Just another reason for my already mile long list...

          Many Thanks Again,

          "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
          Bring it on!


            Liver Disease???

            Thanks cyclefan,

            Will invest in some milk thistle in the morning.
            I think my liver will like me better for it!lol

            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
            Bring it on!


              Liver Disease???

              Annie, I have gone through similar so try not to worry .........

              I really do think that when you are feeling better you should 'bite the bullet' and get your liver checked though ....... I'm scared too but really need to get checked .....

              Love & Hugs, BB xx


                Liver Disease???

                Some things from past experience Annie. The liver is one of the most durable organs in the body and can repair itself very quickly. This is from a Dr.

                One of the things the demon liquid does when one quits is to make you go through some pretty serious doubts about your health and the "damage you have done."

                When i first quit drinking (starting on the second time, lol), I went through so many issues physically that I just thought "hey, it looks like I've done it, so why not just start up again?"

                After a few months, I was in the best health of my life and enjoying every single minute of it. Life was good again; a GOOD night's sleep, no itching, no heart palpitations, etc..

                I'm not saying it will take you three months to feel better, more than likely just a day or two. But each day, your body will grow stronger and stronger. You'll thank yourself for it.

                Now, if I could only follow my own advice, lol. Working on it by tapering down, but I'm not there yet.

                I'm PROUD OF YOU!

                I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


                  Liver Disease???

                  BTW, when I first stopped I had alcoholic hepatitis and my doctor told me that if I didn't stop drinking in six months I would be dead.

                  THAT should tell you how much the liver can heal itself. Your liver is healing Annie, these are the symptoms of that healing.

                  Once you've been off the drink for a period go in and have your enzymes checked. By then your liver enzymes will be back to normal and you'll be even more proud of yourself.
                  I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


                    Liver Disease???

                    anniemac,i have had the same thing of late,had all my tests they havent said anything of liver desease but i was on hi blood press. pillss at one time a different kind went back to the old ones have you changed any meds lately,or your routine has changed i itched like crazy,still do at times gyco


                      Liver Disease???

                      I got to the stage of having an itchy face for a while. I found out later that it's common for heavy drinkers. I had a check-up before starting this current period of sobriety and my liver was fine.
                      Also, may I suugest that you change to a doctor where your records will not be read by any of your friends. It's important that you can speak to him/her about anything, whether it's embarrassing or not, and not have to worry about who else will find out.


                        Liver Disease???

                        Annie ... Itching can also be from dehydration (are you drinking enough water?) .... I researched Liver Disease as much as anyone possibly can (I had high liver enzymes in blood tests back in February) ... After Googling, I went from having myself on death row .. to realizing I was OK ... and back to wondering all of the "maybes" ... Man-o-man, it's scary when you start Googling!

                        I have been taking Milk Thistle for a couple of months now - It not only helps the liver to work properly, but it helps it regenerate when it's been damaged. Google it - you will find GREAT things. It is amazing. I also drink chamomile tea with lemon, and warm/hot lemon water - lemon is supposed to help the liver. Drink lots of water too, and give your body good foods .. steer away from McDonalds and Pizzas and go for more natural foods.

                        The liver is an amazing organ. I'm still worried about mine, but I'm not as freaked out as I used to be ... For example, I have some yellowing in the corners of my eyes from time to time (not a lot - just now and then), but I've read that that's normal for a lot of people and can come and go for various reasions. Listen to your body and get it checked out any time that you are worried. Doctors are paid to work for us.

                        Research online is not a bad thing ... Just don't put all of your "belief" in Google ... because Google can be great, but it can be bad and scary and unreliable as well.

                        And ... more than anything ... keep on keeping on ... and listen to your Mind and your Body. They talk to you.
                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                          Liver Disease???


                          I've gone to an AA meeting with pains right underneath my right chest bone - IOW, right where the liver and pancreas are. I've had elevated liver enzymes - 15 years ago. Now I'm fine. My point is, and as others have said, the liver is an amazing organ with the capacity to heal. If you don't drink, it WILL. I do think a trip to the Dr's office is in order. However, not much can be done except TIME - time off drinking. I'd take a month off from drinking and then go get it checked. I am sure all will be well by then. Pls. don't worry. :l
                          ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                            Liver Disease???

                            Thank you all for replying to my message.

                            Will stay af this month then will visit my doc for a general mot...

                            You have all been very kind and helpful sharing your advice and experiences...

                            Many,many thanks again..

                            love & hugs

                            "Just when i was getting used to yesterday,along came today"
                            Bring it on!


                              Liver Disease???

                              Apparently my dad, who was in hospital for total body collapse due to drinking earlier this year, had outrageously itchy feet for a week after he had dt's, tremors, you name it. But not his stats are back to 'normal'. I'm thinking it's ok and you are going to be fine.
                              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                              AF since May 6, 2010

