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BB's Detox

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    BB's Detox

    Mackeral;685943 wrote:
    Marcuus as beeen stor-in foood in is seedburns.. Leesa is loookin like a bloook mur n mur each dey, n Betty is keekin arse on the deeetox..
    :H :H :H
    I understood that!



      BB's Detox

      Thanks again everyone ......... day 5 and still feeling good ........

      Macks you should apply for a job as the next BB commentator .........

      We are going away on sunday for a few days too Macks hitting thorpe park and chessington ......... gonna try rollercoasters hangover free LOL ........

      Love & Hugs BB xx


        BB's Detox

        Hi BB,
        You're going great guns.
        Have a great time time. Rollercoasters are a big nooooooo, drunk or sober.
        Hang on to your seatbelt.
        Big hugs
        Jackie xxxxx
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          BB's Detox

          BB - you're doing so well!!! Hang in there - we all have our own MWO, but the wonderful thing is that we can still find inspiration from others! Good going!
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            BB's Detox

            Keep up the GREAT work BB! I am about to start a similar thread to yours in the next few days. I'm ready to make that step. I would like to ask for your help on this folks. I have a prescription bottle of librium and I'm going to go the same route as BB.

            BB, I'm proud of you. You've inspired me to do the same.
            I've been walking, a long and crooked path. Come my restoration, wash my body clean...


              BB's Detox

              Sosad, I will do everything that I can to help ............

              Do you have the correct dose that you need to take for detox or just a prescription???? ........ what about the supps??? My doc prescribed vitamin B compound strong and thiamine ...........

              All the best & good luck ......... keep us posted BB xx


                BB's Detox

                Great job BB!!!

                I hve been so submerged in "my own little world". I just read through this are smart to detox w/ Librium....... It is safe that way. I love and care about you, you are awesome and a friend on here for a long time......... Very glad for you!

                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  BB's Detox

                  Thanks Cowgal & everyone else ............

                  Today is the first saturday morning in many many years that I have woke up without a hangover and it feels GOOD!!!!!!!! ...........

                  Love & Hugs to everyone ........... BB xx


                    BB's Detox


                    That week just kind of flew by, didn't it? :goodjob:

                    How are you feeling mentally? Ready to start tackling this thing full force? You have a bunch of loving friends here who will help you continue this journey. This is one trip of a lifetime.

                    Much love,
                    AF April 9, 2016


                      BB's Detox

                      Good for you Betty, Just read through this are doing great!! I have never heard of Librium use for detox. Good to know there is another useful med out there.
                      You go girl!!

                      Sober since 30/06/10


                        BB's Detox

                        Cindi, I feel amazing mentally!!!! We are going away for a few days tomorow and 2 weeks ago I was going to cancel because holidays are always an excuse to drink, but I'm actually looking forward to it, we have been experimenting with non al drinks over the past few nights and have enjoyed some unusual concoctions ........

                        Amelia ....... so good to hear from you, My doctor put me onto the Librium and it has been AMAZING !!!!!! I would highly recommend it ..........xxxx

                        Zenstyle thanks, hangover free is good LOL ..........xxxxx

                        Much love and hugs to everyone that has supported me ........ :h:h:h


                          BB's Detox

                          It comforts my soul to hear you are in relief dearest of hearts.

                          Stay comforted, be at peace and rest your self and let your beauty shine~

                          I appreciate you, you were a kind presence when I first came here and it made a difference to my still coming here even though I still have the struggle.

                          Adore yourself as you are adored.

                          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


                            BB's Detox

                            Betty, you may not see this before your trip, but if you do I wanted to say have a very pleasant journey and be well!!


                              BB's Detox

                              BB I hope that you have a lovely time, congrats on staying sober, you are amazing! Joesgal


                                BB's Detox

                                Hey BB. jUst wondering if you got back and how things are going for you now? hope you're dong great. it's been a great thread for sure
                                no time like the present

