I intend to track my detox experience as it happens with my highs and lows to help myself as I look back and for anyone that is contemplating detox as an Idea of what to expect ............
For anyone that isn't happy with a self indulgent thread then just don't read, my intentions are for this thread to be positive ..........
Well tomorrow morning at 8am I start with a high dose of Librium that I take every four hours ........... I am scared of what I will feel like ........
Strange really, If it was in a bottle labelled alcohol then I would drink it without hesitation, but because it is a tablet then I am scared ........ go figure!!!!!
Tonight I am having an Indian Takeaway and a bottle of wine, a nice wine to savour rather than 2 or 3 cheap ones to glug ...........
Anyway I will check in tomorrow ........
Love & Hugs, BB xx