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BB's Detox

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    BB's Detox

    Hi Guys, I'm going to follow Moo in the idea of starting a thread of my own ........

    I intend to track my detox experience as it happens with my highs and lows to help myself as I look back and for anyone that is contemplating detox as an Idea of what to expect ............

    For anyone that isn't happy with a self indulgent thread then just don't read, my intentions are for this thread to be positive ..........

    Well tomorrow morning at 8am I start with a high dose of Librium that I take every four hours ........... I am scared of what I will feel like ........

    Strange really, If it was in a bottle labelled alcohol then I would drink it without hesitation, but because it is a tablet then I am scared ........ go figure!!!!!

    Tonight I am having an Indian Takeaway and a bottle of wine, a nice wine to savour rather than 2 or 3 cheap ones to glug ...........

    Anyway I will check in tomorrow ........

    Love & Hugs, BB xx

    BB's Detox

    BB, I will be following your thread with positive prayers :wings:
    LTG AF January 13, 2011


      BB's Detox

      Good luck Betty.....


        BB's Detox

        Good luck with your detox and dont worry about people not liking the thread, as you say they dont have to read it. If it helps you achieve your goal then that is all positive and it may help others too. Anyway thats just my opinion.
        Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


          BB's Detox

          Best of luck BB,
          PM if you need to or just want to.
          We're with you all the way.
          JackieClaire xxx
          It could be worse, I could be filing.
          AF since 7/7/2009


            BB's Detox


            I always thought it odd too that we will drink ourselves stupid, but are scared of a pill. I read it here over and over. You know how good it feels to be AF....take that pill. It is temporary not long term. Withdrawal without any meds is hell!!! The librium will help....
            Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


              BB's Detox

              Good luck BB!
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                BB's Detox

                Yes, good luck BB! I look forward to reading.
                ^ My Baby Ruby ^


                  BB's Detox

                  Good luck BB, I wish you well, joesgal


                    BB's Detox

                    Betty ... looking forward to following how things go. We're here with you. Be strong .. You can do this!
                    AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                      BB's Detox

                      Thanks everyone ........ I'm off to bed now .......... butterflies are going mad in my tummy!!!! Alarm is set for 7.30 so I can get a shower before taking the first tablets ........ Gulp .....

                      Love & Hugs everyone ........... 'see' you in the morning ..........BB xx


                        BB's Detox

                        See you in the a.m. ... We're with ya, Betty!
                        AF for two years. Slight relapse. Working on it at the moment.


                          BB's Detox

                          Hi Betty. Long time no see. I hope you sleep well and wish you well on the detox. I will be anxious to hear how it goes. I think you will do fine!


                            BB's Detox

                            OMG I cant sleep ......... I am tired but so nervous


                              BB's Detox

                              Hi there BB,
                              Brave woman, you can do this! We are with you. No worries about anything you say. Just get through the first few days. Water with lemon juice is heaven. So are showers. You go girl!
                              Success is not final, failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts.
                              AF since May 6, 2010

