I am beyond frustrated at this point. This a.m. the thought of just checking out crossed my mind. This isn't in Need Help! section, as I promised myself I would never do so as long as my parents are alive. They are still alive. I just feel like I am running out of options and each day seems worse. The meds I take do nothing. So I drink and screw up on the meds. I just remain depressed to the point where a drink is the only thing that provides relief, no matter how short lived. I've started to go to bed at 8:30, as I prefer sleep to being awake. Last night I slept over 10 hours, which isn't like me. I just feel so trapped and like NOTHING is going to help. I've gone to AA, gone to SMART, gone to Women for Sobriety, gone to LifeRing, gone to six or seven rehabs, have been seeing a shrink for over five years, countless therapists, depression groups, a bipolar group and even a women's abuse group. I keep trying. My poor mother is worried about me and she has enough on her plate with my dad who has Alzheimers. He'll be 94 this month. She'll be 88 in a month. I need to go visit soon, but just don't feel like I can manage it. I keep making plans to get out of my house, only to cancel at the last minute. I don't even feel like I can be around "normal people" these days. The only thing I can be consistent about is volunteering because it's only for two hours and I get out of myself. However, that may be hard at some point too. House is a disaster, don't even care. Well, I do, but not enough to do anything about it.
Anyway, I just need to vent. I haven't gone on the MWO program; maybe I should, even though it's getting to the point where I don't know that anything will help. I am grateful, however, that I am not alone in this struggle, even if everyone I seem to really be honest with about all this stuff happens to be in cyberspace. Thanks for letting me share.