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Thought this might help

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    Thought this might help

    I have just read this on Tell us your Story and thought it might help some people.

    hello.i started drinking sririts at 12 years old couldnt stop because any type of drink trigerd a part of the brain that i couldent stop drinking till i blacked out we all got to were we were for different reasons and as i dont dwell on the past the reasons why are not relevent im now 63 have not touched a drop for nearly 30 years during the time i spent with my counsellor i trained to become a councellor but didnt take any exams to become quallified but have helped a lot of people give up the drink my early years were hard but learnt a lot of life lessons early that most people dont and have helped people all my life with anything i could and enjoy doing it but now i want to help as many people i can give up the drink so fell free to contact me if you need to talk or need some advice that you couldnt ask a counsellor yes i know all the things we do and dont do when we try to stop im here to help in any way i can but i call a spade a spade and dont pull any punches you cant pussy foot around if you want to help people to stop drinking or if you need help getting back into the real world contact me any time will do all i can. spaggs msn/
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h

    Thought this might help

    Have you talked to this person, Bambs? Were they helpful???

    Hugs, Kathy
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Thought this might help

      Not yet Kathy, But just on my way out ( no pun intended ! ) To replace light and alarm - so will have a chat later.

      Will let you know

      Love and hugs
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Bambs aka Hydrogen

      :h XXX :h


        Thought this might help

        Bambs, it sounds like your doin good. Nice to see. : ) gabby
        Gabby :flower:


          Thought this might help

          Have sent an e-mail to spaggs , and just outlined very vaguely what my troubles are and have been , and what she may be able to do to help in terms of her counselling criteria are... Hoping it's positive. Fingers crossed.!!

          So I await her reply with bated breath

          Will keep you posted.

          ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

          Bambs aka Hydrogen

          :h XXX :h


            Thought this might help

            I'm curious as will.
            :heart: Eliziby :heart:


              Thought this might help

              Humm....I feel leary.
              Gabby :flower:


                Thought this might help

                What's leary Gabbs?

                Anyway - haven't heard anything yet, will send another e-mail. has anyone else tried to contact her?
                ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                Bambs aka Hydrogen

                :h XXX :h


                  Thought this might help

                  Leary means cautious, Bambs! Hugs, Kathy
                  AF as of August 5th, 2012


                    Thought this might help

                    Ooh - I've gone a bit scared now - It might be a bit suspect - escecially as not heard anything.
                    Think I'll leave it...
                    Thanks Gabbs n Kath x

                    P.s why do I always do a dash in between sentences, and dot dot dots - do you think I was a morse code operator in a former life ?
                    I've noticed it myself, and am trying to curb it !!!
                    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

                    Bambs aka Hydrogen

                    :h XXX :h


                      Thought this might help

                      LOL! Maybe you were...maybe I was too! A morse code operator, that is! Yes, it would be good to be careful if this person does get back in touch, Bambs.
                      AF as of August 5th, 2012

