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Me Old Mucker Died Today

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    Me Old Mucker Died Today

    Got the bad news tonight that me old mate Steve died today, doing what he loved best. Life is too bloody short mates - make the most of what ye've got today.
    :k TheKanga

    Me Old Mucker Died Today


    I saw that too, and it made me so sad. You're right, Kanga, let's make the most of what we've got, today and everyday!
    AF as of August 5th, 2012


      Me Old Mucker Died Today

      I read about it on aol news .
      He used to make us laugh sooo much about just HOW enthusiastic he was to the point of nuttiness !!!! . He had a real joy of life...
      It's such a shame.
      Goes to show - live life to the full - and he did.
      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Bambs aka Hydrogen

      :h XXX :h


        Me Old Mucker Died Today

        I was truly sadden when I turned on the news this morning and heard about his death. He was a great man in all that he did for wildlife, he will be missed dearly.
        Patti :happyheart:


          Me Old Mucker Died Today

          Me too...just sad about this. They replayed some video of him this morning and Jack Hanna was talking about him and what a great guy he was. I just keep thinking about his wife and kids.
          Life will be tough for them for quite a long time.
          On a lighter note...he sure was fun to watch and that kind of lust for like is great to see.



            Me Old Mucker Died Today

            I saw this sad news when I turned on my computer. My kids and grandkids have spent hours and hours watching Steve. He had a zest for life very few have and certainly lived on the edge. He will be missed. I'm praying for his wife and kids.
            "Be still and know that I am God"

            Psalm 46:10


              Me Old Mucker Died Today

              I loved Mr Irwin...He was a crackpot, and always had me and the kids laughing...Cant belive hes gone.
              I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
              One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009


                Me Old Mucker Died Today

                My thoughts are with Terri, Bindi and Bob.


                  Me Old Mucker Died Today

                  Yes, very sad news. gabby
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Me Old Mucker Died Today

                    Can't Stop Thinking About It

                    Today was a great day at work, but every moment I wasn't engaged in working, my thoughts came back to Steve Irwin, and I would feel my heart sink again.

                    I echo your thoughts, Tawny. I have been thinking about Terri, Bindi and Bob all day long....I hope that all the prayers being said will help to support her in the coming days, months and years.

                    AF as of August 5th, 2012


                      Me Old Mucker Died Today

                      Strange how the death of someone we do not even know can affect us so much. I just told my 8 year old and she almost cried. I have not been able to get it out of my head all day either. I do have to say though that I wish he would have scaled things back in the danger department, especially once he had children. I know it was his passion, however, and he would have had it no other way. I just became so much more cautious when I became a mom but maybe that is because I am a woman? His wife understood the real risks he was always taking but those poor kids. I saw a repeat of an interview with him on the Today show this morning and his little girl just adored him. Sooo incredibly sad for them.
                      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                        Me Old Mucker Died Today

                        Such a terrible is indeed to short, my thougts are with his lovely family

                        "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


                          Me Old Mucker Died Today

                          :upset: I was in a dead sleep with tv on last night...must have heard "breaking news' and awoke to hear of this tragedy. I keep hearing the song "Only the Good Die Young" by Billy Joel play over and over in my head today.


                            Me Old Mucker Died Today

                            I was so sad to hear about this. He was such a kick to watch. It sounds like such a real 1 in a million occurance. Prayers are with his family.


                              Me Old Mucker Died Today

                              The Crocodile Hunter


                              He will live on.


