wow, I didn't know you could get it in tea form. How does it taste?
I take it in formed tablets. I sure hope it works the way I have read about, because I know between bad eating habits (fatty foods) and the damn booze, my poor liver has taken a shit kicking throughout its life in my body! Believe it or not I have actually not only almost become a total non drinker (having drank maybe 10 times in total in 2009...blows me away...never thought I would be able to say that), but I have dropped 42 pounds. I have never done so well in my whole life. I sure do hope I am able to hold it together.
How are you doing? I haven't been posting much lately, so not really caught up on how everyone is hanging in there?
Another thing to try (if you think it might be liver pain) is of course lemon water. Half a lemon squeezed into a huge mug of hot water. As many a day as you can handle. Very detoxifying.
Have you thought about getting some blood work done to test your liver levels? I never did, but I really try to deal with my alcohol issues without getting too much on paper (recorded, it worries me that it may cause problems one day) But lately I have behaved, and like I said no pain since not drinking...crazy how us alkies treat our poor bodies.
Has the pain gone away totally for you yet, or is it still uncomfortable?
Take good care...you are WORTH IT! :l :l