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Blew it this weekend !

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    Blew it this weekend !


    I went to Indianapois for the Colts vs Bengels football game. I drove up (about 1 1/2 hour drive) so I did not drink anything. I took some clients up and bought a case a beer for them to drink on the way up there. I took them out to a great steakhouse...I had two beers. Then we went to the game...I had only two more beers...not bad under the circumstances.

    Saturday...had in laws staying from out of town. Played 18 holes of golf. Drank 1/2 pint of vodka and 6 beers...not so good. 7 week old daughter was baptized. In Indiana you can't but alcohol on Sundays so I only had about 10 beers in the fridge and served 2 bottles of wine. I think I had only 6 beers the whole day...not too bad

    Monday...My oldest daughter b-day. She's 14. My ex wife was there...lets just say I grilled out the chicken and drank the whole time. I'm hung over today. All in all its better than past history for a Labor Day weekend.

    HAd a talk to my wife about wanting to stop/slow down on my drinking. Apparently she had a come to Jesus meeting Sunday. After the baptism we had everyone over for lunch and all the woman folk were helping set up the food and stuff. My wife did not know where anything was in the kitchen. I had to direct everyone. She was ashamed and finally realized how long it has been since she did anythinmg around the house. She even realized how long its been since she helped clean. I pulled up all the carpets 1 1/2 years ago and sanded and refinished the hardwood floors. She has never cleaned them...ever. I clean house every Saturday morning. Anyway she has admitted to slacking off...its a start. Not sure she will actually DO anything, but at least she knows why I burning out.

    My wife is/was a licensed dietician and I told her about the supps. I asked her to look into these and give me her opinion. She loves that sort of thing. I hope by having her active in my attempts of being sober it will help....she knows that me being a total house bitch is a trigger for me to drink too.

    I sure wish I hadn't drank so much yesterday !

    Gtetting by...Brian

    Blew it this weekend !


    It sounds like you are really going in the right direction! Just the AWARENESS of your drinking is a giant step forward. You don't like this hungover feeling, you are here fessing up, and you want to improve. Good! Keep up with the supps, too! I found that when I slacked with them, I really went backwards.
    I'm so glad about you're wife's "meeting" with Jesus! Wow, that must be truly difficult for her to swallow. She may become defensive, I don't know, but I'd take it gently with the discussions that are sure to commence.
    You are a trooper! Keep plugging. If you give up, nothing will improve, trust me! Been there myself, had my marriage falling apart at the seams for a while too. MUCH better now that I've just kept at it.You can DO this.

    HEY! Thank you for the tip for the race! We bought some "Glide" stuff at the expo, hydrated, had only 1 glass of wine the whole 2 days before the race (oh, the fierce determination ), and it turned out GREAT!

    Stay with us, Brian, and don't let a blown weekend blow your program. There's so much more to it than a few measly days!!
    Take care,


      Blew it this weekend !

      Haven't asked you Becca,

      How did the long hard slog go????

      Do you still have 2 feet , or have you worn them away?


      ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

      Bambs aka Hydrogen

      :h XXX :h


        Blew it this weekend !

        Brian, I feel your pain as I am coming off a bad weekend myself. I am so glad to hear your wife had an epiphany of sorts. Maybe you two will start making headway. Good luck this week!!!!
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Blew it this weekend !

          Keep on Trucking, Brian!

          I'm so glad that this year's Labor Day was better than last year's! There have been quite a few times I haven't done as well as I've wanted to, but compared to this time last year, I'm doing so much better!!:happy:

          I'm glad that your wife is starting to get the picture!! It can really be amazing what can happen when you start to work on yourself! (Not always, but it seems to be happening for you!:yay: )

          Good luck!

          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            Blew it this weekend !

            Hi Brian- et al

            I'm in New Orleans this week - work trip. I came in early yesterday. I don't even want to recount last night - I really didn't mean for it to happen but I managed to go from nothing to about 7 drinks (without having dinner). The rest of my group showed up today for our first day of actual work and I felt like $%&(

            Seems everytime I think I don't really have a problem...I prove to myself that I do.
            I just got back from going out to dinner with the group and I had diet coke with my gumbo tonight. Tomorrow the plan is to go out for hurricanes. Not gonna happen.
            I'm so disappointed in myself. How does that happen?? I went from 2 glasses of white wine to not being completely sure how I got back to my hotel. Not the best idea for a female alone in New Orleans.
   I feel icky just talking about it.

            Thanks for listening everyone...and Brian good for you for talking about this with your wife. I think that is a huge step.

            good night

