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Anxiety. Again.

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    Anxiety. Again.

    Well I was AF for 12 days and then I struck out by drinking over the weekend. I cannot believe how quickly the anxiety starts now. Besides starting over with AF, I need to talk to my doctor about some stronger anxiety meds.

    I am taking Lorazepam which takes the edge off the anxiety but it's still there. I am also going to seek therapy to help me get to the bottom of why I feel the need to binge drink. Every time I think it's not going to be a big deal (drinking), and every time it always is (the aftermath).

    So in the meantime, what's some good home remedies to help with the panic attacks/anxiety? It tends to come in waves (in the chest area) and feels like I'm either going to crawl out of my skin, pass out or worse. I know it's the anxiety, but it's still scary.

    Back to the drawing board. Thanks for listening.

    Anxiety. Again.

    Zeta -

    I wish I could offer an answer for how to deal with the post-binge drinking (or alcohol in general) anxiety, but I cannot - in fact I struggle with it all the time! It's the biggest thing that makes me end a 5 or 6 day AF streak; just that feeling of anxiousness and tightness in the chest (course I've convinced myself that only a drink will make it go away...which works for a whole 15 minutes...until I'm a few bottles deep and the cycle begins again )

    But I am very grateful you posted this...and awaiting any reply!



      Anxiety. Again.


      I find that a low dose of Propanelol(Inderal) 10mg, which is a beta blocker is very effective, and preferable to medication such as Aterax which makes one feel spaced out and is addictive.
      But you will need a script for Inderal 10mg from your doctor. You then take it only when you feel an anxiety attack coming on.


        Anxiety. Again.

        Hi Zeta,Hi All,
        Thanks Sunbird for the reminder about the Beta Blockers. I took them a while ago and they helped quite a bit.
        I'm seeing a therapist about my deep rooted anxiety problem. Giving up AL has helped me loads. But still get anxious at times. But he's taught me over the weeks that this is not going to kill me but the AL will.
        Rosie,you're quite welcome at my place.
        Love and hugs.
        Jackie xxx
        AF since 7/7/2009
        It could be worse, I could be filing.
        AF since 7/7/2009


          Anxiety. Again.

          Anxiety symptoms, anxiety attack symptoms: There are over 100 symptoms of anxiety.
          Because each person has a unique chemical make up, the type, number, intensity, and frequency of anxiety symptoms will vary from person to person. For example, one person may have just one mild anxiety symptom, whereas another may have all anxiety symptoms and to great severity.It is very common for people who have stopped drinking to suffer these attacks,but they will pass & usually only last a few mins,i posted a thread in the resource thread that might be of help.

          :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

          Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
          I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

          This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


            Anxiety. Again.


            I've been a victim of anxiety and panic attacks as well & going AF is a tremendous help. But for the times when the anxiety returns I use a natural herbal product called Seredyn. It works quickly, is not habit forming and has no side effects. I buy it directly from their website: SEREDYN - Immediate Anxiety Relief

            Hope you find relief soon, I know how unsettling anxiety can be..........
            AF since 03/26/09
            NF since 05/19/09
            Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


              Anxiety. Again.

              Thank you all for the encouragement and information. I think one of the factors in this merry-go-round from Hell for me is that I can't seem to understand or fully realize that my body has changed in how it deals with AL and the after effects. This past weekend I did binge, but not to the point that I thought I would have any really bad WD's or anxiety. In the past, I could drink as much if not more, have a hangover the next day, and then I felt fine.

              My anxiety didn't really start up until over a year ago right before I quit the hard stuff. I didn't want to believe it was my overconsumption of AL that was creating this whole new scary set of symptoms.

              I had just one drink yesterday as my anxiety was really kicking in. I was amazed how the anxiety went away (temporarily of course) after finishing the drink. A dangerous trap.

