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I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

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    I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

    I had almost expected to slip for the holiday weekend. I am divorced and with the kids spending the weekend at their dad?s, I would be left alone with no real plans. On top of that, my body chemistry was screwed up with a head cold, and the cravings took over for 4 days. It was like I wasn?t taking any supps at all, and that little demon voice kept urging, ?Just one more won?t hurt.? Oh, it hurt, all right. After 2 weeks of abs for weeknights, mods on weekends, I fell completely off the wagon.

    But tonight I am happy to say I am abs again, back to our regular scheduled MWO program. I don?t know if this might repeat, but I am determined to keep on working at it until I get it right. I guess that?s the whole point. It?s not easy, and it takes strength and perseverance. And sometimes patience on the part of our friends.

    Thanks for your support. Even if I don?t hear from you, I know you?re out there. I hear your battle cries as you wage your own war. I have seen you lift your wounded comrades up to offer them solace, even when you were injured yourselves. I have seen the spirit of friendship in a place of anonymity reach a level nothing short of miraculous.

    Thank you for being here, thank you for this site, thank you for letting me make a really sappy speech, even though I am completely sober.

    All best wishes to all of you who are working to better your lives and your health.


    I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

    Hey Kat, ... like I said ... it's a good place to be. Stay with us.



      I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

      Hi Kat,

      Sorry to hear you had a rough time of it, but glad you're better now. You know you're in the right place.

      Lord knows, I've had to pick myself up and dust myself off more times than I care to remember. Hey, somebody forgot to put seat belts in this wagon!!

      "Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance." -- Samuel Johnson (1709 - 1784)


        I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself


        It doesn't matter one jot that you had a small faux pas - SO WHAT !!!
        The main thing is that you are back on track, and it's good that you can talk about it. If we all said everything was honky-dorey all the time, there would be no point in this site. We are all here for each other in times of trouble, that's why it's such a lovely place to be.
        I pop in regularly through the day, when I feel 'the urge' and it does really help..
        So Thanks to everyone here in this wonderful place.
        And WELL DONE Lady..
        My thoughts are with you. :l


        And yes Mike seat belts are a bloody good idea, as well as safety helmets and bubble wrap !!!!
        ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

        Bambs aka Hydrogen

        :h XXX :h


          I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

          Hi Kat,
          You haven't blown it at all. You're on the right track, and each time you step off just step back on where you came off from. No need to go back to the start.
          Happy to be sober since 07 Sept 09.


            I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

            Lots of Empathy

            Hey Kat,

            Those weekends alone can be killers. I've been there, myself, as a single mom. You are right; it takes perseverance, patience, and trying until you get it right. I'm glad you got back on track.

            Oh, and I don't think your post was "sappy" at all!!


            AF as of August 5th, 2012


              I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

              I hear you!

              OK we will lift you up, hold you up! And yes we all don't do it right, 1st time, 2nd time but with each slip when it happens you do learn a little bit more about yourself!
              I am here for you as we are all here for you!
              Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!


                I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

                Kat, you know what is to great about having found this site for me, and I am sensing from you as well, is that when we do slip it is MUCH easier to get back on the bandwagon. NEVER in a million years would I have been on a bender like I was like you over Labor Day and then have gone AF last night which I did and that was without a whole lot of thought. I just know I MUST have 2-4 days AF right now a week and keep slowly increasing those days. Those are huge accomplishments, just like your two great weeks. Do not think of it as starting over. In fact I was so proud of myself last night when I could say I have not had a drink in five out of the last nine days. That's big. I hope you are feeling better about things today!!!!
                I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                  I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

                  Hi there Rosecat,

                  What you said wasn't sappy but really beautiful - I like Bambino and I guess everyone else visit this place rather than reaching for the corkscrew and find posts like yours keep me going. This is a journey worth making not an easy ride....and yeah all the safety gear would be great!!! Alas we sometimes fall but it is amongst friends who will stop to help you back on your feet.

                  Holidays can be hell but it must be a good while till the next?!


                    I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself

                    HI Kat, I was also two weeks abs (planned on 90 days) when I fell. Its good to know their are people here who are supportive. All I know is that I feel a lot better when I don't drink. I also turn to the alcohol when I am lonely. I'm joining you in your effort to stay with this program and have more sober days than not. This is hard, yet it helps to know we are not alone in our struggles. Keke


                      I Blew It Too, Even Though I Expected More From Myself


                      Thanks, all, for your support. I can?t tell you how scared I was in saying those words, even ?anonymously.? I have always been fearful of being judged less than adequate. Even being ignored pains me. But I came here for support, and found exactly what I needed to help me move forward and I can?t tell you how much it means to me.

                      Today is not day 2, as you say Sobermum, but day 14 AF since beginning the program. One day at a time.

                      You guys are great!


