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Hiya all... and question for RJ

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    Hiya all... and question for RJ

    Howdy from France
    I'm an "old-timer"! I can't believe it's been a year since I discovered MWO and RJ and all my friends that gave me the support I needed to get my act together. But here I am, a year later, still sober, no slip ups after my first one about three weeks into the program. I'm still faithfully taking my All One but other than that, no more supplements or meds. I guess I'll never, ever say "I'm out of the woods" because I don't think we ever really are : I know I'll always have to be vigilent. But to say that my life has completely changed would be an understatement. I am just so, so grateful.

    I've come a long way this year and now need some advice from you, RJ, and from anyone else who cares to give it! I know I told some of you back awhile ago that I was interested in E.F.T. (a form of energy therapy) and I have been toying with the idea of using it to help others. But, you know, the people I would REALLY like to help are people like us... closet alcoholics (at least we think we are) who need to get a grip on their drinking.

    RJ... I would really love to create an affiliate of MWO, but in French. Is it possible? Any legal complications? I'm a big novice in creating websites, but I am more and more thinking of this possibility, as well as creating a site/practice using E.F.T. as well as the other methods in MWO to help other drinkers.

    Can you let me know, RJ, what my possibilities of doing this are?

    And any or all help from others would be greatly appreciated! As I said, I'm a novice and need practical advice on how to get started.

    Hope everyone is doing well... for all the newbies, please know that this really does work! And for the old-timers like me, hope you are all doing just fine!


    Hiya all... and question for RJ

    More Info...

    Anne - this concept sounds very interesting! Can you explain what it is to those of us who are unfamiliar?

    Trish In Omaha

    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
    Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
    : Humility.

    "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood


      Hiya all... and question for RJ

      Anne, I am scheduled to see a therapist who specializes in EFT in a couple of weeks. I am very, very excited. I tried it one day on myself at home, not fully but partially and I liked how I felt. Did you have a lot of success with it for your drinking? Congratulations big time on your sobriety.

      Trish, check out this webstite. You can download the instruction manual on the process for free. It sounds a little wacky but basically it is providing acupuncture to yourself without using the needles but rather a tapping technique. It was mentioned here on the site a while ago which is how I discovered it. RJ said that another person on here had such success using it that she is now a therapist teaching it. As I understand it, it helps to alleviate the anxiety which is behind most issues such as addiction, depression, etc., so you can deal with things easier. Surfer2 is the member who told me about it. If he/she is reading this I would love an update on how he/she has done with it.....
      I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


        Hiya all... and question for RJ

        wonderful Anne!

        sounds like it is time for RJ to think about franchising in different languages!

        I use to do EFT on the temples of my sons when they were quite small and too excited for whatever the reason to go to sleep. It really seemed to work! A doctor at one of the dental conventions I helped plan down in the VI came and talked on that subject. I immediately loved the idea!

        Best to you!


          Hiya all... and question for RJ

          Hi Anne!

          Nice to hear from you Anne! I was just thinking about some of the old-timers. I am closing in on a year ago that I discovered MWO as well. I didn't do quite as well as you, but not bad. However I'm not taking any of the supps any longer because of some other medical issues. I have been sober over 60 days now and had a couple long spurts of several weeks throughout the past year.



            Hiya all... and question for RJ

            Anne, excellent idea and congratulations on your continued abs. I can't speak for RJ, but I know that she has a link for affiliates and some information for creating your own website, sharing about the MWO site, and links to her site and the health store to purchase the supplements. I'm sure that she would love to have you create a translated site.

            And it sounds like some people haven't seen the free EFT manual which teaches you how to do it yourself. I believe it's still in her research section at the top of the site. Otherwise, you can contact me and I'll send you the link to download the manual and review the complete EFT site. It's been quite interested to use it on myself.

            I believe RJ is on vacation right now but I'm sure she'll answer as soon as she returns.

            Good luck!


              Hiya all... and question for RJ


              How wonderful to hear from you. It's been a long time! Glad to know you're doing well.

              (Yes, back from a trip, playing catch up, and trying to get to this all day!)

              I certainly wouldn't object to a French MWO affiliate site. In fact, as CV mentioned, I do/did have an affiliate link on our estore, but we've had to remove it while working out some bugs in our ordering system. However, I have been contacted by a number of individuals who are anxious to share their MWO success with others or introduce it within another context (like you, perhaps with an emphasis on EFT and in French.) I'm sure there are endless niche markets out there for which MWO would be an excellent fit.

              So yes, absolutely, we'd be interested in this and do plan to get an affiliate program off the ground soon. It's very popular on the net right now. Essentially, it would allow others to set up a website, promote the program, point to our links and also sell MWO products if they're interested in doing so (for which they earn a commission.) It works great, because site owners are not required to stock inventory or handle order processing. Instead, they simply install a small piece of code on their home page which tracks all visits and sales.

              Please get in touch with me via private message and we can get moving. You may have a local web developer in mind, but if not, we recommend a service called Elance for those who wish to contract out their websites (you submit specs and in return, companies from all over the world bid on your job. You then select one based on their portfolio, price and reviews.) Another really good option is, formerly Interland. They provide reasonably priced web hosting and development services using attractive templates, so you don't need to know any HTML.

              Thanks again for re-connecting, I'm so happy to hear from you. Also love this idea, particularly since I don't parle pas fran?ais!

              Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                Hiya all... and question for RJ

                As a newbie (less than a month on the program), I have some questions for you, Anne. I have been curious about what to expect in the long term. Can you share your MWO experience with us on this site? Did you take Topamax, and if so, for how long? What happened when you stopped? Do you drink moderately or did you choose to abstain?

                I can think of so many other questions. Maybe you would consent to an interview with RJ and allow her to post it on the blog for all to read for inspiration. You sound like a success story we could all aspire to! At present, I have short term goals for the program, but I would also like to know I could have some successful longer-range goals.

                How about it, RJ? Think you could work something out?


                  Hiya all... and question for RJ



                  What an excellent idea (and Anne, I hope you're up for it.)

                  I'm still in touch privately with a few "early adopters", but they rarely visit the board any more. I agree it would be really helpful to gather information from others who have been there--clearly it's one of the topics of most interest around here.

                  Maybe I can come up with a templated list of questions and then post the interviews on the blog, as you suggested. Hopefully, we can attract the attention of some of old timers who may be lurking, but not posting.

                  I'll probably do this *after* we migrate from our current web host, who had yet another node failure this morning, resulting in hours of message board down time. I won't mention any names (JAGUARPC JAGUARPC JAGUARPC), but they continue to provide the most dreadful service imaginable.

                  Hello again Anne, and thanks for the wonderful suggestion, Rosekat!

                  Help keep our forum strong--make a contribution to My Way Out. Or show your support by becoming a Subscriber and enjoy enhanced features, as well!


                    Hiya all... and question for RJ

                    Thanks to everybody

                    Hi again y'all,
                    Thanks for the encouragement from everyone and from you, RJ. We can get in touch next week by private mail or whenever you have the time, I have so many questions! And of course, this may go slowly at first : I work in a bank during the day so I'll have to do this in the evenings and on weekends, translate things, etc... But I'm excited! I've been thinking about this for months and months, and feel ready to step out and try to actually DO something!

                    Hey MeMarcie, good to hear from you too! And congratulations on all you've accomplished. You know, I think it's important to let everyone know that we can slip up, but what is important is getting back up and continuing on. Whether abstinence or moderation is your goal, it's not always a piece of cake. But it is SO worth doing. I think that the main thing that kept me from drinking, especially in the beginning when the cravings were still there, was thinking about my hangovers. Whenever I would have an urge to drink, I would try to put myself in that place, the next morning, when my head would be splitting, I would have the GI's, my mouth would be sour, and I would feel ashamed and physically sick all day. And sad that I had blown it, once again. I know not everybody has these symptoms, but that really helped me to stay on track. You know, I'm convinced that after the first few days or weeks, the physical cravings that we have are in our minds, and the trick is working on your mind, making substitutions, attacking the monster from all sides, u:crossed: :crossed: ntil habit has settled in.

                    RJ, send me a message in my mailbox as soon as things have calmed down with your server host problems.
                    I'm really excited, I would love to offer this solution, as well as the supplements etc, to the people over here. France as well has a very high alcoholism rate (hey! the wine is great!) and many problems with drunk driving. Now I'll have to figure out how to get hypno tapes (I had contacted James back about 6 months ago to find out if he was perhaps bilingual or knew someone who was... he isn't....or maybe adapt them into French using my own voice, who knows? Oh, the woes of being a novice!) Anyway, one step at a time. I'll keep everybody informed as I go along. It looks like I'm going to start a new adventure... and boy, am I excited!


