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9331st place!

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    9331st place!

    That's what place I took for my first ever race!:H
    I'm sure as most of you know and many of you have asked on chat:thanks: , I ran a 1/2 Marathon over Labor Day weekend. I wasn't going to post about it, because I started thinking that running is all I ever talk about any more and you guys are probably getting pretty bored of it!!!
    HOWEVER, you have all been so incredibly supportive and many have contributed extremely generously to the Team in Training program, and now every time I get on chat, people ask "Becca, how was your run?" It's awesome and heartwarming! It was my warm up run before my "real" run on Oct 22nd.

    So I'll give a little summary of how it went. You can read it if you want, and if not, that's ok too! I love ya still!
    We got to Virginia Beach at 5am on Sat. after driving over 12 hours through some rain. Not too bad though, considering the torrential storm that had gone through (Ernesto!). We slept a few hours, then headed to the Race Expo on Sunday. Holy lots of people. Got our race numbers, timing chips, etc. Bought this stuff called "Gu" that's like a shot of carbs, calories, aminos that you take when you are getting tired, say at mile 6 and mile 10 or so (a half Marathon is 13.1 miles). Went to a sports bar to watch the Buckeyes whoop a$$. Drank water and gatorade only, I promise! Walked around the beach and the boardwalk and checked out parts of the course. What a beautiful oceanfront, if you have never been. Not a lot of high class stuff there--very touristy and a lot of junk stores, etc., but the beach is awesome. Had our pasta dinner along with a seafood buffet that night! yum! I did have one glass of wine because I was so nervous I thought I was gonna puke. Just wanted to calm down and enjoy the moment... oh, and SLEEP that night! Which I did not.
    I tossed and turned until 4:30 when our alarms went off....
    5:15am in the car on the way to the shuttle to the start line. Nervous nervous nervous!!! We all drank lots of water and gatorade, ate Cliff and Power Bars like true Athletes! By just after 6 we were at the Virginia Beach Convention Center for the start. There were people doing little sprints and stretching muscles like crazy. I kinda lunged a few times, stretched my calves and my back...heart racing, head spinning.

    Over 21,000 people had registered for this race! It was insane! We were corralled for a "wave" start, with the Elite runners from Kenya, Ethiopia, China, etc. starting at 6:45. Wheelchairs started before that, with the most famous being Team Hoyt--Dick and Rick Hoyt. You may have heard of that father and son team, where he pushes his son the entire way on these races. They were there and completed this race! Talk about an inspiration.

    By the time our corral got to the start line, it was 7:25. "Corral 17--GO!" The horn blew, and I was off with the 16 000 people in front of me and the 5000 people behind me. There were 14 bands on the course (hence "Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon"), and about 20 cheerleading squads from local high schools to keep you going. Also, the local neighborhoods came dressed up and cheering, often squirting water at you (YAY!) or playing music. The first about 8 miles went really well. I did have to stop and pee once that took a few minutes cuz there was a line. Hubby had to stop THREE TIMES to go to the bathroom,... one time, he actually had to well... you know.... let's just say he ended up renaming our Gu "poo".

    Miles 9 and 10 sucked because it was hot and on this long stretch where I knew we turned around at 37th st. I was at 5th st. and counted every dang street was hot and there was no shade and only 1 water station. I got light headed and thought I was gonna hyperventilate so I walked for a few minutes. Ah, water station. Drank the first one, took another one and dumped it on my head, then good to go again.

    Turned for the final 2 miles along the boardwalk along the beach! SO much cheering and encouragement, but at this point, you kinda wanna go "shut the hell up, I'm tired and soaking wet and I can see the finish line but it's still TWO MILES AWAY". Sorry, that sounds mean, but it's true! My best words of encouragement came from someone who had already finished. She was wearing her medal already and she shouted "COME ON! THE FASTER YOU GO, THE FASTER YOU'LL BE DONE!" That did it. I was off and running the distance, watching my watch because I really wanted to do it in under 2 1/2 hours.

    Finish line! A guy collapsed behind me. There were several people in a medical tent. But they pushed us through, got us water, an icy cold towel...ahhhhhh., and our medals! We got free sandals, food, and were able to go down to the beach to go in the ocean. The beach was scattered with a mixture of people passed out and others celebrating their accomplishments with icy beers!

    What a rush! Seriously, I'm still on a high. It was awesome. I'm so motivated to do even better in San Fran, and here's finally where the drinking thing comes in! Once again, can't do that kind of thing when you're hungover. Can't train when you're drunk. And I WILL train.

    My finish time was 2:27:56. I have a couple numb toes, and had to lift my legs into the car with my hands the next day, but I'm ok now. Yoga/stretch/strenth today, hill training tomorrow!!

    That was really long, but now I don't have to keep interrupting chat to answer your extremely thoughtful questions! Of course, I have pix if anyone wants to see them:H Oh, actually, go to
    for actual official race pix.

    I'm done jabbering on about it now! Back to supporting everyone else. Until san fran...

    LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:h

    9331st place!

    Sounds awsome Becca !!

    Its good to hear that you enjoyed the moment and believe meI can relate to the no sleeping thing. I used to run at a lot of the local runs in my area, and every night before race day, I just couldn't relax. I drink booze the night before which is so stupid. Good for you !! What would be more difficult is not induldging in the ice cold brew after the race. It sounds like you handled yourself like a pro. Best of Luck training.

    P.S I actually love hearing about your training and brings back a lot of fond memories for me. 10K is about my limit these days. My feet hurt me awful any more. I am flat footed and its gotten worse from all the road races I used to compete in, but how I miss the feeling after those long runs !! So keep me posted



      9331st place!

      Becca, I LOVE IT!!
      You're such a good writer.... I think I was sweating and panting by the time I finished reading your post! I'm so proud of you! Sounds like a blast if you are in shape for it. My max is five miles with cheat walks here and there...LOL! I wish I could come cheer you on in San Francisco!

      So glad you are doing this Becca. I know it must be doing tons for not only yourself and your personal goals, but the cause is so admirable as well, and as you know, very dear to my heart.

      Thanks a ton!
      Love Ya,
      What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


        9331st place!

        Very dear to mine too. I thank you for my friend Lucy. :l
        Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


          9331st place!

          OH BECCA!!! AWESOME!!!

          We are all so PROUD of YOU!!

          Hugs and Love,

          PS: I have a tough time doing that many miles on my stationary bike on low! Damn you are GOOD!!


            9331st place!

            RIGHT ARM Becca!! I'm SOOO proud of you!! I used to run XX in High School... but that was a loooong time ago!! And my old knees don't hold up so well anymore...
            You didn't mention...did ya kick yer hubby's butt?:H
            Such an awsome event and cause to run for! You're my idol!:l :h ..Judie
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              9331st place!

              Hey Becca,

              I'm not usually at a loss for words, but I fear that I would sound like an idiot coming up with all the superlative things that I want to say about your stellar accomplishment!!!

              Stupendous? Awesome? Total butt-kickingly achingly wonderful?


              BECCA R0CKS!!!!!!!

              Lots of love, Babe!:l :h :good: :wd:

              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                9331st place!

                Congratulations. You were running for us, too!


                  9331st place!

                  You guys are so much encouragement right back at me!!! It goes both ways, trust me! OK, a couple clarifications though:
                  -Brian, ummm, I DID indulge in the icy cold beer AFTER hydrating with good stuff and eating an orange and resting a while. Hey, I'm no saint.
                  -Patty and Allie, I am still running for your loved ones lost and still here. I had an idea after seeing a person who did this at the race, if you guys are not opposed. The people with the Team in Training jerseys (I'll be wearing one in San Fran. They are bright purple) had a lot of writing, pictures, dedications etc. on the jerseys. One of the girls in front of me had pictures of people with their first names pinned to her back. I got tears in my eyes, thinking "those people must give her wings".
                  So anyone who had told me before that they have friends, family, loved ones with Leukemia/Lymphoma who had beaten it, or who had sadly lost their battle and I am doing this run in their honor, If you want, if you are comfortable with it, I would be honored to wear their name or picture on my jersey for the race. Private message me, and send me a picture, or just the name... I'll figure something out. I'm creative like that. They will be pinned or written on my jersey. I have even considered dedicating miles to certain people. You have no idea how much motivation this is. I was thinking to write the names and their corresponding miles on a bracelet and wearing that thru the race for added incentive.

                  And of course, I think about ALL of us here at MWO when I run. Truly. The friendships and support are like none I've ever seen. I used to not be able to do 2 miles. Now this.


                  Thanks again for the wonderful feedback, and get back with me on those names, pictures, dedications.


                    9331st place!

                    Becca you are making me cry. But for a good reason, but you know I'm emotional basketcase anyway right now. I have a picture I can send, so I'll get it to you. You are awesome.

                    Love you,
                    What happens in Vegas goes straight to Ohio....


                      9331st place!

                      Lil sis;

                      You go girl! I'm cheering you on in spirit..Three squat thrusts!!!...Ok maybe two..:h



                        9331st place!

                        Brandy dear!
                        I remember "Lunge one, lunge two" way back in ... march? april?. We go way back sista! That's amazing! You encouraged me then, and it was great to see your message just now. But now it's SQUAT THRUSTS??
                        WHOA. That sounds like quite a maneuver. Your husband must be a happy man. AAAA ha ha ha ha!:k
                        Luv ya, Brandy!
                        Thanks for the message.


                          9331st place!

                          Becca- 1st or 9331st, we love you just the same!:l


                            9331st place!

                            Damn that is a nice msg from B!


                              9331st place!

                              Congrats, Becca!

                              Congratulations, Becca, for coming in with the top 50th percentile! That is just AMAZING for your first race!!! YOU ROCK!!!

                              Personally, I'm glad you had the celebratory beer after the race. You deserved it. You held it to a tight minimum BEFORE the race, in spite of the fact you were in a BAR with your hubby & bro-in-law (how supportive are THEY?), you exercised great control, and you ran the race YOUR way. Your kids have so much to be proud of, Mom!

                              I know you will be great on October 22nd and we'll all be thinking of you. Of course we will. We are all invested!

                              Keep on training, Becca! We?re with you, every step of the way!


