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The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

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    The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

    I really must get on here in the evenings - sociable little bunch you are.

    Bets - how you feeling today?? Embrace the soreness and know that it's all your muscle fibres rejoining and growing BIGGER (or something like that) Ah yes, the simplicity of the dark art that is Pump belies (sp?) it's amazing ability to make you stronger, more toned and fitter. May you grow healthy and strong - like the tomato plants (I think that's where G was heading!)
    I was sad to hear Oney left - haven't ducked into the Army thread yet - but she made some good friends here and I'm sure they'll keep in touch.
    Exciting news:I had a mango for brekkie this morning....this is only the 2nd mango I've had in 3yrs!!!!!(Bought one in NZ once for $6!!) Was heaven but the rugrats decided that mango was their favourite thing at the same time, so actually I had a 3rd of a mango - bless 'em.
    Not so exciting news: Against my better judgement I went to my mothers hairdresser yesterday...not happy Jan. She kinda got the front right but the back is a bit too matronly for me...I've never had short hair...until now that is. Oh well, it grows....

    Anyway, enough about me let's talk about you...what do you think of me??!!! Ha

    Big smoochies and happy days to all

    The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

    Peeky Boo Angel and all of you other units,
    Excellent thread starting, my dear.
    Yep, come on of a night if you can placate the children long enough. We all tend to at least try to check in of a night.
    Well, I have a hugely hugely ??....busy day on. Have to rebuild this place and myself after the tradesman smorgasboard, and run around in ever decreasing concentric circles acheiving all manner of inane tasks.
    Seeya tonight I hope folks.
    Bridge XXX
    If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
    Rejoined life 20/5/19


      The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

      Ah the tradesmen - nice, enjoy.


        The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

        Morning Angel & Bridge - Bridge - a really good site is RENOVATE FORUM. Lots of good women there.

        Off to enjoy the day's adventures.


          The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

          Morning all.

          Angel - am not as bad as I expected, mostly quads and pecs, am going to do cardio today, so I might feel it tomorrow.

          Did I mentionI have tomato seedlings?? How big do they get before I separate them out? (am sure there's a technical term for it).

          I have a coffee date at ten, so am off to walk the dogs in peak dog walking hour, I usually avoid this because the Italian Greyhound sometimes loses the plot when he sees other dogs. He has a special aversion to fluffy ones. Generally he ends up spinning from his harness a couple of feet off the ground. Ah well, its entertainment for the locals.


          Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



            The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

            Good Morning all
            All this talk about pump makes me feel quite lazy !!!!!!!
            Bridge good luck with the cleaning up after the tradesmen....they can be such messy sods cant they?
            I suppose im lucky as my hubbie is my tradesman and I have taught him well, he always cleans up after himself (well usually)
            Well Ive got an exciting day cleaning my bathrooms and if I am lucky I might even do some ironing...whoppeee.....
            At least my eldest has gone back to school today I only have the brat urmmm I mean youngest one to deal with today
            Hope you all have a grand day
            :dancin: enguin:
            starting over


              The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

              was it my excitement about tomato seedlings that scared everyone away?.......
              Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



                The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

                Betts - I believe the safe time to transplant is when you have three sets of double leaves on each little baby plant.

                I think they're all just naturally scared.


                  The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

                  Even though I am terrified, I thought it might be nice to pop in and say G'day.

                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug



                      The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

                      I look outside and think I am in the UK, the weather here is horriable, it has'nt stopped raining all day.
                      Well bathrooms are now clean but I decided to do my kitchen instead of the ironing, and thats my lot for today, I would love to clean my lounge but my feet are killing me plus all the boys are at school tomorrow so I will be able to get it done then.
                      I think I will upset my boys and shove them off the wii game so that I can watch a bit of telly
                      Hope you are having a great day/evening
                      :dancin: enguin:
                      starting over


                        The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

                        Hello, All

                        Just a quick SAFFA look-in.

                        Hope all are well :-)
                        I'll do whatever it takes
                        AF 21/08/2009


                          The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

                          Hi all
                          Just popping in for a bit before the kids have to go to bed plus I am going to watch the greatest race, I love that program
                          How is everyone?
                          Thats if anyone is here.......
                          :dancin: enguin:
                          starting over


                            The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

                            Hi Ronnie I just sat through 'BRATZ' Super Stylin for the umpteenth time!!!! something disturbing about my daughter saying"I want a button nose like Angel" when the BRATZ chicks dont have noses! Should show her photos of nose jobs gone wrong.... lots out there including mine after my dear brother gave me one when I was 8. Hope you are well how many kids you got ronnie are they at BRATZ age (7)? Work is bustin my kenackers at the moment but otherwise good (thank god for Baclofen) Anyway have to get back to makin said daughters lunch I have to "cut some cheese" so to speak.


                              The NextDay Thread Thurs 19th Aug

                              Evening folk's!
                              All's well here. Hope everyone is safe, feeling positive, and sober..........

                              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-

