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an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

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    an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

    I came across this on a recovery site I frequent...found some humor in it?? but mostly shame and guilt. While I wasn't much of a hider myself, my husband definately is ( I think he worries he will have to share?). For me, when it comes to this in my drinking career, it was time to take some serious action.

    Hiding Bottles

    See what you think...

    Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. --Confucius

    an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?



      an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

      For my style behavior, those places were far to unaccessable. I preferred quick and easy and quiet.
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

        As the golfpro I can advice any golfers out there keep your clubs in the trunk of the car at all times. That is a good place for a stash in case of emergencies. You can always tell the spouse you and the boys were just having a few shots on the course. Just kidding.


          an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

          oh my can I relate to this


            an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

            Especially about trying to find the hiding spot


              an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

              I have so much less stress not having to do that! I actually used to worry what the garbage man really thought about my recycle bin. I made up stories in my head about having a big party, or a bunch of frat boys living here, in case anyone asked. YIKES!!
              ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

              AUGUST 9, 2009


                an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

                It can be exhausting remembering which store to go to and which clerk hasn't seen me before. I could have used an excel spreadsheet.

                Everything I need is within me!


                  an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?


                  I started hiding the bottles when my hubby said, "No more!!" and I wasn't ready for "No more!!."

                  I decanted into empty mouthwash bottles, etc. He always caught me, though. There was no hiding place good enough he couldn't find it.

                  I am free of that and feel so much better that I am not putting him through that. It was a horrible situation for a marriage.

                  I did have to laugh at the inability to find the bottles we hid while drunk and couldn't find afterwards. It was so frustrating.

                  Thank you for the link. It is good to remember one of the reasons to get out of this lifestyle.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

                    It's embarrising when you can relate to the entire HIDING BOTTLES article
                    Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                    And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                    • Yesterday is History
                      Today is a Mystery
                      Tomorrow is a GIFT


                      an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?


                      So true.
                      Blushing while I type this.
                      I had a friend who used to hide hers in the washing machine because her husband never went near it!

                      Thank God that's over.

                      J xxx
                      AF since 7/7/2009
                      It could be worse, I could be filing.
                      AF since 7/7/2009


                        an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

                        Yes I can relate. Weirdly enough, when I was at my worst I didn't care about buying alcohol from the same place all the time. I just didn't care and I thought I would eventually die from drink. I used to buy 3 litre-bottles of gin at once from the offy.

                        However now that I'm on the road to recovery if I do have a bad weekend where I binge, I will agonise over where to go to buy it, as I feel the shame now that I'm supposed to be getting better.

                        And the hiding of bottles - oh yes. The furstration the next morning when I have needed a hair of the dog and hid the bottle from my partner so well, that I didn't even know where it was!! And then I'd find it a week later in my wardrobe or hidden behind a pile of books or under the kitchen sink!!

                        It makes you think if we put the determination we used when doing all this into another 'healthy' project, we'd all be millionaires etc ;-)
                        Recovery Coaching website

                        "Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending." - Carl Bard wl:

                        Recovery Videos


                          an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

                          I had to laugh at that.

                          A friend of mine did both the washing machine an toilet cistern, but hubby discovered both.

                          Another friend (yes, I have many alcoholic friends) used to bury hers in the garden- then the following morning had to dig the whole garden in a frenzy to uncover her stash.

                          I myself was always amazed at how quickly those little cans became a huge mountain that was incredibly difficult to dispose off.


                            an article on hiding bottles...can this be so?

                            Yikes. Yep. Check. Done that, too. Short of slashing the car seat... I can relate.

                            Phew. Glad, that's over.
                            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                            Winning since October 24th, 2013

