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What is your life's purpose?

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    What is your life's purpose?

    I think we all have a purpose in life that we were destined to achieve, some sooner rather than later I expect! My years of substance abuse, I thought, was the life experience that would help me obtain and further my own purpose in life. But on reflection and a lot of help from, shall we say, spiritual intervention I have realised this is not where my destiny lies. I've made some major decisions recently to follow a more transpersonal route with my own healing and in doing so have made the decision to hand in my volunteer position as a drugs/alcohol support worker.

    I think we are all born with psychic abilities and a pure sense of spirit but through our conditioning in society and the family unit (as early as 2 years old) I think we loose that ability very quickly. Upon rediscovery of my own abilities I have realised that my path lies within that area. As yet, I don't know where exactly, but the spiritual journey is definitely the right path for me. I know intuitively inside in my heart that this 'calling' is one I need to follow.

    So my question is "What is your's?". I think we all had dreams of what we wanted to acheive with our lives before addiction got it's grubby little hands round our souls. I've realised anything is possible in this life but nothing will change if I don't make the changes myself to become all that I can be.

    Peace and Love
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009

    What is your life's purpose?

    To procreate and die ! ha! ( Just kidding Ha! ) IAD.
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      What is your life's purpose?

      Great post and I could not agree more. I too have been sensitive to my psychic abilities for years but over two decades of AL abuse has severely numbed me from that quality. No doubt, one of the reasons for my abuse has got to be this spinning my wheels, unsure what my life's purpose is. It sure as hell isn't to binge drink on a semi-regular basis!

      In my teens and early twenties I focused hard on my music talents, singing in a band and quite nearly making it big. After some personal tragedies hit, the band and my singing career derailed. Since then, I've been a graphic designer and very lucky to have good friends and a great family. Still, something is missing. I do enjoy the creative side of things, art, design, music, et al...But I just don't seem fulfilled, as if I have completely forgotten my life plan I agreed to before I got here (which I have).

      I know making money isn't the goal, it's helping others. I can do that in small ways but until I really find my purpose, that KEY thing I'm supposed to do with my life...

      ...Thy wheels continue to spin.


        What is your life's purpose?

        Hello hippie, zeta, IAD-

        I don't know what my purpose is. I don't know if I'll know what it is until I'm not here, and then who knows? I always go with the flow, so to speak, I just try to go towards a more positive vibration now.

        I think people who are more intuitive or creative are more open to "other realms", while at the same time more open to various addictions. We may be more open minded about a lot of things, but must learn to distinguish between the positive and negative energies, which, particularly when we're young, doesn't always happen.

        Right now I just try to stay in tune with the universe while keeping one foot in front of the other here in this incarnation. The purpose is revealed step by step maybe? I know just coming here has opened my eyes to how similar on the inside all of of us are (but then we all have something in common). You got me thinking anyway.

        It's great to talk to other creative types. Sometimes "regular" people don't get me.

        MUCH LOVE!!!
        ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

        AUGUST 9, 2009


          What is your life's purpose?

          IAD;697382 wrote: To procreate and die ! ha! ( Just kidding Ha! ) IAD.
          IAD- I don't know your total purpose in life, but keeping me laughing has got to be part of it!
          You're also definitely very creative!
          ​​Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our mind ~ Bob Marley ~ Redemption Song

          AUGUST 9, 2009


            What is your life's purpose?

            I think that we are conceived in total darkness and darkness – both physical and metaphysical – is our ground state. At birth there is light. Each individual perceives the light in some way, shape, or form but that perception is different for each person. Although people tend to cluster together in their perceptions (meaning that most people perceive the light in a similar fashion), no two people perceive it alike. There are always outliers who perceive the light very differently from the majority and they are not “wrong”, they are different.

            Yet we must draw a distinction between “perception” and “reality”. Reality is what something actually is, its’ essence, its’ essential qualities. Essential qualities are basic elements of a thing such that if you removed any essential quality, you cease to have that thing. A practical example of essential qualities is water. Water has two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen. If you remove any one atom, you no longer have water as we know it.

            Perception, however, is reality filtered through the human senses. For humans at or near the ground state, perception is reality. The clustering effect that I mentioned above is due to the fact that all humans have (more or less) the same senses thus we perceive in a similar fashion and realize things in a similar fashion. As we ascend to higher consciousness, we come to better understand the distinction between perception and reality.

            Thus it should be clear from the above that reality is immutable but perception is relative.

            I could go on for hours (and I love discussions like this) but there is only so much time and space.



              What is your life's purpose?

              Hi Hippy.
              Mine is making music, and al has not been strong enough to stop that happening, but it has really put a dampner on me getting the music out there. I am also a people person, and have, and always will be involved in some way, with folk's who might need a hand up, wherever i go.
              Phil, do you have the lotto number's for this weekend?
              Best wishes...........

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                What is your life's purpose?

                Hi Hip
                Mine is to engage in the process of making art. It's been a driving force all of my life..the alcohol, my spiritual journey and creativity have been trying to purge it out of me for 50 years. I have just very recently surrendered to it and made it my number one priority..not a big surprise that I've had a particularly challenging week with alcohol..seems something in me is afraid of what actually living my purpose will do to my life. Despite the transgressions, I've never been as at peace than I have been since I finally stopped resisting my purpose and finally gave myself permission to honor it. Wish me luck! I happily finished a painting this week...this is huge for me since my struggle has had me blocked for some time.
                It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


                  What is your life's purpose?

                  I hope you read my message Phil. I too am very spiritual. I believe we lead our own destiny. But disturbances come our way. There are so many times in this stange ole life we are put in...where we have to make descisions. Im sure we all make bad ones, but as long as you have a core running through your life...a core core is like a tight rope that a gymnast has to walk on...its a core...meaning...u know where u stand in this life. I walk on it precariously, I might fall off occassionally but Its there i know where i am. I just wanted to tell u that...because I think your ok and Im so glad about your healing. You r the best my friend...!!! I luv ya Bella XXXX


                    What is your life's purpose?

                    Oh, I'm a graphic designer as well...studied fine art when I was young, later went back to school to keep up with the design industry and took some more painting classes..being a dingle mom for a while put me in survival mode, but I am happy to say that I never gave up in painting and have kept alive. In 2000 I applied for an artist residency and was accepted..that was a big step for me and marked the beginning of my journey back to myself as an artist.
                    It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


                      What is your life's purpose?

                      Correction: I was a single mom for a while, not a dingle mom, although my kids my tell you I was dingy at times, and that would be a fair statement for them to make.
                      It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


                        What is your life's purpose?

                        Oh by the way..."My dream" was always to live in a cottage that had roses around the front door.. Ive got it. But you u know what?...I was happy until i spoke to you....ha ha.....I now want more. X


                          What is your life's purpose?

                          seems something in me is afraid of what actually living my purpose will do to my life.

                          namaste I think fear is what held me back for so long. It's almost like I knew what I needed to do but for some reason I didn't want to listen to that voice inside because it meant change and the unknown. I've always had this fear of being ridiculed for my beliefs or that other people were better than me. So that fear kept me listening to my head and not my higher self and ultimately I ended up going round in circles through my years in addiction.

                          I am a musician myself guitarista and it was often said to me as a child that I had a gift from god. I had no idea what that meant but I do today. It's almost like I have my own personal phone line to god when I'm playing/listening to music. The most uplifting song I've heard in a long time funnily enough was from Empire of the Sun - Walking on a Dream[/video]]YouTube - Empire of the Sun - Walking On A Dream (HQ) .

                          Thanks too Zeta, dancelot, IAD!!, elpis (truly enlightening stuff thank you!) and Bella for your inputs.

                          Phil xx
                          "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                          Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                            What is your life's purpose?

                            Phil, have you read any of Mathew Fox's work? He wrote a book titled, Creativity: Where the Divine and the Human Meet. Great stuff. He says that "artist fail because they cannot bear the burden of being unique." He has several really good books.
                            It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness. ~ Eleanor Roosevelt


                              What is your life's purpose?

                              I haven't heard of him namaste but after reading that one line ("artist fail because they cannot bear the burden of being unique.") I definitely wanna know more. Thanks! I'm ordering some books early next week of amazon so will add it to my list and let you know how I get on with it.

                              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
                              Clean and sober 25th January 2009

