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From my not very brave heart !

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    From my not very brave heart !

    All my life I have ever wanted is to be loved and acceped, not much to ask , simple really thats what its all about.

    But for me its never been simple I have had this monkey on my back who just when things were going good time and time again lent over my shoulder and sceamed shouted abuse and was generally ugly to who ever was at hand . And do you know that guy was good at what he did he saw off many a lover and friend. He took great joy in bursting that bubble that love puts two people in, how many times have i seen that look in their eye when they said sorry you are a lovely girl but . . . . . . . I just cant do this and no matter how much I said I was sorry begged pleaded they just carried on and walked out the door. And each time that happened and boy did that monkey makes sure it was lots of times, they took a little piece of me away with them, to know you had lost the love of somebody because of your own actions, its like a knife in your heart !
    I know I should have know better i should have taken that monkey by his scrawny neck and rung it but. . . . . only you guy know that its not that easy..... if only it was.

    So here I am alone . . . .

    But do you know what guys I am not down I am doing everything this time to beat that monkey, I think I have him a baclofen head lock at the minute and the little guy is halloring . . . . but he can kick and scream all he likes he is not getting on my back again.

    I am a good person who just happens to have a bad disease ( stole that line from OA) and with the meds, some behaviour modification ( for me a big part of drinking is habit) lots of faith and all you wonderful people I will go on and find happiness in a true and honest way without keep looking over my shoulder for that monkey !!! I am not one to advocate cruelty to animal but that peskie little critter should be strung up for the pain and cruelty he has inflicted on this human !

    Love and best wishes to you all and hope you did not mind me opening my very hurt heart to you all as the damage al has caused me is locked deep within me !

    From my not very brave heart !

    Hi Brave Hearted!

    Like you all's I ever wanted was to be loved and accepted. My perception of love though was very misguided and it's only through re-establishing my own boundaries emotionally (still not there yet completely) that I'm actually starting to love myself first and foremost. When I can learn to love myself unconditionally then I know I can share that with another human being. There is a great book by M Scott Peck called The Road Less Travelled: A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth which I am in the process of reading and is well worth a look.

    Keep opening up your heart that's what we all need to do I believe to get on with our lives. Clear the wreckage of our pasts and move forward with an open and honest heart.

    Peace and Love
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      From my not very brave heart !

      Good for you Brave Heart and for you too Phil. I hope one day we all get that monkey off our back and find the love we all yearn for. And I agree Phil that self love should be our first love, I am finding that difficult.
      Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
      If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
      November 2, 2012


        From my not very brave heart !

        Brave Hearted,

        I agree so much with what our dear Hippie has said. Learning to love yourself is first before you can even begin to love someone else.

        I think all of us want to be loved and accepted for who we are. But until we learn to truly love and accept ourselves for what we are, we can't begin to give love and acceptance to another person. It is when we can love unconditionally that we will be loved unconditionally back.

        Like everything with our addiction, very simple, extremely difficult.

        AF April 9, 2016


          From my not very brave heart !

          Dear Braveheart, Hippie and Wally,

          When I read your posts, I immediately related and wanted to share this quote. Unfortunately, I don't know where it came from.

          "We learn that we are lovable or unlovable from other people. That is why God tells us so many times to love each other."

          MWO has so many loving people--I am so grateful to have found a home here. Sending love your way.
          "Tell me, what do you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver


            From my not very brave heart !

            I think you do have a very brave heart.


